1 /** Universal Build System.
2  *
3  * TODO: Support `$0 REPO_URL`. Try for instance git@github.com:rui314/mold.git
4  * or https://github.com/rui314/mold.git. Supports matching repo with registered
5  * repos where repo name is stripped ending slash before matching.
6  *
7  * TODO: Delete installPrefix prior to installation
8  *
9  * TODO: Support `xy REPO_URL`. Try for instance git@github.com:rui314/mold.git
10  * or https://github.com/rui314/mold.git. Supports matching repo with registered
11  * repos where repo name is stripped ending slash before matching.
12  *
13  */
14 module xdag;
16 // version = main;
18 debug import std.stdio : writeln;
19 import std.process : Config, spawnProcess, wait, Pid;
21 import nxt.path;
22 import nxt.file : homeDir;
23 import nxt.git : RepoURL;
25 private alias ProcessEnvironment = string[string];
27 version (main) {
28 	int main(string[] args) {
29 		return buildN(args[1 .. $]);
30 	}
31 }
33 /// Spec Name.
34 struct Name { string value; alias value this; }
36 /// D `version` symbol.
37 alias DlangVersionName = string;
39 struct RemoteSpec {
40 	RepoURL url;
41 	string remoteName;
42 	string[] repoBranches;
43 }
45 void ewriteln(S...)(S args) @trusted {
46 	import std.stdio : writeln, stderr;
47 	return stderr.writeln(args);
48 }
50 /** Build the packages `packages`.
51  */
52 int buildN(scope const string[] packages) {
53 	const bool echo = true; // std.getopt: TODO: getopt flag being negation of make-like flag -s, --silent, --quiet
54 	const BuildOption[] bos;
55 	auto builds = makeSpecs(echo);
56 	foreach (const name; packages)
57 		if (Spec* buildPtr = Name(name) in builds) {
58 			(*buildPtr).go(bos, echo);
59 		}
60 		else {
61 			ewriteln("No spec named ", Name(name), " found");
62 		}
63 	return 0;				   /+ TODO: propagate exit code +/
64 }
66 const DlangVersionName[] versionNames = ["cli"];
67 const string[] dflagsLDCRelease = ["-m64", "-O3", "-release", "-boundscheck=off", "-enable-inlining", "-flto=full"];
69 /++ Build option.
70  +/
71 enum BuildOption {
72 	debugMode,			/// Compile in debug mode (enables contracts, -debug)
73 	releaseMode,		  /// Compile in release mode (disables assertions and bounds checks, -release)
74 	ltoMode,			  /// Compile using LTO
75 	pgoMode,			  /// Compile using PGO
76 	coverage,			 /// Enable code coverage analysis (-cov)
77 	debugInfo,			/// Enable symbolic debug information (-g)
78 	debugInfoC,		   /// Enable symbolic debug information in C compatible form (-gc)
79 	alwaysStackFrame,	 /// Always generate a stack frame (-gs)
80 	stackStomping,		/// Perform stack stomping (-gx)
81 	inline,			   /// Perform function inlining (-inline)
82 	optimize,			 /// Enable optimizations (-O)
83 	profile,			  /// Emit profiling code (-profile)
84 	unittests,			/// Compile unit tests (-unittest)
85 	verbose,			  /// Verbose compiler output (-v)
86 	ignoreUnknownPragmas, /// Ignores unknown pragmas during compilation (-ignore)
87 	syntaxOnly,		   /// Don't generate object files (-o-)
88 	warnings,			 /// Enable warnings (-wi)
89 	warningsAsErrors,	 /// Treat warnings as errors (-w)
90 	ignoreDeprecations,   /// Do not warn about using deprecated features (-d)
91 	deprecationWarnings,  /// Warn about using deprecated features (-dw)
92 	deprecationErrors,	/// Stop compilation upon usage of deprecated features (-de)
93 	property,			 /// DEPRECATED: Enforce property syntax (-property)
