1 /++ Programming concepts that capture semantic that is common among different
2     programming language, both imperative, functional and declarative.
4     The class hierarchy together class fields, member functions and UDAs encode
5     the semantics of the above mentioned concepts.  +/
6 module nxt.agnostics;
8 @safe pure nothrow:
10 /++ Language-Agnostic Syntax Tree Node Type Code.
11 	A UDA ´@isA_$NODETYPE´ => inherit `$NODETYPE`.
12 	Expresses inheritance via UDAs, for instance:
13 	`@isA_token comment`
14 	means that `comment` is a kind of `token`.
15  +/
16 enum NodeTypeCode : ubyte {
17 	any, /++ Any kind of node. +/
18 	token, /++ Token|Terminal node. (typically un-named in tree-sitter terminology). +/
19 	@isA_token comment, /++ Any kind of comment. +/
20 	@isA_comment comment_multiLine, /++ Multi-Line Comment. +/
21 	@isA_comment comment_endOfLine, /++ End-Of-Line Comment. +/
22 	@isA_node expr, /++ Expression. +/
23 	@isA_node expr_ident_rvalue, /++ Identifier Expression (r-value). +/
24 	@isA_node expr_ident_lvalue, /++ Identifier Expression (l-value). +/
25 	@isA_expr expr_unary, /++ Unary Expression. +/
26 	@isA_expr_unary expr_unary_cast, /++ Cast Expression. +/
27 	@isA_expr_unary_arith expr_unary_arith_negation, /++ Arithmetic negation. +/
28 	@isA_expr_unary_arith expr_unary_arith_plus, /++ Arithmetic plus. +/
29 	@isA_expr expr_binary, /++ Binary Expression. +/
30 	@isA_expr_binary_arith expr_binary_arith_addition, /++ Addition. +/
31 	@isA_expr_binary_arith expr_binary_arith_multiplication, /++ Multiplication. +/
32 	@isA_expr_binary_arith expr_binary_arith_division, /++ Division. +/
33 	@isA_expr_binary_arith expr_binary_arith_exponentation, /++ Exponentation|Power. +/
34 	@isA_expr expr_ternary, /++ Ternary Expression. +/
35 	@isA_expr expr_assign, /++ Assign Expression. +/
36 	@isA_expr expr_functionCall, /++ Function Call Expression. +/
37 	@isA_token litr, /++ Literal (Constant). +/
38 	@isA_litr litr_string, /++ String Literal. +/
39 	@isA_litr litr_string_standard, /++ Standard-String Literal. +/
40 	@isA_litr litr_string_raw, /++ Raw-String Literal. +/
41 	@isA_litr litr_string_quoted, /++ Quoted-String Literal (in dlang.org). +/
42 	@isA_litr litr_string_standard_interpolating, /++ Interpolating Standard-String Literal. +/
43 	@isA_litr litr_string_raw_interpolating, /++ Interpolating Raw-String Literal. +/
44 	@isA_litr litr_string_quoted_interpolating, /++ Interpolating Quoted-String Literal (in dlang.org). +/
45 	@isA_litr litr_scalar, /++ Scalar Literal. +/
46 	@isA_litr_scalar litr_scalar_character, /++ Character Literal. +/
47 	@isA_litr_scalar litr_numeric, /++ Numeric Literal. +/
48 	@isA_litr_numeric litr_boolean, /++ Boolean Literal. +/
49 	@isA_litr_numeric litr_numeric_integer, /++ Integer Numeric Literal. +/
50 	@isA_litr_numeric_integer litr_numeric_integer_signed, /++ Signed Integer Numeric Literal. +/
51 	@isA_litr_numeric_integer litr_numeric_integer_unsigned, /++ Signed Integer Numeric Literal. +/
52 	@isA_litr_numeric litr_numeric_floatingPoint, /++ Floating-Point|Real|Decimal Numeric Literal. +/
53 	@isA_token symbolReference,	 /++ Symbol reference. +/
54 	@isA_node decl, /++ Declaration. +/
55 	@isA_decl decl_type, /++ Type Declaration. +/
56 	@isA_decl_type decl_module, /++ Module Declaration. +/
57 	@isA_decl_type decl_package, /++ Package Declaration. +/
58 	@isA_decl_type decl_namespace, /++ Namespace Declaration. +/
59 	@isA_decl_type decl_type_label, /++ Label Declaration. +/
60 	@isA_decl_type decl_type_function, /++ Function Type Declaration. +/
61 	@isA_decl_type decl_type_class, /++ Class Type Declaration. +/
62 	@isA_decl_type decl_type_interface, /++ Interface Type Declaration. +/
63 	@isA_decl_type decl_type_enumeration, /++ Enumeration Type Declaration. +/
