1 /** Array container(s) with optional sortedness via template-parameter
2  * `Ordering` and optional use of GC via `useGCAllocation`.
3  *
4  * TODO UniqueArray!(const(E)) where E has indirections
5  *
6  * TODO Support for constructing from r-value range (container) of non-copyable
7  * elements.
8  *
9  * TODO Add some way to implement lazy sorting either for the whole array (via
10  * bool flag) or completeSort at a certain offset (extra member).
11  *
12  * TODO Replace ` = void` with construction or emplace
13  *
14  * TODO Break out common logic into private `DynamicArray` and reuse with `alias
15  * this` to express StandardArray, SortedArray, SortedSetArray
16  *
17  * TODO Use std.array.insertInPlace in insert()?
18  * TODO Use std.array.replaceInPlace?
19  *
20  * TODO Use `std.algorithm.mutation.move` and `std.range.primitives.moveAt`
21  * when moving internal sub-slices
22  *
23  * TODO Add `c.insertAfter(r, x)` where `c` is a collection, `r` is a range
24  * previously extracted from `c`, and `x` is a value convertible to
25  * collection's element type. See_Also:
26  * https://forum.dlang.org/post/n3qq6e$2bis$1@digitalmars.com
27  *
28  * TODO replace qcmeman with std.experimental.allocator parameter defaulting to
29  * `Mallocator`
30  *
31  * TODO use `integer_sorting.radixSort` when element type `isSigned` or `isUnsigned` and
32  * above or below a certain threshold calculated by my benchmarks
33  *
34  * TODO Remove explicit moves when DMD std.algorithm.mutation.move calls these
35  * members for us (if they exist)
36  */
37 module nxt.array_ex;
39 /// Array element ordering.
40 enum Ordering
41 {
42     unsorted, // unsorted array
43     sortedValues, // sorted array with possibly duplicate values
44     sortedUniqueSet, // sorted array with unique values
45 }
47 /// Is `true` iff `ordering` is sorted.
48 enum isOrdered(Ordering ordering) = ordering != Ordering.unsorted;
50 version(unittest)
51 {
52     import std.algorithm.iteration : map, filter;
53     import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
54     import std.conv : to;
55     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
56     import core.internal.traits : Unqual;
57     import nxt.dbgio : dbg;
58     import nxt.array_help : s;
59 }
61 import nxt.container_traits : ContainerElementType, needsMove;
63 /// Is `true` iff `C` is an instance of an `Array` container.
64 template isArrayContainer(C)
65 {
66     import std.traits : isInstanceOf;
67     enum isArrayContainer = isInstanceOf!(Array, C);
68 }
70 /// Semantics of copy construction and copy assignment.
71 enum Assignment
72 {
73     disabled,           /// for reference counting use `std.typecons.RefCounted`. for safe slicing use `borrown`
74     move,               /// only move construction allowed
75     copy                /// always copy (often not the desirable)
76 }
78 /** Array of value types `E` with optional sortedness/ordering.
79  *
80  * Always `@safe pure nothrow @nogc` when possible.
81  *
82  * `Assignment` either
83  * - is disabled
84  * - does Rust-style move, or
85  * - does C++-style copying
86  *
87  * Params:
88  * GCAllocation = `true` iff `GC.malloc` is used for store allocation,
89  * otherwise C's `{m,ce,re}alloc()` is used.
90  */
91 private struct Array(E,
92                      // TODO merge these flags into one to reduce template bloat
93                      Assignment assignment = Assignment.disabled,
94                      Ordering ordering = Ordering.unsorted,
95                      bool useGCAllocation = false,
96                      CapacityType = size_t, // see also https://github.com/izabera/s
97                      alias less = "a < b") // TODO move out of this definition and support only for the case when `ordering` is not `Ordering.unsorted`
98 if (is(CapacityType == ulong) ||           // 3 64-bit words
99     is(CapacityType == uint))              // 2 64-bit words
100 {
101     import core.internal.traits : hasElaborateDestructor;
102     import core.lifetime : emplace, move, moveEmplace;
103     import std.algorithm.mutation : moveEmplaceAll;
104     import std.range.primitives : isInputRange, isInfinite, ElementType;
105     import std.traits : isIterable, isAssignable, Unqual, isArray, isScalarType, hasIndirections, TemplateOf;
106     import std.functional : binaryFun;
107     import std.meta : allSatisfy;
109     import nxt.qcmeman : malloc, calloc, realloc, free, gc_addRange, gc_removeRange;
111     private template shouldAddGCRange(T)
112     {
113         import std.traits : hasIndirections, isInstanceOf;
114         enum shouldAddGCRange = hasIndirections!T && !isInstanceOf!(Array, T); // TODO unify to container_traits.shouldAddGCRange
115     }
117     /// Mutable element type.
118     private alias MutableE = Unqual!E;
120     /// Template for type of `this`.
121     private alias ThisTemplate = TemplateOf!(typeof(this));
123     /// Same type as this but with mutable element type.
124     private alias MutableThis = ThisTemplate!(MutableE, assignment, ordering, useGCAllocation, CapacityType, less);
126     static if (useGCAllocation || // either we asked for allocation
127                shouldAddGCRange!E) // or we need GC ranges
128     {
129         import core.memory : GC;
130     }
132     /// Is `true` iff `Array` can be interpreted as a narrow D `string` or `wstring`.
133     private enum isNarrowString = (is(MutableE == char) ||
134                                    is(MutableE == wchar));
136     static if (isOrdered!ordering)
137     {
138         static assert(!isNarrowString, "A narrow string cannot be an ordered array because it's not random access'");
139     }
141     alias comp = binaryFun!less; //< comparison
143     /// Create a empty array.
144     // this(typeof(null)) nothrow
145     // {
146     //     version(showCtors) dbg("ENTERING: smallCapacity:", smallCapacity, " @",  __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
147     //     // nothing needed, rely on default initialization of data members
148     // }
150     /// Returns: an array of length `initialLength` with all elements default-initialized to `ElementType.init`.
151     static typeof(this) withLength(size_t initialLength)
152         @trusted
153     {
154         version(showCtors) dbg("ENTERING: smallCapacity:", smallCapacity, " @",  __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
156         debug { typeof(return) that; }
157         else { typeof(return) that = void; }
159         // TODO functionize:
160         if (initialLength > smallCapacity)
161         {
162             emplace!Large(&that._large, initialLength, initialLength, true); // no elements so we need to zero
163         }
164         else
165         {
166             that._small.length = cast(ubyte)initialLength;
167         }
169         version(showCtors) dbg("EXITING: ", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
170         return that;
171     }
173     /// Returns: an array with initial capacity `initialCapacity`.
174     static typeof(this) withCapacity(size_t initialCapacity)
175         @trusted
176     {
177         version(showCtors) dbg("ENTERING: smallCapacity:", smallCapacity, " @",  __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
179         debug { typeof(return) that; }
180         else { typeof(return) that = void; }
182         if (initialCapacity > smallCapacity)
183         {
184             emplace!Large(&that._large, initialCapacity, 0, false);
185         }
186         else
187         {
188             that._small.length = 0;
189         }
191         version(showCtors) dbg("EXITING: ", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
192         return that;
193     }
195     /// Returns: an array of one element `element`.
196     static typeof(this) withElement(E element)
197         @trusted
198     {
199         version(showCtors) dbg("ENTERING: smallCapacity:", smallCapacity, " @",  __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
201         debug { typeof(return) that; }
202         else { typeof(return) that = void; }
204         // TODO functionize:
205         enum initialLength = 1;
206         if (initialLength > smallCapacity)
207         {
208             emplace!Large(&that._large, initialLength, initialLength, false);
209         }
210         else
211         {
212             emplace!Small(&that._small, initialLength, false);
213         }
215         // move element
216         static if (__traits(isCopyable, E))
217         {
218             that._mptr[0] = element;
219         }
220         else static if (!shouldAddGCRange!E)
221         {
222             moveEmplace(*cast(MutableE*)&element, // TODO can we prevent this cast?
223                         that._mptr[0]); // safe to cast away constness when no indirections
224         }
225         else
226         {
227             moveEmplace(element, that._mptr[0]); // TODO remove `move` when compiler does it for us
228         }
230         return that;
231     }
233     /// Returns: an array of `Us.length` number of elements set to `elements`.
234     static typeof(this) withElements(Us...)(Us elements)
235         @trusted
236     {
237         version(showCtors) dbg("ENTERING: smallCapacity:", smallCapacity, " @",  __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
239         debug { typeof(return) that; }
240         else { typeof(return) that = void; }
242         // TODO functionize:
243         enum initialLength = Us.length;
244         if (initialLength > smallCapacity)
245         {
246             emplace!Large(&that._large, initialLength, initialLength, false);
247         }
248         else
249         {
250             emplace!Small(&that._small, initialLength, false);
251         }
253         // move elements
254         foreach (immutable i, ref element; elements)
255         {
256             static if (!shouldAddGCRange!E)
257             {
258                 moveEmplace(*cast(MutableE*)&element,
259                             that._mptr[i]); // safe to cast away constness when no indirections
260             }
261             else
262             {
263                 moveEmplace(element, that._mptr[i]); // TODO remove `move` when compiler does it for us
264             }
265         }
267         static if (isOrdered!ordering)
268         {
269             that.sortElements!comp();
270         }
272         return that;
273     }
275     static if (assignment == Assignment.copy)
276     {
277         /// Copy construction.
278         this(this) @trusted
279         {
280             version(showCtors) dbg("Copy ctor: ", typeof(this).stringof);
281             if (isLarge)        // only large case needs special treatment
282             {
283                 auto rhs_storePtr = _large.ptr; // save store pointer
284                 _large.setCapacity(this.length); // pack by default
285                 // _large.length already copied
286                 _large.ptr = allocate(this.length, false);
287                 foreach (immutable i; 0 .. this.length)
288                 {
289                     _large.ptr[i] = rhs_storePtr[i];
290                 }
291             }
292         }
294         /// Copy assignment.
295         void opAssign(typeof(this) rhs) @trusted
296         {
297             version(showCtors) dbg("Copy assign: ", typeof(this).stringof);
298             // self-assignment may happen when assigning derefenced pointer
299             if (isLarge)        // large = ...
300             {
301                 if (rhs.isLarge) // large = large
302                 {
303                     // TODO functionize to Large.opAssign(Large rhs):
304                     if (_large.ptr != rhs._large.ptr) // if not self assignment
305                     {
306                         _large.length = rhs._large.length;
307                         reserve(rhs._large.length);
308                         foreach (immutable i; 0 .. rhs._large.length)
309                         {
310                             _large.ptr[i] = rhs._large.ptr[i];
311                         }
312                     }
313                 }
314                 else            // large = small
315                 {
316                     {            // make it small
317                         clear(); // clear large storage
318                         _large.isLarge = false; // TODO needed?
319                     }
320                     _small = rhs._small; // small
321                 }
322             }
323             else                // small = ...
324             {
325                 if (rhs.isLarge) // small = large
326                 {
327                     {            // make it large
328                         clear(); // clear small storage
329                         _large.isLarge = true; // TODO needed?
