- byRef
CyclicRange!T byRef()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- clear
void clear()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- dup
CyclicArray!(T, len) dup()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- dup
CyclicArray!(T, len) dup()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- length
size_t length()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- length
size_t length(size_t val)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opApply
int opApply(int delegate(ref T) @(nogc) dg)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opApply
int opApply(int delegate(size_t, ref T) @(nogc) dg)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opBinary
auto opBinary(T rhs)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opBinary
auto opBinary(T[n] rhs)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opBinary
auto opBinary(Range rhs)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opEquals
bool opEquals(CyclicArray!(T, len) b)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opEquals
bool opEquals(T[n] b)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opEquals
bool opEquals(Range b)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opOpAssign
void opOpAssign(T rhs)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opOpAssign
void opOpAssign(T[n] rhs)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opOpAssign
void opOpAssign(CyclicArray!(T, n) rhs)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opOpAssign
void opOpAssign(Range rhs)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
@nogc array without memory management using a cyclic array internally Should be treated like a static array when no len is set (copies on assignment) The maximum capacity is static and by default so many elements that it fills at most 4KiB, but at least 8 elements (even if that is more than 4KiB). Set length to 0 to make it a std.container.Array based array