Construct from source, which potentially needs GC-allocation (iff source.length > smallCapacity and source is not a string).
Construct from source of dchar
Get length.
Check if this is empty.
That this a hole, meaning a removed/erase value.
Check if this a hole, meaning a removed/erase value.
Check if this is null.
Check if this is a small ASCII string.
Get length.
Compare this with that.
Check if this is equal to rhs.
Check if this is equal to rhs.
Return the indexed char of this.
Return a slice to either the whole large or whole small string.
Return a slice at [i .. j] to either the internally stored large or small string.
Get hash of this, with extra fast computation for the small case.
Return this converted to a string, without any GC-allocation because this is immutable.
Return this converted to a string, which potentially needs GC-allocation (iff length > smallCapacity).$2icb$
TODO Use extra bits in Short.length for these special text encodings: - 5-bit lowercase English letter into 128/5 = 25 chars - 5-bit uppercase English letter into 120/5 = 25 chars - 6-bit mixedcase English letter into 120/6 = 20 chars
TODO Add to Phobos' std.typecons or std.array or std.string
Small-size-optimized (SSO) variant of string.
Storage is placed on the stack if the number of chars is less than smallCapacity, otherwise as a normal (large) string. The large string will be allocated on the GC-heap if the SSOString is constructed from a non-string (non-immutable char[]) parameter.
Because SSOString doesn't have a destructor it can safely allocate using a GC-backed region allocator without relying on a GC finalizer.
In order to mimic string/array/slice-behaviour, opCast returns false for SSOString() and true for SSOString(""). This requires SSOString() to default to a large string in which large pointer is set to null.
Big-endian platform support hasn't been verified.