330                     }
331                     // TODO functionize to Large.opAssign(Large rhs):
332                     if (_large.ptr != rhs._large.ptr) // if not self assignment
333                     {
334                         _large.length = rhs._large.length;
335                         reserve(rhs._large.length);
336                         foreach (immutable i; 0 .. rhs._large.length)
337                         {
338                             _large.ptr[i] = rhs._large.ptr[i];
339                         }
340                     }
341                 }
342                 else            // small = small
343                 {
344                     _small = rhs._small;
345                 }
346             }
347         }
348     }
349     else static if (assignment == Assignment.disabled)
350     {
351         @disable this(this);
352     }
353     else static if (assignment == Assignment.move)
354     {
355         /// Copy ctor moves.
356         this(typeof(this) rhs) @trusted
357         {
358             version(showCtors) dbg("Copying: ", typeof(this).stringof);
359             assert(!isBorrowed);
360             moveEmplace(rhs, this); // TODO remove `move` when compiler does it for us
361         }
363         /// Assignment moves.
364         void opAssign(typeof(this) rhs) @trusted
365         {
366             assert(!isBorrowed);
367             import std.algorith.mutation : move;
368             move(rhs, this);  // TODO remove `move` when compiler does it for us
369         }
370     }
372     static if (__traits(isCopyable, E))
373     {
374         /// Returns: shallow duplicate of `this`.
375         @property MutableThis dup() const @trusted // `MutableThis` mimics behaviour of `dup` for builtin D arrays
376         {
377             debug { typeof(return) that; }
378             else { typeof(return) that = void; }
380             if (isLarge)
381             {
382                 emplace!(that.Large)(&that._large, _large.length, _large.length, false);
383                 foreach (immutable i; 0 .. _large.length)
384                 {
385                     // TODO is there a more standardized way of solving this other than this hacky cast?
386                     that._large.ptr[i] = (cast(E*)_large.ptr)[i];
387                 }
388             }
389             else
390             {
391                 emplace!(that.Small)(&that._small, _small.length, false);
392                 // TODO is there a more standardized way of solving this other than this hacky cast?
393                 that._small.elms[0 .. _small.length] = (cast(E[_small.elms.length])_small.elms)[0 .. _small.length]; // copy elements
394             }
395             return that;
396         }
397     }
399     bool opEquals(in ref typeof(this) rhs) const
400         @trusted
401     {
402         static if (__traits(isCopyable, E))
403         {
404             return this[] == rhs[]; // TODO fix DMD to make this work for non-copyable aswell
405         }
406         else
407         {
408             if (this.length != rhs.length) { return false; }
409             foreach (immutable i; 0 .. this.length)
410             {
411                 if (this.ptr[i] != rhs.ptr[i]) { return false; }
412             }
413             return true;
414         }
415     }
416     bool opEquals(in typeof(this) rhs) const
417         @trusted
418     {
419         static if (__traits(isCopyable, E))
420         {
421             return this[] == rhs[]; // TODO fix DMD to make this work for non-copyable aswell
422         }
423         else
424         {
425             if (this.length != rhs.length) { return false; }
426             foreach (immutable i; 0 .. this.length)
427             {
428                 if (this.ptr[i] != rhs.ptr[i]) { return false; }
429             }
430             return true;
431         }
432     }
434     /// Compare with range `R` with comparable element type.
435     pragma(inline, true)
436     bool opEquals(R)(R rhs) const
437         if (isInputRange!R && !isInfinite!R)
438     {
439         return opSlice.equal(rhs);
440     }
442     /// Calculate D associative array (AA) key hash.
443     hash_t toHash() const     // cannot currently be template-lazy
444         nothrow @trusted
445     {
446         pragma(msg, "WARNING: using toHash() when we should use toDigest instead");
447         import core.internal.hash : hashOf;
448         static if (__traits(isCopyable, E))
449         {
450             return this.length ^ hashOf(slice());
451         }
452         else
453         {
454             typeof(return) hash = this.length;
455             foreach (immutable i; 0 .. this.length)
456             {
457                 hash ^= this.ptr[i].hashOf;
458             }
459             return hash;
460         }
461     }
463     /** Construct from InputRange `values`.
464         If `values` are sorted `assumeSortedParameter` is `true`.
466         TODO Have `assumeSortedParameter` only when `isOrdered!ordering` is true
467      */
468     this(R)(R values, bool assumeSortedParameter = false)
469         @trusted
470         @("complexity", "O(n*log(n))")
471         if (isIterable!R)
472     {
473         version(showCtors) dbg("ENTERING: smallCapacity:", smallCapacity, " @",  __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
475         // append new data
476         import std.range.primitives : hasLength;
477         static if (hasLength!R)
478         {
479             // TODO choose large or small depending on values.length
480             _small.isLarge = false;
481             _small.length = 0;
483             reserve(values.length); // fast reserve
484             setOnlyLength(values.length);
486             // static if (__traits(isRef))
487             // {
488             //     // TODO dup elements
489             // }
490             // else
491             // {
492             //     // TODO move elements
493             // }
495             size_t i = 0;
496             foreach (ref value; move(values)) // TODO remove `move` when compiler does it for us
497             {
498                 // TODO functionize:
499                 static if (needsMove!(typeof(value)))
500                     moveEmplace(value, _mptr[i++]);
501                 else
502                     _mptr[i++] = value;
503             }
504         }
505         else
506         {
507             // always start small
508             _small.isLarge = false;
509             _small.length = 0;
511             size_t i = 0;
512             foreach (ref value; move(values)) // TODO remove `move` when compiler does it for us
513             {
514                 reserve(i + 1); // slower reserve
515                 // TODO functionize:
516                 static if (needsMove!(typeof(value)))
517                     moveEmplace(value, _mptr[i++]);
518                 else
519                     _mptr[i++] = value;
520                 setOnlyLength(i); // must be set here because correct length is needed in reserve call above in this same scope
521             }
522         }
524         if (!assumeSortedParameter)
525         {
526             static if (isOrdered!ordering)
527                 sortElements!comp();
528             static if (ordering == Ordering.sortedUniqueSet)
529             {
530                 import std.algorithm.iteration : uniq;
531                 size_t j = 0;
532                 foreach (ref e; uniq(slice))
533                 {
534                     auto ePtr = &e;
535                     const separate = ePtr != &_mptr[j];
536                     if (separate)
537                         move(*cast(MutableE*)ePtr, _mptr[j]);
538                     ++j;
539                 }
540                 shrinkTo(j);
541             }
542         }
544         version(showCtors) dbg("EXITING: ", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
545     }
547     /// Sort all elements in-place regardless of `ordering`.
548     private void sortElements(alias comp_)()
549         @trusted
550     {
551         import std.algorithm.sorting : sort;
552         sort!comp_(_mptr[0 .. length]);
553     }
555     /// Reserve room for `newCapacity`.
556     void reserve(size_t newCapacity)
557         pure @trusted
558     {
559         assert(!isBorrowed);
560         if (newCapacity <= capacity)
561             return;
562         if (isLarge)
563         {
564             static if (shouldAddGCRange!E)
565                 gc_removeRange(_mptr);
566             import std.math : nextPow2;
567             reallocateLargeStoreAndSetCapacity(newCapacity.nextPow2);
568             static if (shouldAddGCRange!E)
569                 gc_addRange(_mptr, _large.capacity * E.sizeof);
570         }
571         else
572         {
573             if (newCapacity > smallCapacity) // convert to large
574             {
575                 auto tempLarge = Large(newCapacity, length, false);
577                 // move small to temporary large
578                 foreach (immutable i; 0 .. length)
579                     moveEmplace(_small._mptr[i],
580                                 tempLarge._mptr[i]);
582                 static if (hasElaborateDestructor!E)
583                     destroyElements();
585                 // TODO functionize:
586                 {               // make this large
587                     moveEmplace(tempLarge, _large);
588                 }
590                 assert(isLarge);
591             }
592             else
593             {
594                 // staying small
595             }
596         }
597     }
599     /// Pack/Compress storage.
600     void compress()
601         pure @trusted
602     {
603         assert(!isBorrowed);
604         if (isLarge)
605         {
606             if (this.length)
607             {
608                 if (this.length <= smallCapacity)
609                 {
610                     Small tempSmall = Small(length, false);
612                     // move elements to temporary small. TODO make moveEmplaceAll work on char[],char[] and use
613                     foreach (immutable i; 0 .. length)
614                         moveEmplace(_large._mptr[i],
615                                     tempSmall._mptr[i]);
617                     // free existing large data
618                     static if (shouldAddGCRange!E)
619                         gc_removeRange(_mptr);
621                     static if (useGCAllocation)
622                         GC.free(_mptr);
623                     else
624                         free(_mptr);
626                     moveEmplace(tempSmall, _small);
627                 }
628                 else
629                 {
630                     if (_large.capacity != this.length)
631                     {
632                         static if (shouldAddGCRange!E)
633                             gc_removeRange(_mptr);
634                         reallocateLargeStoreAndSetCapacity(this.length);
635                         static if (shouldAddGCRange!E)
636                             gc_addRange(_mptr, _large.capacity * E.sizeof);
637                     }
638                 }
639             }
640             else                // if empty
641             {
642                 // free data
643                 static if (shouldAddGCRange!E)
644                     gc_removeRange(_mptr);
646                 static if (useGCAllocation)
647                     GC.free(_mptr);
648                 else
649                     free(_mptr);
651                 _large.capacity = 0;
652                 _large.ptr = null;
653             }
654         }
655     }
656     /// ditto
657     alias pack = compress;
659     /// Reallocate storage. TODO move to Large.reallocateAndSetCapacity
660     private void reallocateLargeStoreAndSetCapacity(size_t newCapacity) pure @trusted
661     {
662         version(D_Coverage) {} else pragma(inline, true);
663         _large.setCapacity(newCapacity);
664         static if (useGCAllocation)
665             _large.ptr = cast(E*)GC.realloc(_mptr, E.sizeof * _large.capacity);
666         else                    // @nogc
667         {
668             _large.ptr = cast(E*)realloc(_mptr, E.sizeof * _large.capacity);
669             assert(_large.ptr, "Reallocation failed");
670         }
671     }
673     /// Destruct.
674     ~this() @trusted @nogc
675     {
676         version(D_Coverage) {} else pragma(inline, true);
677         assert(!isBorrowed);
678         if (isLarge)
679             debug assert(_large.ptr != _ptrMagic, "Double free."); // trigger fault for double frees
680         release();
681         if (isLarge)
682             debug _large.ptr = _ptrMagic; // tag as freed
683     }
685     /// Empty.
686     void clear() @nogc
687     {
688         version(D_Coverage) {} else pragma(inline, true);
689         assert(!isBorrowed);
690         release();
691         resetInternalData();
692     }
693     /// ditto
694     pragma(inline, true)
695     void opAssign(typeof(null))
696     {
697         clear();
698     }
700     /// Destroy elements.
