module nxt.mmfile_ex; /** Read-Only Lines of Contents of file $(D path). TODO Use new std.string.splitLines() (via Phobos pull 2982). */ auto mmFileLinesRO(ElementType = char)(string path) if (ElementType.sizeof == 1) { version(linux) { import core.sys.posix.sys.shm: __getpagesize; const pageSize = __getpagesize(); } else { const pageSize = 4096; } import std.mmfile: MmFile; import std.path: expandTilde, buildNormalizedPath; auto mmf = new MmFile(path.expandTilde.buildNormalizedPath,, 0, null, pageSize); import nxt.byline : byLine, Newline; return (cast(ElementType[])mmf[]).byLine!(Newline.native); }