check that bijectToUnsigned preserves orderness, that is is a bijection
import std.random : Random, uniform; auto gen = Random(); enum maxCount = 1e4; import std.algorithm : min; static int cmp(T)(T x, T y) => x < y ? -1 : x > y ? 1 : 0; foreach (T; AliasSeq!(ubyte, ushort, uint, ulong, byte, short, int, long)) { foreach (i; 0 .. min(maxCount, T.max - T.min)) { const x = uniform(T.min, T.max, gen); const y = uniform(T.min, T.max, gen); const expected = cmp(x, y); const result = cmp(x.bijectToUnsigned, y.bijectToUnsigned); assert(result == expected); } } foreach (T; AliasSeq!(float, double)) { foreach (i; 0 .. maxCount) { const T x = uniform(-1e20, +1e20, gen); const T y = uniform(-1e20, +1e20, gen); // import nxt.dbgio; // dbg(x, ",", y); const expected = cmp(x, y); const result = cmp(x.bijectToUnsigned, y.bijectToUnsigned); assert(result == expected); } }