import std.range : iota; import std.algorithm.iteration : map, filter; import nxt.algorithm_ex : collect; alias E = int; alias V = E[]; immutable n = 1000; auto x = 0.iota(n).collect!V; assert([0, 1, 2].map!(_ => _^^2).collect!V.equal([0, 1, 4])); assert([0, 1, 2, 3].filter!(_ => _ & 1).collect!V.equal([1, 3]));
Collect/Gather the elements of r into a Container and return it.
TODO: Use std.container.util.make instead?: TODO: Rename container to output? TODO: Support Set-containers via insert aswell, or add alias put = insert to them? TODO: What about Appender? TODO: Rename from collect to gather.