1 /** User-friendly dump.
2  *
3  * See_Also: https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/4318
4  */
5 module nxt.dump;
7 import std.exception : enforce;
8 import std.traits : isCallable, ReturnType;
9 import std.range.primitives : isOutputRange, empty, put;
10 import std.format : formatValue, FormatSpec, FormatException;
12 private alias enforceFmt = enforce!FormatException;
14 /**
15    Pretty-print variables with name and values.
16    It can print will print all compile-time and runtime arguments.
17    The first runtime argument can be a custom OutputRange. The following argument can
18    be a custom format can be given in the $(LREF format) Syntax, where the first
19    value is the name of the variable (or number for runtime arguments), the second
20    it's value and the third it's type. Positional specifier can be used too.
21    If no OutputRange is given, a `string` will be returned.
22    Callable objects will be evaluated.
23    Params:
24    T = names of the variables to print
25    w = The $(D OutputRange) to write to.
26    fmt = The format of the data to read.
27    xs = runtime arguments to print
28    Returns:
29    `void` if an output range was provided as first runtime argument and a `string`
30    otherwise.
31 */
32 template dump(T...)
33 {
34 	// formats compile-time parameters
35 	private void dumpCT(Writer, Char)(Writer w, in Char[] fmt, bool printLastSeparator)
36 	if (isOutputRange!(Writer, string))
37 	{
38 		alias FPfmt = void delegate(Writer wr) @safe;
39 		enum lengthMax = 3;
41 		foreach (k, el; T)
42 		{
43 			auto spec = FormatSpec!Char(fmt);
45 			// we expose three variables: name, value and typo
46 			FPfmt[lengthMax] funs;
48 			// special case for lambdas/alias functions
49 			static if (isCallable!el)
50 			{
51 				funs[0] = (Writer wr) { formatValue(wr, "()", spec); };
52 				funs[1] = (Writer wr) { formatValue(wr, el(), spec); };
53 				funs[2] = (Writer wr) {
54 					formatValue(wr, ReturnType!(typeof(el)).stringof, spec);
55 				};
56 			}
57 			else
58 			{
59 				funs[0] = (Writer wr) { formatValue(wr, T[k].stringof, spec); };
60 				funs[1] = (Writer wr) { formatValue(wr, el, spec); };
61 				funs[2] = (Writer wr) {
62 					formatValue(wr, typeof(el).stringof, spec);
63 				};
64 			}
66 			applySpecToFunctions(w, spec, funs);
68 			// don't print the trailing bit for the last function except we have
69 			// runtime arguments too
70 			if (k < T.length - 1 || printLastSeparator)
71 				w.put(spec.trailing);
72 		}
73 	}
75 	void dump(Writer, Char, Xs...)(Writer w, in Char[] fmt, lazy Xs xs)
76 	if (isOutputRange!(Writer, string))
77 	{
78 		static if (T.length > 0)
79 			dumpCT(w, fmt, Xs.length > 0);
81 		static if (Xs.length > 0)
82 			dumpRuntime(w, fmt, xs);
83 	}
85 	// if no writer passed, return string
86 	string dump(Char, Xs...)(in Char[] fmt, lazy Xs xs)
87 	{
88 		import std.array : appender;
90 		auto w = appender!string;
91 		dump(w, fmt, xs);
92 		return w.data;
93 	}
94 }
96 // formats runtime parameters
97 private void dumpRuntime(Writer, Char, Xs...)(Writer w, in Char[] fmt, lazy Xs xs)
98 if (isOutputRange!(Writer, string))
99 {
100 	import std.format : formatValue, FormatSpec;
102 	alias FPfmt = void delegate(Writer wr) @safe;
103 	enum lengthMax = 3;
105 	foreach (k, el; xs)
106 	{
107 		auto spec = FormatSpec!Char(fmt);
109 		// we expose three variables: name, value and typo
110 		FPfmt[lengthMax] funs;
112 		static if (isCallable!el)
113 		{
114 			funs[0] = (Writer wr) { formatValue(wr, "()", spec); };
115 			funs[1] = (Writer wr) { formatValue(wr, el(), spec); };
116 			funs[2] = (Writer wr) {
117 				formatValue(wr, ReturnType!(typeof(el)).stringof, spec);
118 			};
119 		}
120 		else
121 		{
122 			funs[0] = (Writer wr) { formatValue(wr, k, spec); };
123 			funs[1] = (Writer wr) { formatValue(wr, el, spec); };
124 			funs[2] = (Writer wr) { formatValue(wr, typeof(el).stringof, spec); };
125 		}
127 		applySpecToFunctions(w, spec, funs);
129 		if (k < Xs.length - 1)
130 			w.put(spec.trailing);
131 	}
132 }
134 // apply given spec with given printing functions
135 private void applySpecToFunctions(Writer, Char, Fun)(Writer w, ref FormatSpec!Char spec, Fun funs)
136 {
137 	enum lengthMax = 3;
139 	uint currentArg = 0;
140 	while (spec.writeUpToNextSpecWithoutEnd(w))
141 	{
142 		if (currentArg == funs.length && !spec.indexStart)
143 		{
144 			import std.conv : text;
146 			// Something went wrong here?