64 	@isA_decl_type decl_type_union, /++ Union Type Declaration. +/
65 	@isA_decl_type decl_type_struct, /++ Struct Type Declaration. +/
66 	@isA_decl decl_constant_enumerator, /++ Enumerator Constant Declaration. +/
67 	@isA_type type_scalar,
68 	@isA_type_scalar type_scalar_numeric, /++ Numeric Scalar Type. +/
69 	@isA_type type_vector, /++ SIMD fixed-length vector type of scalar elements. +/
70 	@isA_type_vector type_vector_integer, /++ SIMD fixed-length vector type of scalar elements. +/
71 	@isA_type_vector type_vector_floatingPoint, /++ SIMD fixed-length vector type of scalar elements. +/
72 	@isA_type_scalar type_scalar_arith, /++ Arithmetic Type. +/
73 	@isA_type_scalar type_scalar_character, /++ Character Type. +/
74 	@isA_type type_string, /++ String Type. +/
75 	@isA_type type_aggregate, /++ Aggregate Type. +/
76 	@isA_type_aggregate type_value_aggregate,
77 	@isA_type_value_aggregate type_struct, /++ Struct Type having value semantics. +/
78 	@isA_type_aggregate type_anonymous_struct, /++ Anonymous Struct Type. +/
79 	@isA_type_aggregate type_aggregate_tuple = type_anonymous_struct, /++ Tuple Type. +/
80 	@isA_type_aggregate type_aggregate_union, /++ Union type. +/
81 	@isA_type_aggregate type_aggregate_class, /++ Class type. +/
82 	@isA_type type_enumeration, /++ Enumeration Type. +/
83 	@isA_type type_array, /++ Array type. +/
84 	@isA_type type_array_slice, /++ Array slice type. +/
85 	@isA_type type_machine_word, /++ Type of size machine word. +/
86 	@isA_machinewordtype type_addr, /++ Address type. +/
87 	@isA_machinewordtype type_size, /++ Size type. +/
88 	@isA_type_addr type_ptr, /++ Pointer type. +/
89 	@isA_type_addr type_ref, /++ Reference type. +/
90 	@isA_type functionType, /++ Function type. +/
91 	@isA_node defi, /++ Definition. +/
92 	@isA_defi defi_type, /++ Type Definition. +/
93 	@isA_defi_type defi_type_module, /++ Module Definition. +/
94 	@isA_defi_type defi_type_package, /++ Package Definition. +/
95 	@isA_defi_type defi_type_namespace, /++ Namespace Definition. +/
96 	@isA_defi_type defi_type_label, /++ Label definition. +/
97 	@isA_defi_type defi_type_function, /++ Function definition. +/
98 	@isA_defi_type defi_type_class, /++ Class definition. +/
99 	@isA_defi_type defi_type_interface, /++ Interface definition. +/
100 	@isA_defi_type defi_type_enumeration, /++ Enumeration definition. +/
101 	@isA_defi_type defi_type_union, /++ Union definition. +/
102 	@isA_defi_type defi_type_struct, /++ Struct definition. +/
103 	@isA_defi_type defi_type_enumerator, /++ Enumerator definition. +/
104 	@isA_defi defi_variable, /++ Variable definition. +/
105 	@isA_defi_variable defi_variable_parameter, /++ Function parameter (local variable) definition. +/
106     @isA_node directive, /++ Directive. +/
107     @isA_directive directive_pragma, /++ Pragma directive. +/
108 	@isA_node inst, /++ Instance. +/
109 	@isA_inst inst_variable, /++ Variable instance. +/
110 	@isA_inst inst_function, /++ Function instance. +/
111 	@isA_inst inst_class, /++ Class instance. +/
112 	@isA_inst inst_interface, /++ Interface instance. +/
113 	@isA_inst inst_enumeration, /++ Enumeration instance. +/
114 	@isA_inst inst_union, /++ Union instance. +/
115 	@isA_inst inst_struct, /++ Struct instance. +/
116 	@isA_node stmt, /++ Statement. +/
117 	@isA_stmt stmt_assignment, /++ Assignment Statement. +/
118 	@isA_stmt_assignment stmt_assignment_add,
119 	@isA_stmt_assignment stmt_assignment_sub,
120 	@isA_stmt_assignment stmt_assignment_mul,
121 	@isA_stmt_assignment stmt_assignment_div,
122 	@isA_stmt_assignment stmt_assignment_pow,
123 	@isA_stmt_assignment stmt_assignment_shl,
124 	@isA_stmt_assignment stmt_assignment_shr,
125 	@isA_stmt_assignment stmt_assignment_rol,
