Value | Meaning |
debugMode | Compile in debug mode (enables contracts, -debug) |
releaseMode | Compile in release mode (disables assertions and bounds checks, -release) |
ltoMode | Compile using LTO |
pgoMode | Compile using PGO |
coverage | Enable code coverage analysis (-cov) |
debugInfo | Enable symbolic debug information (-g) |
debugInfoC | Enable symbolic debug information in C compatible form (-gc) |
alwaysStackFrame | Always generate a stack frame (-gs) |
stackStomping | Perform stack stomping (-gx) |
inline | Perform function inlining (-inline) |
optimize | Enable optimizations (-O) |
profile | Emit profiling code (-profile) |
unittests | Compile unit tests (-unittest) |
verbose | Verbose compiler output (-v) |
ignoreUnknownPragmas | Ignores unknown pragmas during compilation (-ignore) |
syntaxOnly | Don't generate object files (-o-) |
warnings | Enable warnings (-wi) |
warningsAsErrors | Treat warnings as errors (-w) |
ignoreDeprecations | Do not warn about using deprecated features (-d) |
deprecationWarnings | Warn about using deprecated features (-dw) |
deprecationErrors | Stop compilation upon usage of deprecated features (-de) |
property | DEPRECATED: Enforce property syntax (-property) |
profileGC | Profile runtime allocations |
pic | Generate position independent code |
betterC | Compile in betterC mode (-betterC) |
lowmem | Compile in lowmem mode (-lowmem) |
Build option.