147 			enforceFmt(text("Orphan format specifier: %", spec.spec));
148 			break;
149 		}
150 		if (spec.indexStart > 0)
151 		{
152 			// positional parameters
153 			static if (lengthMax > 0)
154 			{
155 				foreach (i; spec.indexStart - 1 .. spec.indexEnd)
156 				{
157 					if (funs.length <= i)
158 						break;
159 					funs[i](w);
160 				}
161 			}
162 			if (currentArg < spec.indexEnd)
163 				currentArg = spec.indexEnd;
164 		}
165 		else
166 		{
167 			// parameters in given order
168 			funs[currentArg++](w);
169 		}
170 	}
171 }
173 // writes the non-spec parts of a format string except for the trailing end
174 private bool writeUpToNextSpecWithoutEnd(Char, OutputRange)(
175 		ref FormatSpec!Char spec, OutputRange writer)
176 {
177 	with (spec)
178 	{
179 		if (trailing.empty)
180 			return false;
181 		for (size_t i = 0; i < trailing.length; ++i)
182 		{
183 			if (trailing[i] != '%')
184 				continue;
185 			put(writer, trailing[0 .. i]);
186 			trailing = trailing[i .. $];
187 			enforceFmt(trailing.length >= 2, `Unterminated format specifier: "%"`);
188 			trailing = trailing[1 .. $];
190 			if (trailing[0] != '%')
191 			{
192 				// Spec found. Fill up the spec, and bailout
193 				/+ TODO: fillUp(); +/
194 				return true;
195 			}
196 			// Doubled! Reset and Keep going
197 			i = 0;
198 		}
199 	}
200 	return false;
201 }
203 ///
204 unittest {
205 	int x = 5, y = 3;
206 	import std.stdio;
208 	assert(dump!(x, y)("%s = %s, ") == "x = 5, y = 3");
210 	// with order
211 	assert(dump!(x, y)("%2$s = %1$s, ") == "5 = x, 3 = y");
213 	// with runtime args
214 	assert(dump!(x, y)("%s = %s, ", () => 42) == "x = 5, y = 3, () = 42");
216 	// with runtime args & position-specifier
217 	assert(dump!(x, y)("%1$s = %2$s; ", "var1") == "x = 5; y = 3; 0 = var1");
219 	// with types
220 	assert(dump!(x, y)("(%s: %3$s) = %2$s, ") == "(x: int) = 5, (y: int) = 3");
221 	assert(dump!(x, y)("(%s!%3$s) = %2$s, ") == "(x!int) = 5, (y!int) = 3");
223 	// custom separator
224 	assert(dump!(x, y)("%s = %s; ") == "x = 5; y = 3");
226 	// all printf formatting works
227 	assert(dump!(x, y)("%-4s = %4s, ") == "x	=	5, y	=	3");
229 	// special formatting (if applicable for all types)
230 	auto z1 = 2.0, z2 = 4.0;
231 	assert(dump!(z1, z2)("%s = %.3f & ") == "z1 = 2.000 & z2 = 4.000");
233 	// functions
234 	assert(dump!(x, y, () => x + y)("%s = %s; ") == "x = 5; y = 3; () = 8");
236 	// runtime paramters
237 	auto b = (int a) => ++a;
238 	assert(dump!(x, y)("%s = %s, ", b(x), x - y) == "x = 5, y = 3, 0 = 6, 1 = 2");
240 	// validate laziness
241 	auto c = (ref int a) => ++a;
242 	assert(dump!(x, y, () => x + y)("%s = %s, ", c(x), x - y) == "x = 5, y = 3, () = 8, 0 = 6, 1 = 3");
243 	assert(dump!(x, y, () => x + y)("%s = %s, ", c(x), x - y) == "x = 6, y = 3, () = 9, 0 = 7, 1 = 4");
244 }
246 // test with output range
247 unittest {
248 	import std.array : appender;
250 	auto x = 2;
251 	long y = 4;
252 	auto w = appender!string;
253 	dump!(x, y)(w, "%s = %s, ");
254 	assert(w.data == "x = 2, y = 4");
256 	import std.stdio : stdout;
258 	if (false)
259 		dump!(x, y)(stdout.lockingTextWriter(), "%s = %s, ");
260 }