701     static if (hasElaborateDestructor!E)
702     {
703         private void destroyElements() @trusted
704         {
705             foreach (immutable i; 0 .. this.length)
706                 .destroy(_mptr[i]);
707         }
708     }
710     /// Release internal store.
711     private void release() @trusted @nogc
712     {
713         static if (hasElaborateDestructor!E)
714             destroyElements();
715         if (isLarge)
716         {
717             static if (shouldAddGCRange!E)
718                 gc_removeRange(_large.ptr);
720             static if (useGCAllocation)
721                 GC.free(_large.ptr);
722             else                // @nogc
723             {
724                 static if (!shouldAddGCRange!E)
725                     free(cast(MutableE*)_large.ptr); // safe to case away constness
726                 else
727                     free(_large.ptr);
728             }
729         }
730     }
732     /// Reset internal data.
733     pragma(inline, true)
734     private void resetInternalData() @trusted pure @nogc
735     {
736         if (isLarge)
737         {
738             _large.ptr = null;
739             _large.length = 0;
740             _large.capacity = 0;
741         }
742         else
743             _small.length = 0; // fast discardal
744     }
746     /// Is `true` if `U` can be assign to the element type `E` of `this`.
747     enum isElementAssignable(U) = isAssignable!(E, U);
749     /** Removal doesn't need to care about ordering. */
750     ContainerElementType!(typeof(this), E) removeAt(size_t index)
751         @trusted
752         @("complexity", "O(length)")
753     {
754         assert(!isBorrowed);
755         assert(index < this.length);
756         auto value = move(_mptr[index]);
758         // TODO use this instead:
759         // immutable si = index + 1;   // source index
760         // immutable ti = index;       // target index
761         // immutable restLength = this.length - (index + 1);
762         // moveEmplaceAll(_mptr[si .. si + restLength],
763         //                _mptr[ti .. ti + restLength]);
765         foreach (immutable i; 0 .. this.length - (index + 1)) // each element index that needs to be moved
766         {
767             immutable si = index + i + 1; // source index
768             immutable ti = index + i; // target index
769             moveEmplace(_mptr[si], // TODO remove `move` when compiler does it for us
770                         _mptr[ti]);
771         }
773         decOnlyLength();
774         return move(value); // TODO remove `move` when compiler does it for us
775     }
777     /** Removal doesn't need to care about ordering. */
778     pragma(inline, true)
779     ContainerElementType!(typeof(this), E) popFront()
780         @trusted
781         @("complexity", "O(length)")
782     {
783         return removeAt(0);
784     }
786     /** Removal doesn't need to care about ordering. */
787     pragma(inline)
788     void popBack() @("complexity", "O(1)")
789     {
790         assert(!isBorrowed);
791         assert(!empty);
792         decOnlyLength();
793     }
795     /** Pop back element and return it. */
796     pragma(inline)
797     E backPop()
798         @trusted
799     {
800         assert(!isBorrowed);
801         assert(!empty);
802         decOnlyLength();
803         // TODO functionize:
804         static if (needsMove!E)
805             return move(_mptr[this.length]); // move is indeed need here
806         else
807             return _mptr[this.length]; // no move needed
808     }
810     /** Pop last `count` back elements. */
811     pragma(inline, true)
812     void popBackN(size_t count) @("complexity", "O(1)")
813     {
814         assert(!isBorrowed);
815         shrinkTo(this.length - count);
816     }
818     static if (!isOrdered!ordering) // for unsorted arrays
819     {
820         /// Push back (append) `values`.
821         pragma(inline) void insertBack(Us...)(Us values)
822             @trusted
823             @("complexity", "O(1)")
824             if (values.length >= 1 &&
825                 allSatisfy!(isElementAssignable, Us))
826         {
827             assert(!isBorrowed);
828             immutable newLength = this.length + values.length;
829             reserve(newLength);
830             foreach (immutable i, ref value; values) // `ref` so we can `move`
831             {
832                 // TODO functionize:
833                 static if (needsMove!(typeof(value)))
834                     moveEmplace(*cast(MutableE*)&value, _mptr[this.length + i]);
835                 else
836                     _mptr[this.length + i] = value;
837             }
838             setOnlyLength(this.length + values.length);
839         }
841         /// ditto
842         void insertBack(R)(R values) @("complexity", "O(values.length)") @trusted
843             if (isInputRange!R && !isInfinite!R &&
844                 !(isArray!R) &&
845                 !(isArrayContainer!R) &&
846                 isElementAssignable!(ElementType!R))
847         {
848             assert(!isBorrowed);
849             import std.range.primitives : hasLength;
850             static if (hasLength!R)
851             {
852                 const nextLength = this.length + values.length;
853                 reserve(nextLength);
854                 size_t i = 0;
855                 foreach (ref value; values) // `ref` so we can `move`
856                 {
857                     // TODO functionize:
858                     static if (needsMove!(typeof(value)))
859                         moveEmplace(*cast(Mutable!E*)&value, _mptr[this.length + i]);
860                     else
861                         _mptr[this.length + i] = value;
862                     ++i;
863                 }
864                 setOnlyLength(nextLength);
865             }
866             else
867             {
868                 foreach (ref value; values) // `ref` so we can `move`
869                     insertBack(value);
870             }
871         }
873         /// ditto.
874         void insertBack(A)(A values) @trusted @("complexity", "O(values.length)")
875             if (isArray!A &&
876                 (is(MutableE == Unqual!(typeof(A.init[0]))) || // for narrow strings
877                  isElementAssignable!(ElementType!A)))
878         {
879             assert(!isBorrowed);
880             static if (is(A == immutable(E)[]))
881             {
882                 // immutable array cannot overlap with mutable array container
883                 // data; no need to check for overlap with `overlaps()`
884                 reserve(this.length + values.length);
885                 _mptr[this.length .. this.length + values.length] = values[];
886                 setOnlyLength(this.length + values.length);
887             }
888             else
889             {
890                 import nxt.overlapping : overlaps;
891                 if (this.ptr == values[].ptr) // called for instances as: `this ~= this`
892                 {
893                     reserve(2*this.length);
894                     foreach (immutable i; 0 .. this.length)
895                         _mptr[this.length + i] = ptr[i]; // needs copying
896                     setOnlyLength(2 * this.length);
897                 }
898                 else if (overlaps(this[], values[]))
899                     assert(0, `TODO Handle overlapping arrays`);
900                 else
901                 {
902                     reserve(this.length + values.length);
903                     static if (is(MutableE == Unqual!(ElementType!A))) // TODO also when `E[]` is `A[]`
904                         _mptr[this.length .. this.length + values.length] = values[];
905                     else
906                         foreach (immutable i, ref value; values)
907                             _mptr[this.length + i] = value;
908                     setOnlyLength(this.length + values.length);
909                 }
910             }
911         }
913         /// ditto.
914         void insertBack(A)(in ref A values) @trusted @("complexity", "O(values.length)") // TODO `in` parameter qualifier doesn't work here. Compiler bug?
915             if (isArrayContainer!A &&
916                 (is(MutableE == Unqual!(typeof(A.init[0]))) || // for narrow strings
917                  isElementAssignable!(ElementType!A)))
918         {
919             insertBack(values[]);
920         }
921         alias put = insertBack;   // OutputRange support
924         // NOTE these separate overloads of opOpAssign are needed because one
925         // `const ref`-parameter-overload doesn't work because of compiler bug
926         // with: `this(this) @disable`
927         pragma(inline)
928         void opOpAssign(string op, Us...)(Us values)
929             if (op == "~" &&
930                 values.length >= 1 &&
931                 allSatisfy!(isElementAssignable, Us))
932         {
933             assert(!isBorrowed);
934             insertBack(move(values)); // TODO remove `move` when compiler does it for us
935             // static if (values.length == 1)
936             // {
937             //     import std.traits : hasIndirections;
938             //     static if (hasIndirections!(Us[0]))
939             //     {
940             //         insertBack(move(values)); // TODO remove `move` when compiler does it for us
941             //     }
942             //     else
943             //     {
944             //         insertBack(move(cast(Unqual!(Us[0]))values[0])); // TODO remove `move` when compiler does it for us
945             //     }
946             // }
947             // else
948             // {
949             //     insertBack(move(values)); // TODO remove `move` when compiler does it for us
950             // }
951         }
953         pragma(inline)
954         void opOpAssign(string op, R)(R values)
955             if (op == "~" &&
956                 isInputRange!R &&
957                 !isInfinite!R &&
958                 allSatisfy!(isElementAssignable, ElementType!R))
959         {
960             assert(!isBorrowed);
961             // TODO use move(values)
962             insertBack(values); // TODO remove `move` when compiler does it for us
963         }
965         pragma(inline, true)
966         void opOpAssign(string op, A)(ref A values)
967             if (op == "~" &&
968                 isArrayContainer!A &&
969                 isElementAssignable!(ElementType!A))
970         {
971             assert(!isBorrowed);
972             insertBack(values);
973         }
974     }
976     import searching_ex : containsStoreIndex; // TODO this is redundant but elides rdmd dependency error for array_ex.d
978     static if (isOrdered!ordering)
979     {
980         import std.range : SearchPolicy, assumeSorted;
982         /// Returns: `true` iff this contains `value`.
983         bool contains(U)(U value) const @nogc @("complexity", "O(log(length))")
984         {
985             return this[].contains(value); // reuse `SortedRange.contains`
986         }
988         /** Wrapper for `std.range.SortedRange.lowerBound` when this `ordering` is sorted. */
989         auto lowerBound(SearchPolicy sp = SearchPolicy.binarySearch, U)(U e) inout @("complexity", "O(log(length))")
990         {
991             return this[].lowerBound!sp(e); // reuse `SortedRange.lowerBound`
992         }
994         /** Wrapper for `std.range.SortedRange.upperBound` when this `ordering` is sorted. */
995         auto upperBound(SearchPolicy sp = SearchPolicy.binarySearch, U)(U e) inout @("complexity", "O(log(length))")
996         {
997             return this[].upperBound!sp(e); // reuse `SortedRange.upperBound`
998         }
1000         static if (ordering == Ordering.sortedUniqueSet)
1001         {
1002             /** Inserts several `values` into `this` ordered set.
1004                 Returns: `bool`-array with same length as `values`, where i:th
1005                 `bool` value is set if `value[i]` wasn't previously in `this`.
