module nxt.cpuid_ex;

    int getCacheSize(int cacheLevel)
        // Intel stores it's cache information in eax4, with ecx as index
        // The information received is as following:
        // ebx[31:22] = Ways of associativity
        // ebx[21:12] = Physical line partitions
        // ebx[11: 0] = Line size
        int[4] cpuInfo = 0;
            mov EAX, functionID;
            mov ECX, cacheLevl; // The index here is the cache level (0 = L1i, 1 = L1d, 2 = L2 etc.)
            mov cpuInfo, EAX;
            mov cpuInfo + 4, EBX;
            mov cpuInfo + 8, ECX;
            mov cpuInfo + 12, EDX;
        int ways = cpuInfo[1] & 0xffc00000; // This receives bit 22 to 31 from the ebx register
        ways >>= 22; // Bitshift it 22 bits to get the real value, since we started reading from bit 22
        int partitions = cpuInfo[1] & 0x7fe00; // This receives bit 12 to 22
        partitions >>= 12; // Same here, bitshift 12 bits
        int lineSize = cpuInfo[1] & 0x7ff; // This receives bit 0 to 11
        int sets = cpuInfo[2]; // The sets are the value of the ecx register
        // All of these values needs one appended to them to get the real value
        return (ways + 1) * (partitions + 1) * (lineSize + 1) * (sets + 1);