1 /** Process and function execution directed acyclic graph (DAG).
2  *
3  * For background see Joe Armstrong's citation
4  * "A dependency is just a blob with an optional hash"
5  * at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKXe3HUG2l4&ab_channel=StrangeLoopConference.
6  *
7  * TODO/Questions:
8  *
9  * - Goal:
10  *   - Provisioning: Slim down the prov scripts as much as possible.
11  *     - TODO: Remove prov of Python (@fmecca)
12  *     - TODO: Replace Intel MKL with OpenBLAS and tag @fmecca as reviewer
13  *   - Building: Reliable multi-platform shared caching of build artifacts
14  *
15  * - Impl
16  *   - Try wrapping provision-win.sh child-scripts
17  *     in https://bazel.build/reference/be/shell. Investigate if
18  *     such Bazel-wrapping of scripts can be opt-in. I think it can.
19  *   - Use dub with recently added shared dub artifact cache
20  *     https://github.com/dlang/dub/pull/2542 via NFS (or perhaps redis).
21  *     TODO: Add SIL issue for adding such a shared cache and tag Martin and Atila.
22  *   - TODO: Ask Mathias Lang: Are there any more input states missing from the hash in dub on order to make more reliable?
23  *
24  * - Mental Model
25  *   - Plant a modern model in developers of what a build tool should be
26  *   - Are we using all that we are provisioning?
27  *   - DAG-model
28  *   - Extend the mental model of a pure function to a build action
29  *   - Bazel SkyLark
30  *   - Expose some automatation model to the developers
31  *   - Use seccomp to limit IO
32  *   - Safe in the sense that end-user cannot accidentally break a build dependency
33  *
34  * - Tools:
35  *   - A low-hanging fruit is be to be able to conveniently specify a dep as
36  *     URLs+hash in D. Where URLs are a set of mirrors for the same file.
37  *   - OverlayFS
38  *     - Transactional:
39  *       - Emulates writes over a read-only partition
40  *       - Commit or loose
41  *     - Cache artifacts on shared (NFS) storage
42  *   - sccache - Shared Compilation Cache: https://github.com/mozilla/sccache
43  *   - Read up on Bazel's and Buck's internals. See https://blog.mozilla.org/nfroyd/2019/10/28/evaluating-bazel-for-building-firefox-part-1/.
44  *
45  * - Be able to specify dependencies to source and object files inside zip files and repos
46  * - Discuss with fmecca how to enable actions to be pure via a
47  *   pure simulation layer of file-io; one solution is to make the Input and Outpu
48  *   only operate on mmapped files; read-only mapped for inputs and write-only
49  *   mapped for outputs.
50  * - Call actions through ptrace supervision and detect violations
51  * - Discuss and synthesize a (graph model) concepts:
52  *   - actions
53  *   - connection/link with input with output
54  *   - nodes:
55  *     - input:
56  *     - mids
57  *     - output:
58  * - Borrow concepts and constructs by Bazel's SkyLark language semantics
59  * - Integrate with https://code.dlang.org/packages/iopipe
60  *
61  * - Transactional IO API: mmap copy-on-write (CoW) implement a mirroring of a directory and
62  *   writing it out in one go.
63  *
64  * See_Also: https://bazel.build/
65  */
66 module nxt.iodag;
68 import std.digest.sha : SHA256;
69 import nxt.fs;
70 import mir.algebraic : Algebraic;
72 alias Hash = SHA256;				///< Default hash.
74 /** Untyped source of bytes.
75  *
76  * Currently cannot be `void[]` because of limitations of mir.algebraic.
77  */
78 alias Data = ubyte[];
80 /** Input.
81  */
82 struct In {
83 	Hash hash;					///< Mandatory hash.
84 	Algebraic!(Data, Path) src;	   ///< Source.
85 }
87 /// Output.
88 struct Out {
89 	Algebraic!(Data, Path) dst;	///< Destination.
90 }
92 @safe pure unittest {
93 	// TODO: auto y = sh(x);
94 }