Pretty-formatted fwrite(stderr, ...).
Pretty-formatted stderr.writeln.
Alternative to std.stdio.write(stderr).
Pretty-formatted fwrite(sm, ...).
Pretty-formatted fwriteln.
Alternative to std.stdio.fwrite.
Alternative to std.stdio.fwriteln.
Pretty-formatted writeln.
Alternative to std.stdio.write(stdout).
Alternative to std.stdio.writeln.
Writing/Printing format.
NOTE: Replacing calls to overloaded fpwrite1 with non-overloaded versions such as fpwrite1_char, fpwrite1_string reduces compilation memory usage.
TODO: Support bitfields via new __traits(isBitfield, T)
TODO: Add option to show @safe pure nothrow @attributes
TODO: Cast to arg const for T being struct and class with const toString to avoid template-bloat
TODO: Use setlocale to enable correct printing {w|d}char([]) #include <wchar.h> #include <locale.h> #include <stdio.h>
int main() { // Set the locale to the user default, which should include Unicode support setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
wchar_t letter1 = L'å'; wchar_t letter2 = L'ä'; wchar_t letter3 = L'ö';
wprintf(L"%lc %lc %lc\n", letter1, letter2, letter3);
return 0; }
In D you use:
import core.stdc.locale : setlocale, LC_ALL; () @trusted { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); }();
TODO: Perhaps make public (top) functions throw static exceptions keeping them @nogc.
Backwards-compatible extensions of std.stdio.{f}write{ln} to p{f}write{ln}.
Test: dmd -version=show -preview=dip1000 -preview=in -vcolumns -d -I.. -i -debug -g -checkaction=context -allinst -unittest -main -run stdio.d