Semantics of copy construction and copy assignment.
Array element ordering.
Is true iff ordering is sorted.
Return data appended with arguments args.
Return an instance of R with capacity capacity.
Return an instance of R containing a single element e.
Return an instance of R of length length.
Is true iff C is an instance of an Array container.
Array container(s) with optional sortedness via template-parameter Ordering and optional use of GC via useGCAllocation.
TODO UniqueArray!(const(E)) where E has indirections
TODO Support for constructing from r-value range (container) of non-copyable elements.
TODO Add some way to implement lazy sorting either for the whole array (via bool flag) or completeSort at a certain offset (extra member).
TODO Replace = void with construction or emplace
TODO Break out common logic into private DynamicArray and reuse with `alias this` to express StandardArray, SortedArray, SortedSetArray
TODO Use std.array.insertInPlace in insert()? TODO Use std.array.replaceInPlace?
TODO Use std.algorithm.mutation.move and std.range.primitives.moveAt when moving internal sub-slices
TODO Add c.insertAfter(r, x) where c is a collection, r is a range previously extracted from c, and x is a value convertible to collection's element type. See_Also:$2bis$
TODO replace qcmeman with std.experimental.allocator parameter defaulting to Mallocator
TODO use integer_sorting.radixSort when element type isSigned or isUnsigned and above or below a certain threshold calculated by my benchmarks
TODO Remove explicit moves when DMD std.algorithm.mutation.move calls these members for us (if they exist)