1006             */
1007             bool[Us.length] insertMany(SearchPolicy sp = SearchPolicy.binarySearch, Us...)(Us values) @("complexity", "O(length)")
1008                 if (values.length >= 1 &&
1009                     allSatisfy!(isElementAssignable, Us))
1010             in
1011             {
1012                 assert(!isBorrowed);
1014                 // assert no duplicates in `values`
1015                 import std.range.primitives : empty;
1016                 import std.algorithm.searching : findAdjacent;
1017                 import std.algorithm.sorting : sort;
1019                 // TODO functionize or use other interface in pushing `values`
1020                 import std.traits : CommonType;
1021                 CommonType!Us[Us.length] valuesArray;
1022                 foreach (immutable i, const ref value; values)
1023                     valuesArray[i] = value;
1024                 assert(sort(valuesArray[]).findAdjacent.empty,
1025                        "Parameter `values` must not contain duplicate elements");
1026             }
1027             do
1028             {
1029                 static if (values.length == 1) // faster because `contains()` followed by `completeSort()` searches array twice
1030                 {
1031                     import nxt.searching_ex : containsStoreIndex;
1032                     size_t index;
1033                     if (slice.assumeSorted!comp.containsStoreIndex!sp(values, index)) // faster than `completeSort` for single value
1034                         return [false];
1035                     else
1036                     {
1037                         insertAtIndexHelper(index, values);
1038                         return [true];
1039                     }
1040                 }
1041                 else
1042                 {
1043                     import std.algorithm.sorting : completeSort;
1045                     debug { typeof(return) hits; }
1046                     else  { typeof(return) hits = void; }
1048                     size_t expandedLength = 0;
1049                     immutable initialLength = this.length;
1050                     foreach (immutable i, ref value; values)
1051                     {
1052                         // TODO reuse completeSort with uniqueness handling?
1053                         static if (values.length == 1)
1054                         {
1055                             // TODO reuse single parameter overload linearUniqueInsert() and return
1056                         }
1057                         else
1058                         {
1059                             // TODO reuse completeSort with uniqueness handling?
1060                         }
1061                         hits[i] = !this[0 .. initialLength].contains(value);
1062                         if (hits[i])
1063                         {
1064                             insertBackHelper(value); // NOTE: append but don't yet sort
1065                             ++expandedLength;
1066                         }
1067                     }
1069                     if (expandedLength != 0)
1070                     {
1071                         immutable ix = this.length - expandedLength;
1072                         // TODO use `_mptr` here instead and functionize to @trusted helper function
1073                         completeSort!comp(slice[0 .. ix].assumeSorted!comp,
1074                                           slice[ix .. this.length]);
1075                     }
1076                     return hits;
1077                 }
1078             }
1079         }
1080         else static if (ordering == Ordering.sortedValues)
1081         {
1082             /** Inserts `values`. */
1083             void insertMany(SearchPolicy sp = SearchPolicy.binarySearch, Us...)(Us values) @("complexity", "O(log(length))")
1084                 if (values.length >= 1 &&
1085                     allSatisfy!(isElementAssignable, Us))
1086             {
1087                 assert(!isBorrowed);
1089                 // TODO add optimization for values.length == 2
1090                 static if (values.length == 1)
1091                 {
1092                     import nxt.searching_ex : containsStoreIndex;
1093                     size_t index;
1094                     if (!slice.assumeSorted!comp.containsStoreIndex!sp(values, index)) // faster than `completeSort` for single value
1095                         insertAtIndexHelper(index, values);
1096                 }
1097                 else
1098                 {
1099                     insertBackHelper(values); // simpler because duplicates are allowed
1100                     immutable ix = this.length - values.length;
1101                     import std.algorithm.sorting : completeSort;
1102                     completeSort!comp(_mptr[0 .. ix].assumeSorted!comp,
1103                                       _mptr[ix .. this.length]);
1104                 }
1105             }
1106         }
1107     }
1108     else
1109     {
1110         /** Insert element(s) `values` at array offset `index`. */
1111         pragma(inline, true)
1112         void insertAtIndex(Us...)(size_t index, Us values) @("complexity", "O(length)")
1113             if (values.length >= 1 &&
1114                 allSatisfy!(isElementAssignable, Us))
1115         {
1116             assert(!isBorrowed);
1117             insertAtIndexHelper(index, values);
1118         }
1120         /** Insert element(s) `values` at the beginning. */
1121         pragma(inline, true)
1122         void pushFront(Us...)(Us values) @("complexity", "O(length)")
1123             if (values.length >= 1 &&
1124                 allSatisfy!(isElementAssignable, Us))
1125         {
1126             insertAtIndex(0, values);
1127         }
1129         alias prepend = pushFront;
1131         import nxt.traits_ex : isComparable;
1132         static if (__traits(isCopyable, E) &&
1133                    !is(E == char) &&
1134                    !is(E == wchar) &&
1135                    isComparable!E)
1136         {
1137             /// Returns: a sorted array copy.
1138             Array!(E, assignment, ordering.sortedValues, useGCAllocation, CapacityType, less_) toSortedArray(alias less_ = "a < b")() const
1139             {
1140                 return typeof(return)(slice);
1141             }
1142             /// Returns: a sorted set array copy.
1143             Array!(E, assignment, ordering.sortedUniqueSet, useGCAllocation, CapacityType, less_) toSortedSetArray(alias less_ = "a < b")() const
1144             {
1145                 return typeof(return)(slice);
1146             }
1147         }
1148     }
1150     /** Helper function used externally for unsorted and internally for sorted. */
1151     private void insertAtIndexHelper(Us...)(size_t index, Us values) @trusted @("complexity", "O(length)")
1152     {
1153         reserve(this.length + values.length);
1155         // TODO factor this to robustCopy. It uses copy when no overlaps (my algorithm_em), iteration otherwise
1156         enum usePhobosCopy = false;
1157         static if (usePhobosCopy)
1158         {
1159             // TODO why does this fail?
1160             import std.algorithm.mutation : copy;
1161             copy(ptr[index ..
1162                      this.length],        // source
1163                  _mptr[index + values.length ..
1164                        this.length + values.length]); // target
1165         }
1166         else
1167         {
1168             // move second part in reverse
1169             // TODO functionize move
1170             foreach (immutable i; 0 .. this.length - index) // each element index that needs to be moved
1171             {
1172                 immutable si = this.length - 1 - i; // source index
1173                 immutable ti = si + values.length; // target index
1174                 _mptr[ti] = ptr[si]; // TODO move construct?
1175             }
1176         }
1178         // set new values
1179         foreach (immutable i, ref value; values)
1180         {
1181             ptr[index + i] = value; // TODO use range algorithm instead?
1182         }
1184         setOnlyLength(this.length + values.length);
1185     }
1187     private void insertBackHelper(Us...)(Us values)
1188         @trusted
1189         @("complexity", "O(1)")
1190     {
1191         const newLength = this.length + values.length;
1192         reserve(newLength);
1193         foreach (immutable i, ref value; values)
1194         {
1195             // TODO functionize:
1196             static if (needsMove!(typeof(value)))
1197                 moveEmplace(*cast(MutableE*)&value,
1198                             _mptr[this.length + i]);
1199             else
1200                 _mptr[this.length + i] = value;
1201         }
1202         setOnlyLength(newLength);
1203     }
1205     @property @("complexity", "O(1)")
1206     pragma(inline):
1208     /// ditto
1209     static if (isOrdered!ordering)
1210     {
1211         const pure: // indexing and slicing must be `const` when ordered
1213         /// Slice operator must be const when ordered.
1214         auto opSlice() return scope @trusted  // TODO remove @trusted?
1215         {
1216             static if (is(E == class))
1217             {
1218                 // TODO remove this workaround when else branch works for classes
1219                 return (cast(E[])slice).assumeSorted!comp;
1220             }
1221             else
1222             {
1223                 return (cast(const(E)[])slice).assumeSorted!comp;
1224             }
1225         }
1226         /// ditto
1227         auto opSlice(this This)(size_t i, size_t j) return scope @trusted // TODO remove @trusted?
1228         {
1229             import std.range : assumeSorted;
1230             return (cast(const(E)[])slice[i .. j]).assumeSorted!comp;
1231         }
1232         private alias This = typeof(this);
1234         /// Index operator must be const to preserve ordering.
1235         ref const(E) opIndex(size_t i) return scope @nogc @trusted
1236         {
1237             assert(i < this.length);
1238             return ptr[i];
1239         }
1241         /// Get front element (as constant reference to preserve ordering).
1242         ref const(E) front() return scope @nogc @trusted
1243         {
1244             assert(!empty);
1245             return ptr[0];
1246         }
1248         /// Get back element (as constant reference to preserve ordering).
1249         ref const(E) back() return scope @nogc @trusted
1250         {
1251             assert(!empty);
1252             return ptr[this.length - 1];
1253         }
1254     }
1255     else
1256     {
1257         /// Set length to `newLength`.
1258         @property void length(size_t newLength)
1259         {
1260             if (newLength < length)
1261             {
1262                 shrinkTo(newLength);
1263             }
1264             else
1265             {
1266                 reserve(newLength);
1267                 setOnlyLength(newLength);
1268             }
1269         }
1271         @nogc:
1273         /// Index assign operator.
1274         ref E opIndexAssign(V)(V value, size_t i)
1275             @trusted return scope
1276         {
1277             assert(!isBorrowed);
1278             assert(i < this.length);
1279             static if (isScalarType!E)
1280                 ptr[i] = value;
1281             else
1282                 move(*(cast(MutableE*)(&value)), _mptr[i]); // TODO is this correct?
1283             return ptr[i];
1284         }
1286         /// Slice assign operator.
1287         static if (__traits(isCopyable, E))
1288         {
1289             void opSliceAssign(V)(V value, size_t i, size_t j)
1290                 @trusted return scope
1291             {
1292                 assert(!isBorrowed);
1293                 assert(i <= j);
1294                 assert(j <= this.length);
1295                 foreach (immutable i; 0 .. this.length)
1296                 {
1297                     ptr[i] = value;
1298                 }
1299             }
1300         }
1302         pure inout: // indexing and slicing has mutable access only when unordered
1304         /// Slice operator.
1305         pragma(inline)
1306         inout(E)[] opSlice() return
1307         {
1308             return this.opSlice(0, this.length);
1309         }
1310         /// ditto
1311         inout(E)[] opSlice(size_t i, size_t j)
1312             @trusted return scope
1313         {
1314             assert(i <= j);
1315             assert(j <= this.length);
1316             return ptr[i .. j];
1317         }
1319         @trusted:
1321         /// Index operator.
1322         ref inout(E) opIndex(size_t i) return scope
1323         {
1324             assert(i < this.length);
1325             return ptr[i];
1326         }
1328         /// Get front element reference.
1329         ref inout(E) front() return scope
1330         {
1331             assert(!empty);
1332             return ptr[0];
1333         }
1335         /// Get back element reference.
1336         ref inout(E) back() return scope
1337         {
1338             assert(!empty);
1339             return ptr[this.length - 1];
1340         }
1341     }
1343     alias data = opSlice;   // `std.array.Appender` compatibility
1345     // static if (__traits(isCopyable, E))
1346     // {
1347     //     string toString() const @property @trusted pure
1348     //     {
1349     //         import std.array : Appender;
1350     //         import std.conv : to;
1351     //         Appender!string s = "[";
1352     //         foreach (immutable i; 0 .. this.length)
1353     //         {
1354     //             if (i) { s.put(','); }
1355     //             s.put(ptr[i].to!string);
1356     //         }
1357     //         s.put("]");
1358     //         return s.data;
1359     //     }
1360     // }
1362     pure:
1364     /** Allocate heap regionwith `newCapacity` number of elements of type `E`.