94 	profileGC,			/// Profile runtime allocations
95 	pic,				  /// Generate position independent code
96 	betterC,			  /// Compile in betterC mode (-betterC)
97 	lowmem,			   /// Compile in lowmem mode (-lowmem)
98 }
100 alias BuildFlagsByOption = string[][BuildOption];
102 Spec[Name] makeSpecs(bool echo) {
103 	typeof(return) specs;
104 	{
105 		const name = "vox";
106 		Spec spec =
107 		{ homePage : URL("https://github.com/MrSmith33/"~name~"/"),
108 		  name : Name(name),
109 		  url : RepoURL("https://github.com/MrSmith33/"~name~".git"),
110 		  compiler : FilePath("ldc2"),
111 		  versionNames : ["cli"],
112 		  sourceFilePaths : [Path("main.d")],
113 		  outFilePath : Path(name~".out"),
114 		};
115 		specs[spec.name] = spec;
116 	}
117 	{
118 		const name = "dmd";
119 		Spec spec =
120 		{ homePage : URL("http://dlang.org/"),
121 		  name : Name(name),
122 		  url : RepoURL("https://github.com/dlang/"~name~".git"),
123 		  // nordlow/selective-unittest-2
124 		  // nordlow/check-self-assign
125 		  // nordlow/check-unused
126 		  extraRemoteSpecs : [RemoteSpec(RepoURL("https://github.com/nordlow/dmd.git"), "nordlow",
127 										 ["relax-alias-assign",
128 										 "traits-isarray-take2",
129 										  "diagnose-padding",
130 										  "aliasseq-bench",
131 										  "add-traits-hasAliasing",
132 										  "unique-qualifier"]),
133 							  // RemoteSpec(RepoURL("https://github.com/UplinkCoder/dmd.git"), "skoch", ["newCTFE_upstream"]),
134 		  ],
135 		  // patches : [Patch(Path("new-ctfe.patch"), 1, echo)],
136 		  buildFlagsDefault : ["PIC=1"],
137 		  buildFlagsByOption : [BuildOption.debugMode : ["ENABLE_DEBUG=1"],
138 							BuildOption.releaseMode : ["ENABLE_RELASE=1"]],
139 		};
140 		specs[spec.name] = spec;
141 	}
142 	{
143 		const name = "phobos";
144 		Spec spec =
145 		{ homePage : RepoURL("http://dlang.org/"),
146 		  name : Name(name),
147 		  url : RepoURL("https://github.com/dlang/"~name~".git"),
148 		  extraRemoteSpecs : [RemoteSpec(RepoURL("https://github.com/nordlow/phobos.git"), "nordlow", ["faster-formatValue"])],
149 		};
150 		specs[spec.name] = spec;
151 	}
152 	{
153 		const name = "dub";
154 		Spec spec =
155 		{ homePage : RepoURL("http://dlang.org/"),
156 		  name : Name(name),
157 		  url : RepoURL("https://github.com/dlang/"~name~".git"),
158 		};
159 		specs[spec.name] = spec;
160 	}
161 	{
162 		const name = "DustMite";
163 		Spec spec =
164 		{ homePage : RepoURL("https://github.com/CyberShadow/"~name~"/wiki"),
165 		  name : Name(name),
166 		  compiler : FilePath("ldmd2"),
167 		  sources : ["dustmite.d", "polyhash.d", "splitter.d"],
168 		  url : RepoURL("https://github.com/CyberShadow/"~name~".git"),
169 		};
170 		specs[spec.name] = spec;
171 	}
172 	{
173 		const name = "DCD";
174 		Spec spec =
175 		{ name : Name(name),
176 		  url : RepoURL("https://github.com/dlang-community/"~name~".git"),
177 		  buildFlagsDefault : ["ldc"],
178 		  buildFlagsByOption : [BuildOption.debugMode : ["debug"],
179 							BuildOption.releaseMode : ["ldc"]],
180 		};
181 		specs[spec.name] = spec;
182 	}
183 	{
184 		const name = "mold";
185 		Spec spec =
186 		{ name : Name(name),
187 		  url : RepoURL("https://github.com/rui314/"~name~".git"),
188 		};
189 		specs[spec.name] = spec;
190 	}
191 	return specs;
192 }
194 /** Launch/Execution specification.
