1 /** Randomize existing instances and generate randomized instances of a given type.
3     Copyright: Per Nordlöw 2018-.
4     License: $(WEB boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
5     Authors: $(WEB Per Nordlöw)
7     See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/byonwfghdqgcirdjyboh@forum.dlang.org
9     TODO Can these be tagged with @nogc? Currently std.random.uniform may allocate.
10     TODO Tags as nothrow when std.random gets there.
11     TODO How to handle possibly null reference (class, dynamic types) types?
12     Answer relates to how to randomize empty/null variable length structures
13     (arrays, strings, etc).
14     - Maybe some kind of length randomization?
15  */
16 module nxt.random_ex;
18 import std.traits: isIntegral, isFloatingPoint, isNumeric, isIterable, isStaticArray, isArray, hasIndirections, isSomeString, isScalarType, isBoolean;
19 import std.range: ElementType, hasAssignableElements;
20 import std.random: uniform;
22 version(unittest) private enum testLength = 64;
24 /** Randomize value $(D x). */
25 ref E randInPlace(E)(return ref E x)
26 if (isBoolean!E)
27 {
28     return x = cast(bool)uniform(0, 2);
29 }
31 /** Randomize value $(D x), optionally in range [$(D low), $(D high)]. */
32 ref E randInPlace(E)(return ref E x)
33 if (isIntegral!E)
34 {
35     return x = uniform(E.min, E.max);    // BUG: Never assigns the value E.max
36 }
38 /** Randomize value $(D x), optional in range [$(D low), $(D high)]. */
39 ref E randInPlace(E)(return ref E x)
40 if (isFloatingPoint!E)
41 {
42     return x = uniform(cast(E)0, cast(E)1);
43 }
45 /** Randomize value $(D x), optionally in range [$(D low), $(D high)]. */
46 ref E randInPlaceWithRange(E)(return ref E x,
47                               E low,
48                               E high)
49 if (isIntegral!E)
50 {
51     return x = uniform(low, high);    // BUG: Never assigns the value E.max
52 }
54 /** Randomize value of $(D x), optional in range [$(D low), $(D high)]. */
55 ref E randInPlaceWithRange(E)(return ref E x,
56                               E low /* E.min_normal */,
57                               E high /* E.max */)
58 if (isFloatingPoint!E)
59 {
60     return x = uniform(low, high);
61 }
63 version(unittest)
64 {
65     import nxt.rational: Rational, rational;
66 }
68 /** Randomize value of $(D x). */
69 ref Rational!E randInPlace(Rational, E)(return ref Rational!E x) @trusted
70 if (isIntegral!E)
71 {
72     return x = rational(uniform(E.min, E.max),
73                         uniform(1, E.max));
74 }
76 @safe unittest
77 {
78     Rational!int x;
79     x.randInPlace();
80 }
82 /** Generate random value of $(D x).
83     See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/emlgflxpgecxsqweauhc@forum.dlang.org
84  */
85 ref dchar randInPlace(return ref dchar x) @trusted
86 {
87     auto ui = uniform(0,
88                       0xD800 +
89                       (0x110000 - 0xE000) - 2 // minus two for U+FFFE and U+FFFF
90         );
91     if (ui < 0xD800)
92     {
93         return x = ui;
94     }
95     else
96     {
97         ui -= 0xD800;
98         ui += 0xE000;
100         // skip undefined
101         if (ui < 0xFFFE)
102             return x = ui;
103         else
104             ui += 2;
106         assert(ui < 0x110000);
107         return x = ui;
108     }
109 }
111 unittest
112 {
113     auto x = randomized!dchar;
114     dstring d = "alphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalphaalpha";
115     auto r = d.randomize; // TODO Use Phobos function to check if string is legally coded.
116 }
118 /** Randomize value of $(D x). */
119 dstring randInPlace(dstring x) @trusted
120 {
121     typeof(x) y;
122     foreach (ix; 0 .. x.length)
123         y ~= randomized!dchar; // TODO How to do this in a better way?
