- inPlural
inout(string) inPlural(inout(string) word, int count, inout(string) pluralWord)
Return string word in plural optionally in count.
- isEnglishAccentedVowel
bool isEnglishAccentedVowel(dchar c)
Check if c is an Accented Vowel.
- isEnglishArticle
bool isEnglishArticle(S s)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isEnglishConsonant
bool isEnglishConsonant(dchar c)
Check if c is a Consonant.
- isEnglishDefiniteArticle
bool isEnglishDefiniteArticle(S s)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isEnglishDoubleConsonant
bool isEnglishDoubleConsonant(const(char)[] s)
Check if s is an English Double consonant.
- isEnglishIndefiniteArticle
bool isEnglishIndefiniteArticle(S s)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isEnglishLetter
bool isEnglishLetter(dchar c)
- isEnglishVowel
bool isEnglishVowel(dchar c)
- isFuture
bool isFuture(Tense tense)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isGermanArticle
bool isGermanArticle(S s)
- isGermanDefiniteArticle
bool isGermanDefiniteArticle(S s)
- isGermanIndefiniteArticle
bool isGermanIndefiniteArticle(S s)
- isIrrealis
bool isIrrealis(Mood mood)
Check if mood is a Irrealis Mood.
- isPast
bool isPast(Tense tense)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isPresent
bool isPresent(Tense tense)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- isRealis
bool isRealis(Mood mood)
Check if mood is a Realis Mood.
- isSpanishAccentedVowel
bool isSpanishAccentedVowel(dchar c)
Check if c is a Spanish Accented Vowel.
- isSpanishVowel
bool isSpanishVowel(dchar c)
Check if c is a Spanish Vowel.
- isSwedishHardVowel
bool isSwedishHardVowel(dchar c)
Check if c is a Swedish hard vowel.
- isSwedishSoftVowel
bool isSwedishSoftVowel(dchar c)
Check if c is a Swedish soft vowel.
- isSwedishVowel
bool isSwedishVowel(dchar c)
Check if c is a Swedish Vowel.
- isVowel
bool isVowel(dchar c, Language lang)
Check if c is a Vowel in language lang.
- lemmatized
inout(S) lemmatized(inout(S) s)
Return s lemmatized (normalized).
- negationIn
string negationIn(Language lang)
TODO: Reuse knet translation query instead.
- adjectiveNounSuffixes
auto adjectiveNounSuffixes;
- adjectiveSuffixes
auto adjectiveSuffixes;
English Adjective Suffixes.
- allNounSuffixes
auto allNounSuffixes;
Undocumented in source.
- englishAccentedVowels
dchar[] englishAccentedVowels;
- englishArticles
auto englishArticles;
English definite articles.
- englishConsonants
dchar[] englishConsonants;
English consontant characters.
- englishDefiniteArticles
auto englishDefiniteArticles;
English definite articles.
- englishDoubleConsonants
auto englishDoubleConsonants;
Undocumented in source.
- englishIndefiniteArticles
auto englishIndefiniteArticles;
English indefinite articles.
- englishLetters
dchar[] englishLetters;
- englishLinkingVerbs
auto englishLinkingVerbs;
English Linking Verbs in Nominative Form.
- englishLowerConsonants
dchar[] englishLowerConsonants;
English lowercase consontant characters.
- englishNegationPrefixes
auto englishNegationPrefixes;
English Negation Prefixes.
- englishObjectPronouns
auto englishObjectPronouns;
- englishSubjectPronouns
auto englishSubjectPronouns;
English Subject Pronouns.
- englishUpperConsonants
dchar[] englishUpperConsonants;
English uppercase consontant characters.
- englishVowels
dchar[] englishVowels;
- germanArticles
auto germanArticles;
German definite articles.
- germanDefiniteArticles
auto germanDefiniteArticles;
German definite articles.
- germanIndefiniteArticles
auto germanIndefiniteArticles;
German indefinite articles.
- implies
auto implies;
Undocumented in source.
- jobTitleSuffixes
auto jobTitleSuffixes;
English Job/Professin Title Suffixes.
- nounNounSuffixes
auto nounNounSuffixes;
Undocumented in source.
- swedishHardVowels
auto swedishHardVowels;
- swedishLinkingVerbs
auto swedishLinkingVerbs;
Undocumented in source.
- swedishNegationPrefixes
auto swedishNegationPrefixes;
Undocumented in source.
- swedishObjectPronouns
auto swedishObjectPronouns;
- swedishSoftVowels
auto swedishSoftVowels;
- swedishSubjectPronouns
auto swedishSubjectPronouns;
Swedish Subject Pronouns.
- swedishVowels
auto swedishVowels;
- verbNounSuffixes
auto verbNounSuffixes;
Undocumented in source.
- verbSuffixes
auto verbSuffixes;
- wordSuffixes
auto wordSuffixes;
Generic Language Constructs.