const h = "a**b**c"; const r = h.findLastSplit("**"); assert(r); assert(r.pre is h[0 .. 4]); assert(r.separator is h[4 .. 6]); assert( is h[6 .. 7]); auto f()() @safe pure nothrow { char[1] x = "_"; return x[].findLastSplit(" "); } static if (hasPreviewDIP1000) static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto _ = f(); }));
const h = "a**b**c"; const r = h.findLastSplit("_"); static assert(r.sizeof == 2 * 2 * size_t.sizeof); assert(!r); assert(r.pre is h); assert(r.separator is h[$ .. $]); assert( is h[$ .. $]);
const r = "a*b*c".findLastSplit('*'); static assert(r.sizeof == 3 * size_t.sizeof); assert(r); assert(r.pre == "a*b"); assert(r.separator == "*"); assert( == "c"); auto f()() @safe pure nothrow { char[1] x = "_"; return x[].findLastSplit(' '); } static if (hasPreviewDIP1000) static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto _ = f(); }));
DIP-1000 scope analysis
char[] f() @safe pure nothrow { char[3] haystack = "a*b"; auto r = haystack[].findLastSplit('*'); static assert(is(typeof(r.pre()) == char[])); return r.pre(); // TODO: this should fail } f();
Array-specialization of findLastSplit with default predicate.