126 	@isA_stmt_assignment stmt_assignment_ror,
127 	@isA_stmt_assignment stmt_assignment_cat,
128 	@isA_stmt stmt_cflow, /++ Control-Flow Statement. +/
129 	@isA_stmt_cflow stmt_if, /++ If statement. +/
130 	@isA_stmt_cflow stmt_switch, /++ Switch statement. +/
131 	@isA_stmt_cflow stmt_for, /++ For statement. +/
132 	@isA_stmt_cflow stmt_while, /++ While statement. +/
133 	@isA_stmt_cflow stmt_doWhile, /++ Do-while statement. +/
134 	@isA_stmt_cflow stmt_break, /++ Break statement. +/
135 	@isA_stmt_cflow stmt_continue, /++ Continue statement. +/
136 	@isA_stmt_cflow stmt_return, /++ Return statement. +/
137 	@isA_stmt_cflow stmt_goto, /++ Goto statement. +/
138 	@isA_stmt_cflow stmt_block_try, /++ Try block statement. +/
139 	@isA_stmt_cflow stmt_block_catch, /++ Catch block statement. +/
140 	@isA_stmt_cflow stmt_block_finally, /++ Finally block statement. +/
141 	@isA_stmt stmt_throw, /++ Throw statement. +/
142 	@isA_stmt stmt_import, /++ Import statement. +/
143 	@isA_stmt_import stmt_import_module, /++ Import stmt of public module(s). +/
144 	@isA_stmt_import_module stmt_import_module_public, /++ Import stmt of public module(s). +/
145 	@isA_stmt_import_module stmt_import_module_private, /++ Import stmt of private module(s) (default). +/
146 	@isA_stmt_import_module stmt_import_symbol, /++ Symbol import statement. +/
147 	@isA_stmt_import_module stmt_import_symbol_public, /++ Import stmt of public symbol(s). +/
148 	@isA_stmt_import_module stmt_import_symbol_private, /++ Import stmt of private symbol(s). +/
149 	@isA_stmt stmt_namespace_using, /++ Namespace using. (C++). +/
150 	@isA_node modi_access, /++ Access modifier. +/
151 	@isA_modi_access modi_access_public, /++ Unrestricted access. +/
152 	@isA_modi_access modi_access_protected, /++ Access restricted to class and sub-classes. (C++'s `protected`). +/
153 	@isA_modi_access modi_access_package, /++ Access restricted to current package. (D's `package`). +/
154 	@isA_modi_access modi_access_private_aggregate, /++ Aggregate-scope private qualifier (C++'s `private`). +/
155 	@isA_modi_access modi_access_private_module, /++ Module-scope private qualifier (D's `private`). +/
156 	@isA_modi_access modi_access_mutable, /++ Mutable qualifier. +/
157 	@isA_modi_access modi_access_constant, /++ Constant qualifier. +/
158 	@isA_modi_access modi_access_immutable, /++ Immutable qualifier. +/
159 	@isA_modi_access modi_access_unique, /++ Unique-reference qualifier. +/
160 	@isA_modi_access_unique modi_access_owned, /++ Unique-and-owning-reference qualifier. See Mojo's `owned`. +/
161 	@isA_modi_access modi_access_scope, /++ Scope qualifier. +/
162 	@isA_node annotation,
163 	@isA_node attr,
164 	@isA_attr attr_inline, /++ Attribute inline. +/
165 	@isA_node decorator,
166 	@isA_node language_specific, /++ Such C Preprocessor (CPP) directives. +/
167 }
169 /+ `NodeTypeCode` Predicates. +/
171 enum isA_token;
172 enum isA_comment;
173 enum isA_litr;
174 enum isA_litr_scalar;
175 enum isA_litr_numeric;
176 enum isA_litr_numeric_integer;
177 enum isA_type;
178 enum isA_type_aggregate;
179 enum isA_type_value_aggregate;
180 enum isA_type_scalar;
181 enum isA_type_vector;
182 enum isA_machinewordtype;
183 enum isA_type_addr;
184 enum isA_node;
185 enum isA_expr;
186 enum isA_expr_unary;
187 enum isA_expr_unary_arith;
188 enum isA_expr_binary;
189 enum isA_expr_binary_arith;
190 enum isA_expr_ternary;
191 enum isA_decl;
192 enum isA_decl_type;
193 enum isA_defi;
194 enum isA_defi_type;
195 enum isA_defi_variable;
196 enum isA_directive;
197 enum isA_inst;
198 enum isA_stmt;
199 enum isA_stmt_assignment;
200 enum isA_stmt_import;
201 enum isA_stmt_import_module;
202 enum isA_stmt_cflow;
203 enum isA_modi_access;
204 enum isA_modi_access_unique;
