Not very likely that we are interested in histograms 64-bit precision * Bucket/Bin Counts so pick 32-bit for now.
Shell Command.
Directory Kind.
File Kind.
Set of File Kinds with Internal Hashing.
Maps Files to their tags.
Global Scanner Statistics.
Regular File.
File System Scanner.
Special File (Character or Block Device).
Bit (Content) Status.
Directory Operation Type Code.
Directory Sorting Order.
File Operation Type Code.
File Content Type Code.
How File Kinds are detected.
Language Operator Arity.
Language Operator Associativity.
Key Scan (Search) Context.
Symlink Target Status.
Return true if T is a class representing File IO.
(Cached) Lookup of Directory dirPath.
(Cached) Lookup of File filePath.
Load File System Tree Cache from cacheFile.
Match (Magic) Contents of kind with range.
Match kind with file extension ext.
Match kind with full filename full.
Helper for ofKind.
Save File System Tree Cache under Directory rootDir.
Externally Directory Memoized Calculation of Tree Size. Is it possible to make get any of @safe pure nothrow?
Contents Statistics of a Regular File.
Pair of Delimiters. Used to desribe for example comment and string delimiter syntax.
Language Operator.
Language Operator Alias.
Exception Describing Process Signal.
TODO: Make use parallelism_ex: pmap
TODO: Call filterUnderAnyOfPaths using std.algorithm.filter directly on AAs. Use byPair or use AA.get(key, defaultValue)
TODO: Count logical lines. TODO: Lexers should be loosely coupled to FKinds instead of Files TODO: Generic Token[] and specific CToken[], CxxToken[]
TODO: Don't scan for duplicates inside vc-dirs by default
TODO: Assert that files along duplicates path don't include symlinks
TODO: Implement FOp.deduplicate TODO: Prevent rescans of duplicates
TODO: Defined generalized_specialized_two_way_relationship(kindD, kindDi)
TODO: Visualize hits using existingFileHitContext.asH!1 followed by a table: ROW_NR | hit string in <code lang=LANG></code>
TODO: Parse and Sort GCC/Clang Compiler Messages on WARN_TYPE FILE:LINE:COL:MSGWARN_TYPE and use Collapsable HTML Widgets:
when presenting them
TODO: Maybe make use of
TODO: Calculate Tree grams and bist
TODO: Get stats of the link itself not the target in SymLink constructors
TODO: RegFile with FileContent.text should be decodable to Unicode using either iso-latin1, utf-8, etc. Check std.uni for how to try and decode stuff.
TODO: Search for subwords. For example gtk_widget should also match widget_gtk and GtkWidget etc.
TODO: Support multi-line keys
TODO: Use hash-lookup in txtFKinds.byExt for faster guessing of source file kind. Merge it with binary kind lookup. And check FileContent member of kind to instead determine if it should be scanned or not. Sub-Task: Case-Insensitive Matching of extensions if nothing else passes.
TODO: Detect symlinks with duplicate targets and only follow one of them and group them together in visualization
TODO: Add addTag, removeTag, etc and interface to fs.d for setting tags: --add-tag=comedy, remove-tag=comedy
TODO: If files ends with ~ or .backup assume its a backup file, strip it from end match it again and set backupFlag in FileKind
TODO: Acronym match can make use of normal histogram counts. Check denseness of binary histogram (bist) to determine if we should use a sparse or dense histogram.
TODO: Activate and test support for ELF and Cxx11 subkinds
TODO: Call either File.checkObseleted upon inotify. checkObseleted should remove stuff from hash tables TODO: Integrate logic in clearCStat to RegFile.makeObselete TODO: Upon Dir inotify call invalidate _depth, etc.
TODO: Following command: fs.d --color -d ~/ware/emacs -s lispy -k shows "Skipped PNG file (png) at first extension try". Assure that this logic reuses cache and instead prints something like "Skipped PNG file using cached FKind".
TODO: Cache each Dir separately to a file named after SHA1 of its path
TODO: Add ASCII kind: Requires optional stream analyzer member of FKind in replacement for magicData. ASCIIFile
TODO: Defined NotAnyKind(binaryKinds) and cache it
TODO: Create PkZipFile() in Dir.load() when FKind "pkZip Archive" is found. Use[] from mmfile)
TODO: Scan Subversion Dirs with
TODO: Change order (binHit || allBHist8Miss) and benchmark
TODO: Display modification/access times as: See:$2832$
TODO: Use User Defined Attributes (UDA):$2832$ TODO: Use msgPack @nonPacked when needed
TODO: Limit lines to terminal width
TODO: Create array of (OFFSET, LENGTH) and this in FKind Pattern factory function. Then for source file extra slice at (OFFSET, LENGTH) and use as input into hash-table from magic (if its a Lit-pattern to)
TODO: Verify that "f.tar.z" gets tuple extensions tuple("tar", "z") TODO: Verify that "" gets tuple extensions tuple("so", "1", "2", "3") and "so" extensions should the be tried TODO: Cache Symbols larger than three characters in a global hash from symbol to path
TODO: Benchmark horspool.d and perhaps use instead of std.find
TODO: Splitting into keys should not split arguments such as "a b"
TODO: Perhaps use to visualize stuff
TODO: Make use of @nonPacked in version (msgpack).
File Scanning Engine.
Make rich use of Sparse Distributed Representations (SDR) using Hash Digests for relating Data and its Relations/Properties/Meta-Data.