import std.algorithm.sorting : isSorted; import std.algorithm.iteration : permutations; import std.range : iota; import std.random : randomShuffle, Random; Random random; alias T = uint; const maxFullPermutationTestLength = 8; const maxTriedShufflings = 10_000; // maximum number of shufflings to try import std.meta : AliasSeq; foreach (less; AliasSeq!("a < b", "a > b")) { foreach (const n; 0 .. networkSortMaxLength + 1) { if (n > maxFullPermutationTestLength) // if number of elements is too large { foreach (x; 0 .. maxTriedShufflings) { import std.array : array; auto y = iota(0, n).array; y.randomShuffle(random); y.hybridSort!less; assert(y.isSorted!less); } } else { foreach (x; iota(0, n).permutations) { import std.array : array; auto y = x.array; y.hybridSort!less; assert(y.isSorted!less); } } } }
Hybrid sort r using networkSortUpTo if length of r is less-than-or-equal to networkSortMaxLength and std.algorithm.sorting.sort otherwise.