1365         If `zero` is `true` they will be zero-initialized.
1366     */
1367     private static MutableE* allocate(size_t newCapacity, bool zero = false)
1368     {
1369         typeof(return) ptr = null;
1370         static if (useGCAllocation)
1371         {
1372             if (zero) { ptr = cast(typeof(return))GC.calloc(newCapacity, E.sizeof); }
1373             else      { ptr = cast(typeof(return))GC.malloc(newCapacity * E.sizeof); }
1374         }
1375         else                    // @nogc
1376         {
1377             if (zero) { ptr = cast(typeof(return))calloc(newCapacity, E.sizeof); }
1378             else      { ptr = cast(typeof(return))malloc(newCapacity * E.sizeof); }
1379             assert(ptr, "Allocation failed");
1380         }
1381         static if (shouldAddGCRange!E)
1382         {
1383             gc_addRange(ptr, newCapacity * E.sizeof);
1384         }
1385         return ptr;
1386     }
1388     @nogc:
1390     /// Check if empty.
1391     bool empty() const { return this.length == 0; }
1393     /// Get length.
1394     size_t length()
1395         const @trusted
1396     {
1397         if (isLarge)
1398         {
1399             return _large.length;
1400         }
1401         else
1402         {
1403             return _small.length;
1404         }
1405     }
1406     alias opDollar = length;    /// ditto
1408     /// Decrease only length.
1409     private void decOnlyLength()
1410         @trusted
1411     {
1412         if (isLarge)
1413         {
1414             assert(_large.length);
1415             _large.length = _large.length - 1;
1416         }
1417         else
1418         {
1419             assert(_small.length);
1420             _small.length = cast(SmallLengthType)(_small.length - 1);
1421         }
1422     }
1424     /// Set only length.
1425     private void setOnlyLength(size_t newLength)
1426         @trusted
1427     {
1428         if (isLarge)
1429         {
1430             _large.length = newLength; // TODO compress?
1431         }
1432         else
1433         {
1434             assert(newLength <= SmallLengthType.max);
1435             _small.length = cast(SmallLengthType)newLength;
1436         }
1437     }
1439     /// Get reserved capacity of store.
1440     size_t capacity()
1441         const
1442         @trusted
1443     {
1444         if (isLarge)
1445         {
1446             return _large.capacity;
1447         }
1448         else
1449         {
1450             return smallCapacity;
1451         }
1452     }
1454     /** Shrink length to `newLength`.
1455      *
1456      * If `newLength` >= `length` operation has no effect.
1457      */
1458     pragma(inline)
1459     void shrinkTo(size_t newLength)
1460     {
1461         assert(!isBorrowed);
1462         if (newLength < length)
1463         {
1464             static if (hasElaborateDestructor!E)
1465             {
1466                 dbg(length, " => ", newLength, " ", E.stringof);
1467                 foreach (immutable i; newLength .. length)
1468                 {
1469                     .destroy(_mptr[i]);
1470                 }
1471             }
1472             setOnlyLength(newLength);
1473         }
1474     }
1476     /// Get internal pointer.
1477     inout(E*) ptr()
1478         inout
1479         @trusted return scope // array access is @trusted
1480     {
1481         // TODO Use cast(ET[])?: alias ET = ContainerElementType!(typeof(this), E);
1482         if (isLarge)
1483         {
1484             return _large.ptr;
1485         }
1486         else
1487         {
1488             return _small.elms.ptr;
1489         }
1490     }
1492     /// Get internal pointer to mutable content. Doesn't need to be qualified with `scope`.
1493     private MutableE* _mptr()
1494         const return scope
1495     {
1496         if (isLarge)
1497         {
1498             return _large._mptr;
1499         }
1500         else
1501         {
1502             return _small._mptr;
1503         }
1504     }
1506     /// Get internal slice.
1507     private auto slice() inout
1508         @trusted return scope
1509     {
1510         return ptr[0 .. this.length];
1511     }
1513     /** Magic pointer value used to detect double calls to `free`.
1515         Cannot conflict with return value from `malloc` because the least
1516         significant bit is set (when the value ends with a one).
1517     */
1518     debug private enum _ptrMagic = cast(E*)0x0C6F3C6c0f3a8471;
1520     /// Returns: `true` if `this` currently uses large array storage.
1521     bool isLarge()
1522         const @trusted // trusted access to anonymous union
1523     {
1524         assert(_large.isLarge == _small.isLarge); // must always be same
1525         return _large.isLarge;
1526     }
1528     /// Returns: `true` if `this` currently uses small (packed) array storage.
1529     bool isSmall() const { return !isLarge; }
1531     private
1532     {
1533         private alias SmallLengthType = ubyte;
1535         private enum largeSmallLengthDifference = Large.sizeof - SmallLengthType.sizeof;
1536         private enum smallCapacity = largeSmallLengthDifference / E.sizeof;
1537         private enum smallPadSize = largeSmallLengthDifference - smallCapacity*E.sizeof;
1538     }
1540     /** Tag `this` borrowed.
1541         Used by wrapper logic in owned.d and borrowed.d
1542     */
1543     void tagAsBorrowed()
1544         @trusted
1545     {
1546         if (isLarge) { _large.isBorrowed = true; }
1547         else         { _small.isBorrowed = true; }
1548     }
1550     /** Tag `this` as not borrowed.
1551         Used by wrapper logic in owned.d and borrowed.d
1552     */
1553     void untagAsNotBorrowed()
1554         @trusted
1555     {
1556         if (isLarge) { _large.isBorrowed = false; }
1557         else         { _small.isBorrowed = false; }
1558     }
1560     /// Returns: `true` if this is borrowed
1561     bool isBorrowed()
1562         @trusted
1563     {
1564         if (isLarge) { return _large.isBorrowed; }
1565         else         { return _small.isBorrowed; }
1566     }
1568 private:                        // data
1569     enum useAlignedTaggedPointer = false; // TODO make this work when true
1570     static struct Large
1571     {
1572         static if (useAlignedTaggedPointer)
1573         {
1574             private enum lengthMax = CapacityType.max;
1575             version(LittleEndian) // see: http://forum.dlang.org/posting/zifyahfohbwavwkwbgmw
1576             {
1577                 import std.bitmanip : taggedPointer;
1578                 mixin(taggedPointer!(uint*, "_uintptr", // GC-allocated store pointer. See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/post/iubialncuhahhxsfvbbg@forum.dlang.org
1579                                      bool, "isLarge", 1, // bit 0
1580                                      bool, "isBorrowed", 1, // bit 1
1581                           ));
1583                 pragma(inline, true):
1584                 @property void ptr(E* c)
1585                 {
1586                     assert((cast(ulong)c & 0b11) == 0);
1587                     _uintptr = cast(uint*)c;
1588                 }
1590                 @property inout(E)* ptr() inout
1591                 {
1592                     return cast(E*)_uintptr;
1593                 }
1595                 CapacityType capacity;  // store capacity
1596                 CapacityType length;  // store length
1597             }
1598             else
1599             {
1600                 static assert(0, "BigEndian support and test");
1601             }
1602         }
1603         else
1604         {
1605             private enum lengthBits = 8*CapacityType.sizeof - 2;
1606             private enum lengthMax = 2^^lengthBits - 1;
1608             static if (useGCAllocation)
1609             {
1610                 E* ptr; // GC-allocated store pointer. See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/post/iubialncuhahhxsfvbbg@forum.dlang.org
1611             }
1612             else
1613             {
1614                 @nogc E* ptr;   // non-GC-allocated store pointer
1615             }
1617             CapacityType capacity;  // store capacity
1619             import std.bitmanip : bitfields; // TODO replace with own logic cause this mixin costs compilation speed
1620             mixin(bitfields!(CapacityType, "length", lengthBits,
1621                              bool, "isBorrowed", 1,
1622                              bool, "isLarge", 1,
1623                       ));
1624         }
1626         pragma(inline)
1627         this(size_t initialCapacity, size_t initialLength, bool zero)
1628         {
1629             assert(initialCapacity <= lengthMax);
1630             assert(initialLength <= lengthMax);
1632             setCapacity(initialCapacity);
1633             this.capacity = cast(CapacityType)initialCapacity;
1634             this.ptr = allocate(initialCapacity, zero);
1635             this.length = initialLength;
1636             this.isLarge = true;
1637             this.isBorrowed = false;
1638         }
1640         pragma(inline, true):
1642         void setCapacity(size_t newCapacity)
1643         {
1644             assert(newCapacity <= capacity.max);
1645             capacity = cast(CapacityType)newCapacity;
1646         }
1648         MutableE* _mptr() const
1649             @trusted
1650         {
1651             return cast(typeof(return))ptr;
1652         }
1653     }
1655     /// Small string storage.
