
Decode line into an RDF N-Triple.

pure nothrow @safe @nogc
scope return inout(char)[] line


const x = `<> <> <> .`;
auto nt = x.parseNTriple;
static assert(is(typeof(nt.subject) == immutable(string))); /+ TODO: should be `string` or `const(char)[]` +/
static assert(is(typeof(nt.predicate) == immutable(string))); /+ TODO: should be `string` or `const(char)[]` +/
static assert(is(typeof(nt.object) == immutable(string))); /+ TODO: should be `string` or `const(char)[]` +/
assert(nt.subject == ``);
assert(nt.subjectFormat == SubjectFormat.IRI);
assert(nt.predicate == ``);
assert(nt.object == ``);
assert(nt.objectLanguageCode is null);
assert(nt.objectDataTypeIRI is null);
assert(nt.objectFormat == ObjectFormat.IRI);
const x = `<> <> "Chatham Cup"@en .`;
const nt = x.parseNTriple;
assert(nt.subject == ``);
assert(nt.subjectFormat == SubjectFormat.IRI);
assert(nt.predicate == ``);
assert(nt.object == `Chatham Cup`);
assert(nt.objectLanguageCode == `en`);
assert(nt.objectDataTypeIRI is null);
assert(nt.objectFormat == ObjectFormat.literal);
const x = `<> <> "Chatham Cup" .`;
const nt = x.parseNTriple;
assert(nt.subject == ``);
assert(nt.subjectFormat == SubjectFormat.IRI);
assert(nt.predicate == ``);
assert(nt.object == `Chatham Cup`);
assert(nt.objectLanguageCode is null);
assert(nt.objectDataTypeIRI is null);
assert(nt.objectFormat == ObjectFormat.literal);
const x = `<> <> "2008-10-31"^^<> .`;
const nt = x.parseNTriple;
assert(nt.subject == ``);
assert(nt.subjectFormat == SubjectFormat.IRI);
assert(nt.predicate == ``);
assert(nt.object == `2008-10-31`);
assert(nt.objectLanguageCode is null);
assert(nt.objectDataTypeIRI == ``);
assert(nt.objectFormat == ObjectFormat.literal);
const x = `<> <> "\"In a Lonely Place\"".`;
const nt = x.parseNTriple;
assert(nt.subject == ``);
assert(nt.subjectFormat == SubjectFormat.IRI);
assert(nt.predicate == ``);
assert(nt.object == `\"In a Lonely Place\"`); // to be unescaped
assert(nt.objectLanguageCode is null);
assert(nt.objectDataTypeIRI is null);
assert(nt.objectFormat == ObjectFormat.literal);
const x = `<> <> "16 @ War"@en .`;
auto nt = x.parseNTriple;
assert(nt.subject == ``);
assert(nt.subjectFormat == SubjectFormat.IRI);
assert(nt.predicate == ``);
assert(nt.object == `16 @ War`);
assert(nt.objectLanguageCode == `en`);
assert(nt.objectDataTypeIRI is null);
assert(nt.objectFormat == ObjectFormat.literal);
const x = `<> <> <> .`;
auto nt = x.parseNTriple;
assert(nt.subjectFormat == SubjectFormat.IRI);
assert(nt.subject == ``);
assert(nt.predicate == ``);
assert(nt.object == ``);
assert(nt.objectFormat == ObjectFormat.IRI);

See Also