124     x = y;
125     return x;
126 }
128 /** Randomize value of $(D x).
129  */
130 R randInPlace(R)(R x)
131 if (isIterable!R &&
132     hasAssignableElements!R)
133 {
134     import core.lifetime : move;
135     foreach (ref e; x)
136     {
137         e.randInPlace();
138     }
139     return move(x);             // TODO remove when compiler does this for us
140 }
142 /** Randomize all elements of $(D x).
143     Each element is randomized within range `[elementLow, elementHigh]`.
144  */
145 R randInPlaceWithElementRange(R, E)(R x,
146                                     E elementLow,
147                                     E elementHigh)
148 if (isIterable!R &&
149     hasAssignableElements!R &&
150     is(ElementType!R == E))
151 {
152     import core.lifetime : move;
153     foreach (ref e; x)
154     {
155         e.randInPlaceWithRange(elementLow, elementHigh);
156     }
157     return move(x);
158 }
160 @safe unittest
161 {
162     void testDynamic(T)()
163     {
164         auto x = new T[testLength];
165         auto y = x.dup;
166         x.randInPlace();
167         y.randInPlace();
168         assert(y != x);
169     }
170     testDynamic!int;
171     testDynamic!float;
172     testDynamic!bool;
173 }
175 /** Randomize elements of $(D x).
176  */
177 ref T randInPlace(T)(return ref T x)
178 if (isStaticArray!T)
179 {
180     foreach (ref e; x)
181     {
182         e.randInPlace();
183     }
184     return x;
185 }
187 @safe unittest
188 {
189     void testStatic(T)()
190     {
191         T[testLength] x;
192         auto y = x;
193         x.randInPlace();
194         y.randInPlace();
195         assert(y != x);
196     }
197     testStatic!bool;
198     testStatic!int;
199     testStatic!real;
200     enum E { a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h,
201              i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p }
202     testStatic!E;
203 }
205 /** Blockwise-randomize elements of $(D x) of array type $(D A).
206     Randomizes in array blocks of type $(D B).
207  */
208 ref A randInPlaceBlockwise(B = size_t, A)(ref A x)
209 if (isArray!A &&
210     isIntegral!(ElementType!A))
211 {
212     alias E = ElementType!A;
213     static assert(E.sizeof < B.sizeof);
214     enum mult = B.sizeof / E.sizeof; // block multiplicity
216     immutable n = x.length;
218     // beginning unaligned bytes
219     auto p = cast(size_t)x.ptr;
220     immutable size_t mask = B.sizeof - 1;
221     immutable r = (p & mask) / E.sizeof; // element-offset from B-aligned address before x
222     size_t k = 0; // E-index to first B-block
223     if (r)
224     {
225         import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
226         k = min(n, mult - r); // at first aligned B-block
227         foreach (i, ref e; x[0 .. k])
228         {
229             e.randInPlace();
230         }
231     }
233     // mid blocks of type B
234     auto bp = cast(B*)(x.ptr + k); // block pointer
235     immutable nB = (n - k) / mult; // number of B-blocks
236     foreach (ref b; 0 .. nB) // for each block index
237     {
238         bp[b].randInPlace();
239     }
241     // ending unaligned bytes
242     foreach (i, ref e; x[k + nB*mult .. $])
243     {
244         e.randInPlace();
245     }
247     return x;
248 }
250 unittest
251 {
252     static void test(B = size_t, T)()
253     {
254         enum n = 1024;
256         // dynamic array
257         for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
258         {
259             T[] da = new T[i];
260             da.randInPlaceBlockwise!B;
261             size_t j = randomInstanceOf!(typeof(i))(0, n/2);
262             da.randInPlaceBlockwise!B;
263         }
265         // static array
266         T[n] sa;
267         auto sa2 = sa[1 .. $];
268         sa2.randInPlaceBlockwise!B;
269     }
271     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
272     foreach (T; AliasSeq!(byte, short, int, ubyte, ushort, uint))
273     {
274         test!(size_t, T);
275     }
276 }
278 /** Randomize members of $(D x).
