Construct from uncopyable element value.
Construct from copyable element value.
Construct from the element(s) of the dynamic array values.
Construct from the n number of element(s) in the static array values.
No default copying.
Insert the elements elements into the end of the array.
Is true if U can be assign to the element type T of this.
Get reference to back element.
Pop back element and return it.
Get reference to front element.
Move element at front.
Insert unmoveable value into the end of the array.
Insert the elements values into the end of the array.
Insert the elements elements into the end of the array.
Insert value into the end of the array.
Move value into the end of the array.
Move element at index to return.
Comparison for equality.
Index support.
Index assignment support.
Forwards to insertBack(values).
Slice support.
Slice assignment support.
Pop element at index.
Remove last value fromm the end of the array.
Rmove n last values from the end of the array.
Unsafe access to pointer.
Ensures sufficient capacity to accommodate for minimumCapacity number of elements. If minimumCapacity < capacity, this method does nothing.
Calculate D associative array (AA) key hash.
Construct a string representation of this at sink.
Get capacity.
Check if empty.
Get length.
Set length to newLength.
Emplace thatPtr with elements copied from elements.
Emplace thatPtr with elements moved from elements.
Construct from the elements values.
Construct using - initial length length, - and value of all elements elementValue.
Array type with deterministic control of memory. The memory allocated for the array is reclaimed as soon as possible; there is no reliance on the garbage collector. Array uses malloc, realloc and free for managing its own memory.
Use std.bitmanip.BitArray for array container storing boolean values.
TODO optimize by making members templates. 0.579s before, eval-dwim: 0.67s
TODO Add OutputRange.writer support as
TODO Use std.traits.areCopyCompatibleArrays