Construction from value.
Construction from sub-variant value.
Is true iff a T can be stored.
Assignment from that.
Assignment from sub-variant value.
Get zero-offset index as Ix of current variant type.
import std.meta : AliasSeq; alias SubType = WordVariant!(byte*, short*); alias SuperType = WordVariant!(bool*, byte*, short*, long*); byte* byteValue = cast(byte*)(0x11); short* shortValue = cast(short*)(0x22); SubType sub = byteValue; assert(sub.typeIndex == 1); assert(sub.peek!(byte*)); assert(*(sub.peek!(byte*)) == byteValue); SuperType sup = sub; assert(sup.typeIndex == 2); assert(sup.peek!(byte*)); assert(*(sup.peek!(byte*)) == byteValue); sub = shortValue; assert(sub.typeIndex == 2); assert(sub.peek!(short*)); assert(*(sub.peek!(short*)) == shortValue); sup = sub; assert(sup.typeIndex == 3); assert(sup.peek!(short*)); assert(*(sup.peek!(short*)) == shortValue);
1 import std.meta : AliasSeq; 2 3 alias Types = AliasSeq!(byte*, short*, int*, long*, 4 ubyte*, ushort*, uint*, ulong*, 5 float*, double*, real*, 6 char*, wchar*, dchar*); 7 8 alias V = WordVariant!Types; 9 V v; 10 11 try { assert(v.toString == "null"); } catch (Exception e) { } 12 13 assert(v.isNull); 14 v = null; 15 assert(v.isNull); 16 assert(!v); 17 18 foreach (Tp; Types) 19 { 20 alias T = typeof(*Tp.init); 21 22 static assert(!__traits(compiles, { T[] a; v = &a; })); 23 static assert(!__traits(compiles, { v.peek!(T[]*); })); 24 25 // assignment from stack pointer 26 T a = 73; 27 T a_ = 73; 28 29 v = &a; 30 assert(v); 31 assert(!v.isNull); 32 assert(v.typeIndex != 0); 33 assert(v.ofType!Tp); 34 35 assert(v == &a); 36 assert(v != &a_); 37 assert(v); 38 39 foreach (Up; Types) 40 { 41 alias U = typeof(*Up.init); 42 static if (is(T == U)) 43 { 44 assert(v.peek!Up); 45 assert(*(v.peek!Up) == &a); 46 assert(!Up == &a); 47 } 48 else 49 { 50 assert(!v.peek!Up); 51 } 52 } 53 54 // assignment from heap pointer 55 T* b = new T; 56 T* b_ = new T; 57 *b = 73; 58 *b_ = 73; 59 v = b; 60 assert(v == b); 61 assert(v != b_); 62 assert(v); 63 foreach (Up; Types) 64 { 65 alias U = typeof(*Up.init); 66 static if (is(T == U)) 67 { 68 assert(v.peek!Up); 69 assert(*(v.peek!Up) == b); 70 } 71 else 72 { 73 assert(!v.peek!Up); 74 } 75 } 76 77 }
A variant of Types packed into a word (size_t).
Suitable for use in tree-data containers, such as radix trees (tries), where hybrid value (sparsely packed sub-tree) and pointer (to dense sub-tree) packing of sub-nodes is needed.