195  */
196 @safe struct Spec {
197 	import std.exception : enforce;
198 	import std.algorithm : canFind, joiner;
199 	import std.file : chdir, exists, mkdir;
200 	import nxt.patching : Patch;
202 	URL homePage;
203 	Name name;
205 	// Git sources
206 	RepoURL url;
207 	string gitRemote = "origin";
208 	string gitBranch;
209 	RemoteSpec[] extraRemoteSpecs;
210 	Patch[] patches;
212 	FilePath compiler;
213 	string[] sources;
214 	string[] buildFlagsDefault;
215 	BuildFlagsByOption buildFlagsByOption;
216 	DlangVersionName[] versionNames;
217 	Path[] sourceFilePaths;
218 	Path outFilePath;
219 	uint jobCount;
220 	bool recurseSubModulesFlag = true;
222 	void go(scope ref const BuildOption[] bos, in bool echo) scope @trusted { // TODO: -dip1000 without @trusted
223 		const dlRoot = homeDir.buildPath(DirPath(".cache/repos"));
224 		const dlDir = dlRoot.buildPath(DirName(name));
225 		writeln();
226 		/+ TODO: create build DAG and link these steps: +/
227 		fetch(bos, dlDir, echo);
228 		prebuild(bos, dlDir, echo);
229 		build(bos, dlDir, echo);
230 	}
232 	void fetch(scope ref const BuildOption[] bos, in DirPath dlDir, in bool echo) scope @trusted { // TODO: -dip1000 without @trusted
233 		import nxt.git : RepoAndDir;
234 		import core.thread : Thread;
235 		auto rad = RepoAndDir(url, dlDir, echo);
236 		/+ TODO: use waitAllInSequence(); +/
237 		enforce(!rad.cloneOrResetHard(recurseSubModulesFlag, gitRemote, gitBranch).wait());
238 		enforce(!rad.clean().wait());
239 		string[] remoteNames;
240 		foreach (const spec; extraRemoteSpecs)
241 		{
242 			remoteNames ~= spec.remoteName;
243 			const statusIgnored = rad.remoteRemove(spec.remoteName).wait(); // ok if already removed
244 			enforce(!rad.remoteAdd(spec.url, spec.remoteName).wait());
245 		}
246 		enforce(!rad.fetch(remoteNames).wait());
247 		foreach (const spec; extraRemoteSpecs)
248 			foreach (const gitBranch; spec.repoBranches)
249 				enforce(!rad.merge([spec.remoteName~"/"~gitBranch], ["--no-edit", "-Xignore-all-space"]).wait());
250 		foreach (ref patch; patches)
251 			enforce(!patch.applyIn(dlDir).wait());
252 	}
254 	string[] bosFlags(scope ref const BuildOption[] bos) const scope pure nothrow {
255 		typeof(return) result;
256 		foreach (bo; bos)
257 			result ~= buildFlagsByOption[bo];
258 		return result;
259 	}
261 	string[] allBuildFlags(scope ref const BuildOption[] bos) const scope pure nothrow {
262 		return buildFlagsDefault ~ bosFlags(bos) ~ jobFlags() ~ sources;
263 	}
265 	void prebuild(scope ref const BuildOption[] bos, in DirPath workDir, in bool echo) const scope {
266 		if (exists("CMakeLists.txt")) {
267 			return prebuildCmake(bos, workDir, echo);
268 		}
269 	}
271 	void prebuildCmake(scope ref const BuildOption[] bos, in DirPath workDir, in bool echo) const scope @trusted { // TODO: -dip1000 without @trusted
272 		Config config = Config.none;
273 		string[] args;
274 		ProcessEnvironment env_;
276 		chdir(workDir.str);		 /+ TODO: replace with absolute paths in exists or dir.exists +/
278 		args = ["cmake"];
279 		const ninjaAvailable = true; /+ TODO: check if ninja is available +/
