/** Algorithms operating on URIs including URLs.
 * See_Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL
module nxt.uri_algorithm;

pure nothrow @safe @nogc:

/** Try skip over leading protocol prefix part of an URL `url`.
 * Currently only skips either of the prefixes `http://` and `https://`.
 * Returns: `true` iff skip was performed, `false` otherwise.
 * See_Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL
bool skipOverURLProtocolPrefix(scope ref inout(char)[] url)
	import nxt.algorithm.searching : skipOver;
	const(char)[] tmp = url;
	if (tmp.skipOver(`http`))
		tmp.skipOver('s');  // optional s
		if (tmp.skipOver(`://`))
			url = url[$ - tmp.length .. $]; // do it
			return true;
	return false;

pure nothrow @safe @nogc unittest {
	auto url = "http://www.sunet.se";
	assert(url  == "www.sunet.se");

pure nothrow @safe @nogc unittest {
	auto url = "https://www.sunet.se";
	assert(url  == "www.sunet.se");