Keys are stored in a way that they can't be accessed by reference so we allow array (and string) keys to be of mutable type.
AA-style key range.
AA-style key-value range.
Returns a duplicate of this tree. Shallowly duplicates the values in the map case.
Insert element elt.
Insert key with value.
Insert key.
Supports K in this syntax.
Get range over elements whose key starts with keyPrefix. The element equal to keyPrefix is return as an empty instance of the type.
This function searches with policy sp to find the largest right subrange on which pred(value, x) is true for all x (e.g., if pred is "less than", returns the portion of the range with elements strictly greater than value).
Element type.
Radix-Tree with key of type K and value of type V (if non-void).
Radix-tree is also called a patricia trie, radix trie or compact prefix tree.