A destructor is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
1 const text = ";;a comment\n(instance AttrFn BinaryFunction);;another comment\0"; 2 auto _topExprs = LispParser(text); 3 assert(!_topExprs.empty); 4 5 assert(_topExprs.front.token.tok == TOK.symbol); 6 assert(_topExprs.front.token.src == `instance`); 7 8 assert(_topExprs.front.subs[0].token.tok == TOK.functionName); 9 assert(_topExprs.front.subs[0].token.src == "AttrFn"); 10 11 assert(_topExprs.front.subs[1].token.tok == TOK.symbol); 12 assert(_topExprs.front.subs[1].token.src == "BinaryFunction"); 13 14 _topExprs.popFront(); 15 assert(_topExprs.empty);
const text = ";;a comment\n(instance AttrFn BinaryFunction);;another comment\0"; auto _topExprs = LispParser(text); import std.conv : to; assert(_topExprs.front.to!string == `(instance AttrFn BinaryFunction)`); assert(!_topExprs.empty);
Parse the contents of filePath into lazy range over top-level expressions (SExpr).