1656     static struct Small
1657     {
1658         enum capacity = smallCapacity;
1659         private enum lengthBits = 8*SmallLengthType.sizeof - 2;
1660         private enum lengthMax = 2^^lengthBits - 1;
1662         import std.bitmanip : bitfields; // TODO replace with own logic cause this mixin costs compilation speed
1663         static if (useAlignedTaggedPointer)
1664         {
1665             mixin(bitfields!(bool, "isLarge", 1, // defaults to false
1666                              bool, "isBorrowed", 1, // default to false
1667                              SmallLengthType, "length", lengthBits,
1668                       ));
1669             static if (smallPadSize) { ubyte[smallPadSize] _ignoredPadding; }
1670             E[capacity] elms;
1671         }
1672         else
1673         {
1674             E[capacity] elms;
1675             static if (smallPadSize) { ubyte[smallPadSize] _ignoredPadding; }
1676             mixin(bitfields!(SmallLengthType, "length", lengthBits,
1677                              bool, "isBorrowed", 1, // default to false
1678                              bool, "isLarge", 1, // defaults to false
1679                              ));
1680         }
1682         pragma(inline)
1683         this(size_t initialLength, bool zero)
1684         {
1685             assert(initialLength <= lengthMax);
1687             this.length = cast(SmallLengthType)initialLength;
1688             this.isLarge = false;
1689             this.isBorrowed = false;
1690             if (zero)
1691             {
1692                 elms[] = E.init;
1693             }
1694         }
1696         pragma(inline, true)
1697         MutableE* _mptr() const
1698             @trusted
1699         {
1700             return cast(typeof(return))(elms.ptr);
1701         }
1702     }
1704     static assert(Large.sizeof ==
1705                   Small.sizeof);
1707     static if (E.sizeof == 1 &&
1708                size_t.sizeof == 8 && // 64-bit
1709                Small.capacity == 23)
1710     {
1711         static assert(Large.sizeof == 24);
1712         static assert(Small.sizeof == 24);
1713     }
1715     union
1716     {
1717         Large _large;            // indirected storage
1718         Small _small;            // non-indirected storage
1719     }
1720 }
1722 import std.traits : hasMember, isDynamicArray;
1724 /** Return an instance of `R` with capacity `capacity`. */
1725 R withCapacityMake(R)(size_t capacity)
1726 if (hasMember!(R, "withCapacity"))
1727 {
1728     return R.withCapacity(capacity);
1729 }
1730 /// ditto
1731 R withCapacityMake(R)(size_t capacity)
1732 if (isDynamicArray!R)
1733 {
1734     R r;
1735     // See http://forum.dlang.org/post/nupffaitocqjlamffuqi@forum.dlang.org
1736     r.reserve(capacity);
1737     return r;
1738 }
1740 @safe pure nothrow unittest
1741 {
1742     immutable capacity = 10;
1743     auto x = capacity.withCapacityMake!(int[]);
1744     assert(x.capacity >= capacity);
1745 }
1747 /** Return an instance of `R` of length `length`. */
1748 R withLengthMake(R)(size_t length)
1749 if (hasMember!(R, "withLength"))
1750 {
1751     return R.withLength(length);
1752 }
1753 /// ditto
1754 R withLengthMake(R)(size_t length)
1755 if (isDynamicArray!R)
1756 {
1757     R r;
1758     r.length = length;
1759     return r;
1760 }
1762 /** Return an instance of `R` containing a single element `e`. */
1763 R withElementMake(R)(typeof(R.init[0]) e)
1764 if (hasMember!(R, "withElement"))
1765 {
1766     return R.withElement(e);
1767 }
1768 /// ditto
1769 R withElementMake(R)(typeof(R.init[0]) e)
1770 if (isDynamicArray!R)
1771 {
1772     return [e];
1773 }
1775 alias UniqueArray(E, bool useGCAllocation = false) = Array!(E, Assignment.disabled, Ordering.unsorted, useGCAllocation, size_t, "a < b");
1776 alias CopyingArray(E, bool useGCAllocation = false) = Array!(E, Assignment.copy, Ordering.unsorted, useGCAllocation, size_t, "a < b");
1778 alias SortedCopyingArray(E, bool useGCAllocation = false, alias less = "a < b") = Array!(E, Assignment.copy, Ordering.sortedValues, useGCAllocation, size_t, less);
1779 alias SortedSetCopyingArray(E, bool useGCAllocation = false, alias less = "a < b") = Array!(E, Assignment.copy, Ordering.sortedUniqueSet, useGCAllocation, size_t, less);
1781 alias SortedUniqueArray(E, bool useGCAllocation = false, alias less = "a < b") = Array!(E, Assignment.disabled, Ordering.sortedValues, useGCAllocation, size_t, less);
1782 alias SortedSetUniqueArray(E, bool useGCAllocation = false, alias less = "a < b") = Array!(E, Assignment.disabled, Ordering.sortedUniqueSet, useGCAllocation, size_t, less);
1784 // string aliases
1785 alias UniqueString(bool useGCAllocation = false) = Array!(char,  Assignment.disabled, Ordering.unsorted, useGCAllocation, size_t, "a < b");
1786 alias CopyingString(bool useGCAllocation = false) = Array!(char,  Assignment.copy, Ordering.unsorted, useGCAllocation, size_t, "a < b");
1787 alias UniqueWString(bool useGCAllocation = false) = Array!(wchar, Assignment.disabled, Ordering.unsorted, useGCAllocation, size_t, "a < b");
1788 alias CopyingWString(bool useGCAllocation = false) = Array!(wchar, Assignment.copy, Ordering.unsorted, useGCAllocation, size_t, "a < b");
1789 alias UniqueDString(bool useGCAllocation = false) = Array!(dchar, Assignment.disabled, Ordering.unsorted, useGCAllocation, size_t, "a < b");
1790 alias CopyingDString(bool useGCAllocation = false) = Array!(dchar, Assignment.copy, Ordering.unsorted, useGCAllocation, size_t, "a < b");
1792 @safe pure unittest
1793 {
1794     auto c = UniqueString!false();
1795     auto w = UniqueWString!false();
1796     auto d = UniqueDString!false();
1797 }
1799 @safe pure unittest
1800 {
1801     auto c = CopyingString!false();
1802     auto w = CopyingWString!false();
1803     auto d = CopyingDString!false();
1804 }
1806 @safe pure unittest
1807 {
1808     import std.conv : to;
1809     foreach (assignment; AliasSeq!(Assignment.disabled, Assignment.copy))
1810     {
1811         foreach (Ch; AliasSeq!(char, wchar, dchar))
1812         {
1813             alias Str = Array!(Ch, assignment);
1814             Str str_as = Str.withElement('a');
1815             Str str_as2 = 'a'.withElementMake!Str;
1816             Str str_as3 = 'a'.withElementMake!(Ch[]);
1817             assert(str_as == str_as2);
1818             assert(str_as2 == str_as3);
1819             str_as ~= Ch('_');
1820             assert(str_as[].equal("a_"));
1821         }
1822     }
1823 }
1825 static void tester(Ordering ordering, bool supportGC, alias less)()
1826 {
1827     import std.functional : binaryFun;
1828     import std.range : iota, chain, repeat, only, ElementType;
1829     import std.algorithm : filter, map;
1830     import std.algorithm.sorting : isSorted, sort;
1831     import std.exception : assertThrown, assertNotThrown;
1832     import std.traits : isInstanceOf;
1833     import core.internal.traits : Unqual;
1835     enum assignment = Assignment.copy;
1836     alias comp = binaryFun!less; //< comparison
1838     alias E = int;
1840     {
1841         alias A = SortedUniqueArray!E;
1842         auto x = A.withElements(0, 3, 2, 1);
1843         assert(x[].equal([0, 1, 2, 3].s[]));
1844     }
1846     foreach (Ch; AliasSeq!(char, wchar, dchar))
1847     {
1848         static if (!isOrdered!ordering || // either not ordered
1849                    is(Ch == dchar))       // or not a not a narrow string
1850         {
1851             alias Str = Array!(Ch, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less);
1852             auto y = Str.withElements('a', 'b', 'c');
1853             static assert(is(Unqual!(ElementType!Str) == Ch));
1854             y = Str.init;
1856             const(Ch)[] xs;
1857             {
1858                 // immutable
1859                 immutable x = Str.withElements('a', 'b', 'c');
1860                 static if (!isOrdered!ordering)
1861                 {
1862                     xs = x[];       // TODO should fail with DIP-1000 scope
1863                 }
1864             }
1865         }
1866     }
1868     foreach (Ch; AliasSeq!(char))
1869     {
1870         static if (!isOrdered!ordering)
1871         {
1872             alias Str = Array!(Ch, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less);
1873             auto str = Str.withElements('a', 'b', 'c');
1875             static if (isOrdered!ordering)
1876             {
1877                 static assert(is(Unqual!(ElementType!Str) == Ch));
1878             }
1879             else
1880             {
1881                 static assert(is(ElementType!Str == Ch));
1882                 assert(str[] == `abc`); // TODO this fails for wchar and dchar
1883             }
1884         }
1885     }
1887     {
1888         alias A = Array!(int, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less);
1889         foreach (immutable n; [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
1890         {
1891             assert(A.withLength(n).isSmall);
1892         }
1893         assert(!(A.withLength(6).isSmall));
1894         assert((A.withLength(6).isLarge));
1895     }
1897     // test move construction
1898     {
1899         immutable maxLength = 1024;
1900         foreach (immutable n; 0 .. maxLength)
1901         {
1902             auto x = Array!(E, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less).withLength(n);
1904             // test resize
1905             static if (!isOrdered!ordering)
1906             {
1907                 assert(x.length == n);
1908                 x.length = n + 1;
1909                 assert(x.length == n + 1);
1910                 x.length = n;
1911             }
1913             const ptr = x.ptr;
1914             immutable capacity = x.capacity;
1915             assert(x.length == n);
1917             import std.algorithm.mutation : move;
1918             auto y = Array!(E, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less)();
1919             move(x, y);
1921             assert(x.length == 0);
1922             assert(x.capacity == x.smallCapacity);
1924             assert(y.length == n);
1925             assert(y.capacity == capacity);
1926         }
1927     }
1929     foreach (immutable n; chain(0.only, iota(0, 10).map!(x => 2^^x)))
1930     {
1931         import std.array : array;
1932         import std.range : radial;
1934         immutable zi = cast(int)0; // zero index
1935         immutable ni = cast(int)n; // number index
1937         auto fw = iota(zi, ni); // 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1
1939         auto bw = fw.array.radial;
1941         Array!(E, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less) ss0 = bw; // reversed
1942         static assert(is(Unqual!(ElementType!(typeof(ss0))) == E));
1943         static assert(isInstanceOf!(Array, typeof(ss0)));
1944         assert(ss0.length == n);
1946         static if (isOrdered!ordering)
1947         {
1948             if (!ss0.empty) { assert(ss0[0] == ss0[0]); } // trigger use of opindex
1949             assert(ss0[].equal(fw.array
1950                                  .sort!comp));
1951             assert(ss0[].isSorted!comp);
1952         }
1954         Array!(E, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less) ss1 = fw; // ordinary
1955         assert(ss1.length == n);
1957         static if (isOrdered!ordering)
1958         {
1959             assert(ss1[].equal(fw.array
1960                                  .sort!comp));
1961             assert(ss1[].isSorted!comp);
1962         }
1964         Array!(E, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less) ss2 = fw.filter!(x => x & 1);
1965         assert(ss2.length == n/2);
1967         static if (isOrdered!ordering)
1968         {
1969             assert(ss2[].equal(fw.filter!(x => x & 1)
1970                                  .array
1971                                  .sort!comp));
1972             assert(ss2[].isSorted!comp);
1973         }
1975         auto ssA = Array!(E, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less).withLength(0);
1976         static if (isOrdered!ordering)
1977         {
1978             static if (less == "a < b")
1979             {
1980                 alias A = Array!(E, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less);
1981                 const A x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
1982                 assert(x.front == 1);
1983                 assert(x.back == 6);
1984                 assert(x.lowerBound(3).equal([1, 2].s[]));
1985                 assert(x.upperBound(3).equal([4, 5, 6].s[]));
1986                 assert(x[].equal(x[])); // already sorted
1987             }
1989             foreach (i; bw)
1990             {
1991                 static if (ordering == Ordering.sortedUniqueSet)
1992                 {
1993                     assert(ssA.insertMany(i)[].equal([true].s[]));
1994                     assert(ssA.insertMany(i)[].equal([false].s[]));
1995                 }
1996                 else
1997                 {
1998                     ssA.insertMany(i);
1999                 }
2000             }
2001             assert(ssA[].equal(sort!comp(fw.array)));
2003             auto ssB = Array!(E, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less).withLength(0);
2004             static if (ordering == Ordering.sortedUniqueSet)
2005             {
2006                 assert(ssB.insertMany(1, 7, 4, 9)[].equal(true.repeat(4)));
2007                 assert(ssB.insertMany(3, 6, 8, 5, 1, 9)[].equal([true, true, true, true, false, false].s[]));
2008                 assert(ssB.insertMany(3, 0, 2, 10, 11, 5)[].equal([false, true, true, true, true, false].s[]));
2009                 assert(ssB.insertMany(0, 2, 10, 11)[].equal(false.repeat(4))); // false becuse already inserted
2010                 assert(ssB.capacity == 16);
2011             }
2012             else
2013             {
2014                 ssB.insertMany(1, 7, 4, 9);
2015                 ssB.insertMany(3, 6, 8, 5);
2016                 ssB.insertMany(0, 2, 10, 11);