205 enum isA_attr;
207 version (none): // unused
209 class Point {}
210 class Node {}
211 class Token : Node {
212 @safe pure nothrow /+@nogc+/:
213 	@property Point start() const { return new typeof(return)(); }
214 	@property Point end() const { return new typeof(return)(); }
215 }
216 class Comment : Token {}
217 class EndOfLineComment : Token {}
218 class MultiLineComment : Token {}
219 class Literal : Token {}
220 class StringLiteraleral : Literal {}
221 class CharacterLiteraleral : Literal {}
222 class NumericLiteraleral : Literal {}
223 class IntegerLiteraleral : Literal {}
224 class FloatingPointLiteraleral : Literal {}
225 class Symbol : Token {}
226 class SymbolReference : Token {}
227 class Tree : Node {}
228 class Declaration : Tree {
229 @safe pure nothrow @nogc:
230 	Node[] ctParams; ///< Compile-time parameters.
231 	@property bool isTemplate() const => ctParams.length != 0;
232 }
233 class Type : Declaration {}
234 class ScalarType : Type {}
235 class ArithmeticType : ScalarType {}
236 class CharacterType : ScalarType {}
237 class StringType : Type {}
238 class AggregateType : Type {}
239 class ValueAggregateType : AggregateType {}
240 class StructType : ValueAggregateType {}
241 class AnonymousStructType : AggregateType {}
242 alias TupleType = AnonymousStructType;
243 class UnionType : AggregateType {}
244 class ClassType : AggregateType {}
245 class EnumerationType : Type {}
246 class ArrayType : Type {}
247 class MachineWordType : Type {}
248 class AddressType : MachineWordType {}
249 class SizeType : MachineWordType {}
250 class PointerType : AddressType {} // pointer
251 class ReferenceType : AddressType {} // D class
252 class FunctionType : Type {}
253 class Definition : Node {}
254 class LabelDefinition : Definition {}
255 class FunctionDefinition : Definition {}
256 class ClassDefinition : Definition {}
257 class InterfaceDefinition : Definition {}
258 class EnumDefinition : Definition {}
259 class UnionDefinition : Definition {}
260 class StructDefinition : Definition {}
261 class Instance : Node {}
262 class VariableInstance : Instance {}
263 class FunctionInstance : Instance {}
264 class ClassInstance : Instance {}
265 class InterfaceInstance : Instance {}
266 class EnumInstance : Instance {}
267 class UnionInstance : Instance {}
268 class StructInstance : Instance {}
269 class Statement {}
270 class FunctionCallStatement : Statement {}
271 class ControlflowStatement : Statement {}
272 class IfStatement : ControlflowStatement {}
273 class SwitchStatement : ControlflowStatement {}
274 class ForStatement : ControlflowStatement {}
275 class WhileStatement : ControlflowStatement {}
276 class DoWhileStatement : ControlflowStatement {}
277 class BreakStatement : ControlflowStatement {}
278 class ContinueStatement : ControlflowStatement {}
279 class ReturnStatement : ControlflowStatement {}
280 class GotoStatement : ControlflowStatement {}
281 class ExceptionHandling : Node {}
282 class TryBlock : ExceptionHandling {}
283 class CatchBlock : ExceptionHandling {}
284 class FinallyBlock : ExceptionHandling {}
285 class ThrowStatement : ExceptionHandling {}
286 class Module : Node {}
287 class Package : Node {}
288 class ImportStatement : Node {}
289 class SymbolImportStatement : Node {}
290 class AccessModifiers {}
291 class PublicModifier : AccessModifiers {}
292 class PrivateModifier : AccessModifiers {}
293 class ProtectedModifier : AccessModifiers {}
294 class InternalModifier : AccessModifiers {}
295 class Annotation : Node {}
296 class Decorator : Node {}
297 class Concurrency {}
298 class Thread : Concurrency {}
299 class AsyncAwait : Concurrency {}
300 class Lock : Concurrency {}
302 @safe pure nothrow unittest {
303 	auto d = new Declaration();
304 	assert(!d.isTemplate);
305 }