
Stack-allocated mutable dstring of maximum length of capacity.

@safe pure
alias MutableDStringN(uint capacity, bool borrowChecked = false) = StaticArray!(char, capacity, borrowChecked)


construct from array may throw

enum capacity = 3;
alias T = int;
alias A = StaticArray!(T, capacity);
static assert(!mustAddGCRange!A);

auto a = A([1, 2, 3].s[]);
assert(a[] == [1, 2, 3].s);

unsafe construct from array

enum capacity = 3;
alias T = int;
alias A = StaticArray!(T, capacity);
static assert(!mustAddGCRange!A);

auto a = A.fromValuesUnsafe([1, 2, 3].s);
assert(a[] == [1, 2, 3].s);

construct from scalars is nothrow

enum capacity = 3;
alias T = int;
alias A = StaticArray!(T, capacity);
static assert(!mustAddGCRange!A);

auto a = A(1, 2, 3);
assert(a[] == [1, 2, 3].s);

static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto _ = A(1, 2, 3, 4); }));

scope checked string

enum capacity = 15;
foreach (StrN; AliasSeq!(StringN// , WStringN, DStringN
			 )) {
	alias String15 = StrN!(capacity);

	typeof(String15.init[0])[] xs;
	assert(xs.length == 0);
	auto x = String15("alphas");

	assert(x[0] == 'a');
	assert(x[$ - 1] == 's');

	assert(x[0 .. 2] == "al");
	assert(x[] == "alphas");

	const y = String15("åäö_åäöå"); // fits in 15 chars
	assert(y.length == capacity);

scope checked string

enum capacity = 15;
foreach (Str; AliasSeq!(StringN!capacity,
						DStringN!capacity)) {
	static assert(!mustAddGCRange!Str);
	static if (hasPreviewDIP1000) {
		static assert(!__traits(compiles, {
					auto f() @safe pure
						auto x = Str("alphas");
						auto y = x[];
						return y;   // errors with -dip1000
1 import std.exception : assertNotThrown;
3 alias T = char;
4 enum capacity = 3;
6 alias A = StaticArray!(T, capacity, true);
7 static assert(!mustAddGCRange!A);
8 static assert(A.sizeof == T.sizeof*capacity + 1);
10 import std.range.primitives : isOutputRange;
11 static assert(isOutputRange!(A, T));
13 auto ab = A("ab");
14 assert(!ab.empty);
15 assert(ab[0] == 'a');
16 assert(ab.front == 'a');
17 assert(ab.back == 'b');
18 assert(ab.length == 2);
19 assert(ab[] == "ab");
20 assert(ab[0 .. 1] == "a");
21 assertNotThrown(ab.insertBack('_'));
22 assert(ab[] == "ab_");
23 ab.popBack();
24 assert(ab[] == "ab");
25 assert(ab.toString == "ab");
27 ab.popBackN(2);
28 assert(ab.empty);
29 assertNotThrown(ab.insertBack('a', 'b'));
31 const abc = A("abc");
32 assert(!abc.empty);
33 assert(abc.front == 'a');
34 assert(abc.back == 'c');
35 assert(abc.length == 3);
36 assert(abc[] == "abc");
37 assert(ab[0 .. 2] == "ab");
38 assert(abc.full);
39 static assert(!__traits(compiles, { const abcd = A('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'); })); // too many elements
41 assert(ab[] == "ab");
42 ab.popFront();
43 assert(ab[] == "b");
45 const xy = A("xy");
46 assert(!xy.empty);
47 assert(xy[0] == 'x');
48 assert(xy.front == 'x');
49 assert(xy.back == 'y');
50 assert(xy.length == 2);
51 assert(xy[] == "xy");
52 assert(xy[0 .. 1] == "x");
54 const xyz = A("xyz");
55 assert(!xyz.empty);
56 assert(xyz.front == 'x');
57 assert(xyz.back == 'z');
58 assert(xyz.length == 3);
59 assert(xyz[] == "xyz");
60 assert(xyz.full);
61 static assert(!__traits(compiles, { const xyzw = A('x', 'y', 'z', 'w'); })); // too many elements
static void testAsSomeString(T)() {
	enum capacity = 15;
	alias A = StaticArray!(immutable(T), capacity);
	static assert(!mustAddGCRange!A);
	auto a = A("abc");
	assert(a[] == "abc");

	import std.conv : to;
	const x = "a".to!(T[]);

foreach (T; AliasSeq!(char// , wchar, dchar
			 )) {


enum capacity = 15;
alias S = StaticArray!(int, capacity);
static assert(!mustAddGCRange!S);

assert(S([1, 2, 3].s[]) ==
	   S([1, 2, 3].s[]));
assert(S([1, 2, 3].s[]) ==
	   [1, 2, 3]);

insertBackMaybe is nothrow @nogc.

alias S = StaticArray!(int, 2);
S s;
assert(s.length == 2);


enum capacity = 15;
alias S = StaticArray!(int, capacity);

assert(S.fromValuesUnsafe([1, 2, 3].s) ==
	   S.fromValuesUnsafe([1, 2, 3].s));

const ax = [1, 2, 3].s;
assert(S.fromValuesUnsafe([1, 2, 3].s) == ax);
assert(S.fromValuesUnsafe([1, 2, 3].s) == ax[]);

const cx = [1, 2, 3].s;
assert(S.fromValuesUnsafe([1, 2, 3].s) == cx);
assert(S.fromValuesUnsafe([1, 2, 3].s) == cx[]);

immutable ix = [1, 2, 3].s;
assert(S.fromValuesUnsafe([1, 2, 3].s) == ix);
assert(S.fromValuesUnsafe([1, 2, 3].s) == ix[]);

assignment from const to immutable element type

enum capacity = 15;
alias String15 = StringN!(capacity);
static assert(!mustAddGCRange!String15);

enum n = 4;
const char[n] _ = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
auto x = String15(_[]);
assert(x.length == 4);
assert(x[] == _);

foreach_reverse (const i; 0 .. n)
	assert(x.takeBack() == _[i]);

borrow checking

enum capacity = 15;
alias String15 = StringN!(capacity, true);
static assert(String15.readBorrowCountMax == 7);
static assert(!mustAddGCRange!String15);

auto x = String15("alpha");

assert(x[] == "alpha");

	auto xw1 = x[];

auto xr1 = (cast(const)x)[];
assert(x.readBorrowCount == 1);

auto xr2 = (cast(const)x)[];
assert(x.readBorrowCount == 2);

auto xr3 = (cast(const)x)[];
assert(x.readBorrowCount == 3);

auto xr4 = (cast(const)x)[];
assert(x.readBorrowCount == 4);

auto xr5 = (cast(const)x)[];
assert(x.readBorrowCount == 5);

auto xr6 = (cast(const)x)[];
assert(x.readBorrowCount == 6);

auto xr7 = (cast(const)x)[];
assert(x.readBorrowCount == 7);