2017                 assert(ssB.capacity == 16);
2018             }
2020             auto ssI = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11].sort!comp; // values
2021             immutable ssO = [12, 13]; // values not range
2023             assert(ssB[].equal(ssI));
2025             foreach (s; ssI) { assert(ssB.contains(s)); }
2026             foreach (s; ssO) { assert(!ssB.contains(s)); }
2028             ssB.compress();
2029             assert(ssB.capacity == 12);
2030         }
2031         else
2032         {
2033             {
2034                 alias A = Array!(E, assignment, ordering, supportGC);
2035                 A x = [1, 2, 3];
2036                 x ~= x;
2037                 assert(x[].equal([1, 2, 3,
2038                                   1, 2, 3].s[]));
2039                 x ~= x[];
2040                 assert(x[].equal([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,
2041                                   1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3].s[]));
2042             }
2044             ssA ~= 3;
2045             ssA ~= 2;
2046             ssA ~= 1;
2047             assert(ssA[].equal([3, 2, 1].s[]));
2049             ssA.compress();
2051             // popBack
2052             ssA[0] = 1;
2053             ssA[1] = 2;
2054             assert(ssA[].equal([1, 2, 1].s[]));
2055             assert(!ssA.empty);
2056             assert(ssA.front == 1);
2057             assert(ssA.back == 1);
2059             assertNotThrown(ssA.popBack());
2060             assert(ssA[].equal([1, 2].s[]));
2061             assert(!ssA.empty);
2062             assert(ssA.front == 1);
2063             assert(ssA.back == 2);
2065             assertNotThrown(ssA.popBack());
2066             assert(ssA[].equal([1].s[]));
2067             assert(!ssA.empty);
2068             assert(ssA.front == 1);
2069             assert(ssA.back == 1);
2071             assertNotThrown(ssA.popBack());
2072             assert(ssA.length == 0);
2073             assert(ssA.empty);
2074             assert(ssA.capacity != 0);
2076             ssA.compress();
2077             assert(ssA.length == 0);
2078             assert(ssA.empty);
2080             // insertAt
2081             ssA ~= 1;
2082             ssA ~= 2;
2083             ssA ~= 3;
2084             ssA ~= 4;
2085             ssA ~= 5;
2086             ssA ~= 6;
2087             ssA ~= 7;
2088             ssA ~= 8;
2089             assert(ssA[].equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].s[]));
2090             ssA.insertAtIndex(3, 100, 101);
2091             assert(ssA[].equal([1, 2, 3, 100, 101, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].s[]));
2092             assertNotThrown(ssA.popFront());
2093             assert(ssA[].equal([2, 3, 100, 101, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].s[]));
2094             assertNotThrown(ssA.popFront());
2095             assert(ssA[].equal([3, 100, 101, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].s[]));
2096             assertNotThrown(ssA.popFront());
2097             assert(ssA[].equal([100, 101, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].s[]));
2098             assertNotThrown(ssA.popFront());
2099             assertNotThrown(ssA.popFront());
2100             assertNotThrown(ssA.popFront());
2101             assertNotThrown(ssA.popFront());
2102             assertNotThrown(ssA.popFront());
2103             assertNotThrown(ssA.popFront());
2104             assertNotThrown(ssA.popFront());
2105             assert(ssA.empty);
2106             ssA.compress();
2108             // removeAt
2109             ssA ~= 1;
2110             ssA ~= 2;
2111             ssA ~= 3;
2112             ssA ~= 4;
2113             ssA ~= 5;
2114             assertNotThrown(ssA.removeAt(2));
2115             assert(ssA[].equal([1, 2, 4, 5].s[]));
2117             // insertBack and assignment from slice
2118             auto ssB = Array!(E, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less).withLength(0);
2119             ssB.insertBack([1, 2, 3, 4, 5].s[]);
2120             ssB.insertBack([6, 7]);
2121             assert(ssB[].equal([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].s[]));
2122             assert(ssB.backPop() == 7);
2123             assert(ssB.backPop() == 6);
2124             assert(ssB.backPop() == 5);
2125             assert(ssB.backPop() == 4);
2126             assert(ssB.backPop() == 3);
2127             assert(ssB.backPop() == 2);
2128             assert(ssB.backPop() == 1);
2129             assert(ssB.empty);
2131             // insertBack(Array)
2132             {
2133                 immutable s = [1, 2, 3];
2134                 Array!(E, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less) s1 = s;
2135                 Array!(E, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less) s2 = s1[];
2136                 assert(s1[].equal(s));
2137                 s1 ~= s1;
2138                 assert(s1[].equal(chain(s, s)));
2139                 s1 ~= s2;
2140                 assert(s1[].equal(chain(s, s, s)));
2141             }
2143             // immutable ss_ = Array!(E, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less)(null);
2144             // assert(ss_.empty);
2146             auto ssC = Array!(E, assignment, ordering, supportGC, size_t, less).withLength(0);
2147             immutable int[5] i5_ = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
2148             immutable(int)[] i5 = i5_[];
2149             ssC.insertBack(i5);
2150             assert(i5 == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].s[]);
2151             assert(ssC[].equal(i5));
2153             auto ssCc = ssC;    // copy it
2154             assert(ssCc[].equal(i5));
2156             ssC.shrinkTo(4);
2157             assert(ssC[].equal([1, 2, 3, 4].s[]));
2159             ssC.shrinkTo(3);
2160             assert(ssC[].equal([1, 2, 3].s[]));
2162             ssC.shrinkTo(2);
2163             assert(ssC[].equal([1, 2].s[]));
2165             ssC.shrinkTo(1);
2166             assert(ssC[].equal([1].s[]));
2168             ssC.shrinkTo(0);
2169             assert(ssC[].length == 0);
2170             assert(ssC.empty);
2172             ssC.insertBack(i5);
2173             ssC.popBackN(3);
2174             assert(ssC[].equal([1, 2].s[]));
2176             auto ssD = ssC;
2177             ssC.clear();
2178             assert(ssC.empty);
2180             assert(!ssD.empty);
2181             ssD = null;
2182             assert(ssD.empty);
2183             assert(ssD == typeof(ssD).init);
2185             assert(ssCc[].equal(i5));
2187             ssCc = ssCc;   // self assignment
2188         }
2189     }
2190 }
2192 /// disabled copying
2193 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
2194 {
2195     alias E = ubyte;
2196     alias A = Array!(E, Assignment.disabled, Ordering.unsorted, false, size_t, "a < b");
2197     A a;
2198     immutable n = ubyte.max;
2199     size_t i = 0;
2200     foreach (ubyte e; 0 .. n)
2201     {
2202         a ~= e;
2203         // assert(a.back == e.to!E);
2204         assert(a.length == i + 1);
2205         ++i;
2206     }
2207     const b = a.dup;
2208     static assert(is(typeof(a) == Unqual!(typeof(b))));
2209     assert(b.length == a.length);
2210     assert(a !is b);
2211     assert(a == b);
2212 }
2214 /// disabled copying
2215 @safe pure nothrow unittest
2216 {
2217     alias E = string;
2219     alias A = Array!(E, Assignment.disabled, Ordering.unsorted, false, size_t, "a < b");
2220     A a;
2221     immutable n = 100_000;
2222     size_t i = 0;
2223     foreach (const ref e; 0 .. n)
2224     {
2225         a ~= e.to!E;
2226         // assert(a.back == e.to!E);
2227         assert(a.length == i + 1);
2228         ++i;
2229     }
2230     const b = a.dup;
2231     static assert(is(typeof(a) == Unqual!(typeof(b))));
2232     assert(b.length == a.length);
2233     assert(a !is b);
2234     assert(a == b);
2235 }
2237 /// disabled copying
2238 @safe pure nothrow unittest
2239 {
2240     alias E = string;
2241     alias A = Array!(E, Assignment.disabled, Ordering.unsorted, false, size_t, "a < b");
2242     A a;
2243     immutable n = 100_000;
2244     size_t i = 0;
2245     foreach (const ref e; 0 .. n)
2246     {
2247         a ~= e.to!E;
2248         assert(a.length == i + 1);
2249         ++i;
2250     }
2251     const b = a.dup;
2252     static assert(is(typeof(a) == Unqual!(typeof(b))));
2253     assert(a[] == b[]);
2254 }
2256 /// disabled copying
2257 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
2258 {
2259     import std.traits : isAssignable;
2261     alias E = string;
2263     alias A = Array!E;
2264     static assert(!__traits(isCopyable, A));
2266     alias CA = CopyingArray!E;
2267     static assert(__traits(isCopyable, CA));
2269     // import std.traits : isRvalueAssignable, isLvalueAssignable;
2270     // static assert(isRvalueAssignable!(A));
2271     // static assert(isLvalueAssignable!(A));
2273     static assert(isAssignable!(A));
2275     // import std.range.primitives : hasSlicing;
2276     // TODO make this evaluate to `true`
2277     // static assert(hasSlicing!A);
2279     alias AA = Array!A;
2281     AA aa;
2282     A a;
2283     a ~= "string";
2284     aa ~= A.init;
2286     assert(aa == aa);
2287     assert(AA.withLength(3) == AA.withLength(3));
2288     assert(AA.withCapacity(3) == AA.withCapacity(3));
2289     assert(AA.withLength(3).length == 3);
2290     assert(aa != AA.init);
2291 }
2293 ///
2294 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
2295 {
2296     alias E = int;
2297     alias A = Array!E;
2298     A a;
2299     import std.range : iota;
2300     import std.container.util : make;
2301     foreach (n; 0 .. 100)
2302     {
2303         const e = iota(0, n).make!Array;
2304         assert(e[].equal(iota(0, n)));
2305     }
2306 }
2308 version(unittest)
2309 {
2310     import std.traits : EnumMembers;
2311 }
2313 /// use GC
2314 pure nothrow unittest
2315 {
2316     foreach (ordering; EnumMembers!Ordering)
2317     {
2318         tester!(ordering, true, "a < b"); // use GC
2319         tester!(ordering, true, "a > b"); // use GC
2320     }
2321 }
2323 /// don't use GC
2324 pure nothrow /+TODO @nogc+/ unittest
2325 {
2326     foreach (ordering; EnumMembers!Ordering)
2327     {
2328         tester!(ordering, false, "a < b"); // don't use GC
2329         tester!(ordering, false, "a > b"); // don't use GC
2330     }
2331 }
2333 @safe pure nothrow unittest
2334 {
2335     alias E = int;
2336     alias A = Array!E;
2337     A[string] map;
2338     map["a"] = A.init;
2339     map["B"] = A.withLength(42);
2341     auto aPtr = "a" in map;
2342     assert(aPtr);
2343     assert(A.init == *aPtr);
2344     assert(*aPtr == A.init);
2346     assert("z" !in map);
2347     auto zPtr = "z" in map;
2348     assert(!zPtr);
2349 }
2351 /// test withElement and withElements
2352 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
2353 {
2354     import std.algorithm.mutation : move;
2355     import std.range.primitives : ElementType;
2357     alias A = Array!int;
2358     alias AA = Array!A;
2359     alias AAA = Array!AA;
2361     foreach (A_; AliasSeq!(A, AA, AAA))
2362     {
2363         alias E = ElementType!A_;
2364         A_ x = A_.withElement(E.init);
2365         A_ y = A_.withElements(E.init, E.init);
2366         assert(x.length == 1);
2367         assert(y.length == 2);
2368         immutable n = 100;
2369         foreach (_; 0 .. n)
2370         {
2371             auto e = E.init;
2372             x ~= move(e);
2373             y ~= E.init;
2374         }
2375         foreach (_; 0 .. n)
2376         {
2377             assert(x.backPop() == E.init);
2378             assert(y.backPop() == E.init);
2379         }
2380         assert(x.length == 1);
2381         assert(y.length == 2);
2383         import std.algorithm : swap;
2384         swap(x, y);
2385         assert(x.length == 2);
2386         assert(y.length == 1);
2388         swap(x[0], y[0]);
2389     }
2391 }
2393 /// assert same behaviour of `dup` as for builtin arrays
2394 @safe pure nothrow unittest
2395 {
2396     struct Vec { int x, y; }
2397     class Db { int* _ptr; }
2398     struct Node { int x; class Db; }
2399     // struct Node1 { const(int) x; class Db; }
2400     foreach (E; AliasSeq!(int, const(int), Vec, Node// , Node1
2401                  ))
2402     {
2403         alias DA = E[];         // builtin D array/slice
2404         immutable DA da = [E.init]; // construct from array
2405         auto daCopy = da.dup;   // duplicate
2406         daCopy[] = E.init;   // opSliceAssign
2408         alias CA = Array!E;         // container array
2409         immutable ca = CA.withElement(E.init);
2411         auto caCopy = ca.dup;
2413         import std.traits : hasIndirections;
2414         static if (!hasIndirections!E)
2415         {
2416             const(E)[2] x = [E.init, E.init];
2417             // TODO caCopy ~= E.init;
2418             caCopy ~= x[];
2419             assert(caCopy.length == 3);
2420             assert(caCopy[1 .. $] == x[]);
2421         }
2423         // should have same element type
2424         static assert(is(typeof(caCopy[0]) ==
2425                          typeof(daCopy[0])));
2427     }
2428 }
2430 /// array as AA key type
2431 @safe pure nothrow unittest
2432 {
2433     struct E { int x, y; }
2434     foreach (A; AliasSeq!(Array!E,
2435                           CopyingArray!E))
2436     {
2437         int[A] x;
2438         immutable n = 100;
2439         foreach (immutable i; 0 .. n)
2440         {
2441             assert(x.length == i);
2442             assert(A.withElement(E(i, 2*i)) !in x);
2443             x[A.withElement(E(i, 2*i))] = 42;
2444             assert(x.length == i + 1);
2445             auto a = A.withElement(E(i, 2*i));
2446             import std.traits : isCopyable;
2447             static if (__traits(isCopyable, A))
2448             {
2449                 // TODO why do these fail when `A` is uncopyable?