280 		if (ninjaAvailable) {
281 			args ~= ["-G", "Ninja"];
282 		}
283 		args ~= ["."];		/+ TODO: support out-of-source (OOS) build +/
284 		writeln("Pre-Building as `", args.joiner(" "), "` ...");
285 		scope Pid pid = spawnProcess(args, env_, config, workDir.str);
286 		const status = pid.wait();
287 		if (status != 0)
288 			writeln("Compilation failed:\n");
289 		if (status != 0)
290 			writeln("Compilation successful:\n");
291 	}
293 	void build(scope ref const BuildOption[] bos, in DirPath workDir, in bool echo) const scope @trusted { // TODO: -dip1000 without @trusted
294 		Config config = Config.none;
296 		chdir(workDir.str);		 /+ TODO: replace with absolute paths in exists or dir.exists +/
298 		/+ TODO: create build DAG and link these steps: +/
300 		string[] args;
301 		ProcessEnvironment env_;
303 		/+ TODO: when serveral of this exists ask user +/
304 		if (exists("Makefile"))
305 			args = ["make", "-f", "Makefile"] ~ allBuildFlags(bos);
306 		else if (exists("makefile"))
307 			args = ["make", "-f", "makefile"] ~ allBuildFlags(bos);
308 		else if (exists("posix.mak"))
309 			args = ["make", "-f", "posix.mak"] ~ allBuildFlags(bos);
310 		else if (exists("dub.sdl") ||
311 				 exists("dub.json"))
312 			args = ["dub", "build"];
313 		else
314 		{
315 			if (!compiler) {
316 				if (bos.canFind(BuildOption.debugMode))
317 					args = [FilePath("dmd").str];
318 				else if (bos.canFind(BuildOption.releaseMode))
319 					args = [FilePath("ldc2").str];
320 				else
321 					args = [FilePath("dmd").str]; // default to faster dmd
322 			} else {
323 				args = [compiler.str];
324 			}
325 			if (bos.canFind(BuildOption.releaseMode) &&
326 				(compiler.str.canFind("ldc2") ||
327 				 compiler.str.canFind("ldmd2")))
328 				args ~= dflagsLDCRelease; /+ TODO: make declarative +/
329 			foreach (const ver; versionNames)
330 				args ~= ("-d-version=" ~ ver);
331 			args ~= sources;
332 		}
333 		/* ${DC} -release -boundscheck=off dustmite.d splitter.d polyhash.d */
334 		/*	   mkdir -p ${DMD_EXEC_PREFIX} */
335 		/* mv dustmite ${DMD_EXEC_PREFIX} */
337 		enforce(args.length, "Could not deduce build command");
339 		/+ TODO: Use: import nxt.cmd : spawn; +/
340 		writeln("Building as `", args.joiner(" "), "` ...");
341 		/* TODO: add a wrapper spawnProcess1 called by Patch.applyIn,
342 		 * Repository.spawn and here that sets stdout, stderr based on bool
343 		 * echo. */
344 		scope Pid pid = spawnProcess(args, env_, config, workDir.str);
345 		const status = pid.wait();
346 		if (status != 0)
347 			writeln("Compilation failed:\n");
348 		if (status != 0)
349 			writeln("Compilation successful:\n");
350 	}
352 	string[] jobFlags() const scope pure nothrow {
353 		import std.conv : to;
354 		return jobCount ? ["-j"~jobCount.to!string] : [];
355 	}
356 }
358 int[] waitAllInSequence(scope Pid[] pids...) {
359 	typeof(return) statuses;
360 	foreach (pid; pids)
361 		statuses ~= pid.wait();
362 	return statuses;
363 }
365 int[] waitAllInParallel(scope Pid[] pids...) {
366 	assert(0, "TODO: implement and use in place of waitAllInSequence");
367 }