279  */
280 auto ref randInPlace(T)(return ref T x)
281 if (is(T == struct))
282 {
283     foreach (ref e; x.tupleof)
284     {
285         e.randInPlace();
286     }
287     return x;
288 }
290 @safe unittest
291 {
292     struct T { ubyte a, b, c, d; }
293     T[testLength] x;
294     auto y = x;
295     x.randInPlace();
296     y.randInPlace();
297     assert(y != x);
298 }
300 /** Randomize members of $(D x).
301  */
302 auto ref randInPlace(T)(T x)
303 if (is(T == class))
304 {
305     foreach (ref e; x.tupleof)
306     {
307         e.randInPlace();
308     }
309     return x;
310 }
312 alias randomize = randInPlace;
314 unittest
315 {
316     void testClass(E)()
317     {
318         class T { E a, b; }
319         auto x = new T;
320         auto y = new T;
321         x.randInPlace();
322         y.randInPlace();
323         assert(y != x);
324     }
325     testClass!bool;
326     testClass!int;
327     testClass!float;
328 }
330 /** Returns: randomized instance of type $(D T).
331  */
332 T randomInstanceOf(T)()
333 {
334     /* TODO recursively only void-initialize parts of T that are POD, not
335      reference types */
336     static if (hasIndirections!T)
337         T x;
338     else
339         /* don't init - randInPlace below fills in everything safely */
340         T x = void;
341     x.randInPlace();
342     return x;
343 }
345 /** Returns: randomized instance of type $(D T).
346  */
347 T randomInstanceOf(T)(T low = T.min,
348                       T high = T.max)
349 if (isNumeric!T)
350 {
351     /* TODO recursively only void-initialize parts of T that are POD, not
352        reference types */
353     static if (hasIndirections!T)
354         T x;
355     else
356         /* don't init - `randInPlace()` below fills in everything safely */
357         T x = void;
358     return x.randInPlaceWithRange(low, high);
359 }
361 alias randomized = randomInstanceOf;
363 /** Random number generator xoroshiro128+
365    See_Also: http://xoroshiro.di.unimi.it/
366    See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/post/kdobdorqztlsomweftmi@forum.dlang.org
367    See_Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/4gtlfz/xoroshiro128_the_fastest_fullperiod_pseudorandom/
368  */
369 struct Xoroshiro128plus
370 {
371     @safe pure nothrow @nogc:
372     public:
374     enum ulong min = ulong.min;
375     enum ulong max = ulong.max;
377     enum bool isUniformRandom = true;
379     /// Range primitives
380     enum bool empty = false;
382     /// ditto
383     ulong front() @property
384     {
385         return s[0] + s[1];
386     }
388     /// ditto
389     void popFront()
390     {
391         immutable ulong s1 = s[1] ^ s[0];
392         s[0] = rotateLeft(s[0], 55) ^ s1 ^ (s1 << 14);
393         s[1] = rotateLeft(s1, 36);
394     }
396     void seed(ulong s0, ulong s1)
397     in
398     {
399         // seeds are not both 0
400         assert(!(!s0 && !s1));
401     }
402     do
403     {
404         s[0] = s0;
405         s[1] = s1;
406     }
408     void seed(ulong[2] s01)
409     in
410     {
411         // seeds are not both 0
412         assert(!(!s01[0] && !s01[1]));
413     }
414     do
415     {
416         s[] = s01[];
417     }
419 private:
420     ulong[2] s;
422     static ulong rotateLeft(ulong x, int k)
423     in
424     {
425         assert(k <= 64);
426     }
427     do
428     {
429         return (x << k) | (x >> (64 - k));
430     }
431 }
433 @safe pure nothrow unittest
434 {
435     Xoroshiro128plus gen;
436     gen.seed(150078950, 1313143614);
437     import std.random : uniform;
438     import std.range : generate, take;
439     auto x = generate!(() => uniform!int(gen)).take(103);
440 }