2450                 assert(a in x);
2451                 assert(A.withElement(E(i, 2*i)) in x);
2452                 assert(x[A.withElement(E(i, 2*i))] == 42);
2453             }
2454         }
2455     }
2456 }
2458 /// init and append to empty array as AA value type
2459 @safe pure nothrow unittest
2460 {
2461     alias Key = string;
2462     alias A = Array!int;
2464     A[Key] x;
2466     assert("a" !in x);
2468     x["a"] = A.init;            // if this init is removed..
2469     x["a"] ~= 42;               // ..then this fails
2471     assert(x["a"] == A.withElement(42));
2472 }
2474 /// compress
2475 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
2476 {
2477     alias A = Array!string;
2478     A a;
2480     a.compress();
2482     a ~= "a";
2483     a ~= "b";
2484     a ~= "c";
2486     assert(a.length == 3);
2487     assert(a.capacity == 4);
2489     a.compress();
2491     assert(a.capacity == a.length);
2492 }
2494 ///
2495 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
2496 {
2497     alias Key = UniqueArray!char;
2498     alias Value = UniqueArray!int;
2499     struct E
2500     {
2501         Key key;
2502         Value value;
2503         E dup() @safe pure nothrow @nogc
2504         {
2505             return E(key.dup, value.dup);
2506         }
2507     }
2508     E e;
2509     e.key = Key.withElement('a');
2510     e.value = Value.withElement(42);
2512     auto f = e.dup;
2513     assert(e == f);
2515     e.key = Key.withElement('b');
2516     assert(e != f);
2518     e.key = Key.withElement('a');
2519     assert(e == f);
2521     e.value = Value.withElement(43);
2522     assert(e != f);
2524     e.value = Value.withElement(42);
2525     assert(e == f);
2527 }
2529 /// append to empty to array as AA value type
2530 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
2531 {
2532     import std.exception: assertThrown;
2533     import core.exception : RangeError;
2535     alias Key = string;
2536     alias A = Array!int;
2538     A[Key] x;
2539     // assertThrown!RangeError({ x["a"] ~= 42; }); // TODO make this work
2540 }
2542 /// map array of uncopyable
2543 @safe pure nothrow unittest
2544 {
2545     import std.range.primitives : isInputRange;
2546     import std.array : array;
2548     alias A = UniqueArray!int;
2549     auto y = A.init[].map!(_ => _^^2).array;
2551     A z = y.dup;                // check that dup returns same type
2552     z = A.init;
2553     const w = [0, 1].s;
2554     z.insertBack(w[]);
2555     assert(z[].equal(w[]));
2556 }
2558 ///
2559 version(none)
2560 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
2561 {
2562     alias A = UniqueArray!int;
2563     A x;
2564     const y = [0, 1, 2, 3].s;
2566     x.insertBack(y[]);
2567     assert(x[].equal(y[]));
2569     x.clear();
2570     x.insertBack(y[].map!(_ => _^^2)); // rhs has length (`hasLength`)
2571     assert(x[].equal(y[].map!(_ => _^^2)));
2573     x.clear();
2574     x.insertBack(y[].filter!(_ => _ & 1)); // rhs has no length (`!hasLength`)
2575     assert(x[].equal(y[].filter!(_ => _ & 1)));
2576 }
2578 /// collection
2579 /*@safe*/ pure nothrow @nogc unittest // TODO make @safe when collect has been made safe
2580 {
2581     import std.range : iota, isOutputRange;
2582     import nxt.algorithm_ex : collect;
2584     alias E = int;
2585     alias A = Array!E;
2587     immutable n = 100;
2588     static assert(isOutputRange!(A, E));
2590     assert((0.iota(n).collect!A)[].equal(0.iota(n)));
2591 }
2593 /// map array of uncopyable
2594 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
2595 {
2596     foreach (AT; AliasSeq!(SortedUniqueArray,
2597                            SortedSetUniqueArray))
2598     {
2599         alias A = AT!int;
2600         A a;
2601         A b = a.dup;
2602     }
2603 }
2605 /// init and append to empty array as AA value type
2606 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
2607 {
2608     alias A = Array!int;
2610     const x = A.withElements(0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 1, 3);
2612     assert(x.toSortedArray == [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3].s[]);
2613     assert(x.toSortedSetArray == [0, 1, 2, 3].s[]);
2615     assert(x.toSortedArray!"a > b" == [3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0].s[]);
2616     assert(x.toSortedSetArray!"a > b" == [3, 2, 1, 0].s[]);
2617 }
2619 /** Return `data` appended with arguments `args`.
2621     If `data` is an r-value it's modified and returned, otherwise a copy is made
2622     and returned.
2623  */
2624 C append(C, Args...)(auto ref C data,
2625                      auto ref Args args)
2626 if (args.length >= 1)    // TODO trait: when `C` is a container supporting `insertBack`
2627 {
2628     static if (__traits(isRef, data)) // `data` is an r-value
2629     {
2630         C mutableData = data.dup;
2631     }
2632     else                        // `data` is an l-value
2633     {
2634         alias mutableData = data;
2635     }
2636     // TODO use `mutableData.insertBack(args);` instead
2637     foreach (ref arg; args)
2638     {
2639         mutableData.insertBack(arg);
2640     }
2641     import std.algorithm.mutation : move;
2642     return move(mutableData);
2643 }
2645 /// append
2646 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
2647 {
2648     alias Str = UniqueString!false;
2650     assert(Str(`a`).append('b', 'c')[] == `abc`);
2651     assert(Str(`a`).append(`b`, `c`)[] == `abc`);
2653     const Str x = Str(`a`).append('b', 'c'); // is moved
2654     assert(x[] == `abc`);
2656     Str y = `x`;
2657     Str z = y.append('y', 'z', `w`); // needs dup
2658     assert(y.ptr != z.ptr);
2659     assert(z[] == `xyzw`);
2660 }
2662 version(unittest)
2663 {
2664     private static struct SS
2665     {
2666         @disable this(this);
2667         int x;
2668     }
2669 }
2671 /// uncopyable elements
2672 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
2673 {
2674     alias A = UniqueArray!SS;
2675     A x;
2676     x ~= SS.init;
2677     // TODO x.insertBack(A.init);
2678 }
2680 // TODO implement?
2681 // T opBinary(string op, R, Args...)(R lhs,
2682 //                                   auto ref Args args)
2683 // {
2684 //     return append(lhs, rhs);
2685 // }
2686 // @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
2687 // {
2688 //     alias S = UniqueString!false;
2689 //     // TODO
2690 //     // const S x = S(`a`) ~ 'b';
2691 //     // assert(x[] == `abc`);
2692 // }
2694 /// See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/post/omfm56$28nu$1@digitalmars.com
2695 version(none)
2696 @safe pure nothrow unittest
2697 {
2698     import std.range.primitives : ElementType;
2699     import std.array : Appender;
2701     struct S
2702     {
2703         string src;
2704         S[] subs;
2705     }
2707     struct T
2708     {
2709         string src;
2710         Appender!(T[]) subs;
2711     }
2713     static assert(is(ElementType!(S[]) == S));
2714     static assert(is(ElementType!(T[]) == void)); // TODO forward-reference bug: should be `T`
2716     S s;
2717     s.subs ~= S.init;
2719     T t;
2720     // t.subs ~= T.init;
2721     // t.subs.put(T.init);
2723     // struct U
2724     // {
2725     //     string src;
2726     //     UniqueArray!U subs;
2727     // }
2728     // U u;
2729 }
2731 /// class element
2732 @safe pure nothrow unittest
2733 {
2734     class Zing
2735     {
2736         void* raw;
2737     }
2738     class Edge : Zing
2739     {
2740         Zing[] actors;
2741     }
2743     foreach (AT; AliasSeq!(UniqueArray,
2744                            CopyingArray,
2745                            SortedCopyingArray,
2746                            SortedSetCopyingArray,
2747                            SortedUniqueArray,
2748                            SortedSetUniqueArray))
2749     {
2750         alias A = AT!int;
2751         A a;
2752     }
2753 }