1 module nxt.sso_open_hashset;
3 import nxt.container.hybrid_hashmap;
5 import nxt.nullable_traits : isNullable, isAddress;
6 import nxt.my_mallocator : Mallocator;
8 /** Small-Size-Optimized (SSO) `HybridHashSet`.
9  *
10  * TODO: search for `nullify`, `isNull`, `nullValue` and support deleted keys (`isDull`)
11  *
12  * TODO: use opPostMove to update `gc_addRange` and `gc_removeRange` when
13  * implemented. See: https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/pull/109
14  *
15  * See_Also: https://forum.dlang.org/post/pb87rn$2icb$1@digitalmars.com
16  */
17 struct SSOHybridHashSet(K, alias hasher = hashOf, alias Allocator = Mallocator.instance)
18 if (isNullable!K)
19 {
20     import nxt.qcmeman : gc_addRange, gc_removeRange;
22     import core.lifetime : emplace, move, moveEmplace;
23     import std.traits : isDynamicArray;
24     import core.internal.traits : hasElaborateDestructor;
25     import nxt.nullable_traits : defaultNullKeyConstantOf, isNull, nullify;
26     import nxt.bit_traits : isAllZeroBits;
28     alias InsertionStatus = Large.InsertionStatus;
30     @safe:
32     static if (!large.hasAddressLikeKey &&
33                (__traits(hasMember, K, `nullValue`) && // if key has a null value
34                 __traits(compiles, { enum _ = isAllZeroBits!(K, K.nullValue); }) && // prevent strange error given when `K` is `knet.data.Data`
35                 !isAllZeroBits!(K, K.nullValue)))
36     {
37         pragma(msg, "TODO: warning key type ", K, " has non-zero-bit init value, default construction should be disabled or Small._store should be set to init value");
38     }
39     // TODO: @disable this();
41     static typeof(this) withCapacity()(size_t minimumCapacity) @trusted /* template-lazy */
42     {
43         typeof(return) result;                   // TODO: `result = void` for nullify case
44         if (minimumCapacity > Small.maxCapacity) // will be large
45             result.large = Large.withCapacity(minimumCapacity);
46         else                    // small
47         {
48             static if (Large.hasAddressLikeKey ||
49                        (__traits(hasMember, K, `nullValue`) && // if key has a null value
50                         __traits(compiles, { enum _ = isAllZeroBits!(K, K.nullValue); }) && // prevent strange error given when `K` is `knet.data.Data`
51                         isAllZeroBits!(K, K.nullValue))) // check that it's zero bits only
52             {
53                 // nothing needed
54             }
55             else                // needs explicit null
56                 static foreach (immutable index; 0 .. small.maxCapacity)
57                     result.small._store[index].nullify();
59             result.small._capacityDummy = 2; // tag as small
60         }
61         return result;
62     }
64     ~this() nothrow @trusted @nogc
65     {
66         if (isLarge)
67         {
68             static if (hasElaborateDestructor!Large)
69                 .destroy(large);
70         }
71         else
72         {
73             static if (hasElaborateDestructor!K)
74                 static assert(0, "Destroy non-null elements");
75         }
76     }
78     @disable this(this);
80     @property size_t capacity() const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc
81     {
82         version(D_Coverage) {} else pragma(inline, true);
83         return small._capacityDummy;
84     }
86     @property size_t length() const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc
87     {
88         version(LDC) pragma(inline, true);
89         if (isLarge)
90             return large.length;
91 		import std.algorithm.searching : count;
92 		return small._store[].count!(bin => Large.isOccupiedBin(bin));
93     }
95     InsertionStatus insert(K key) @trusted
96     {
97         if (isLarge)
98             return large.insert(key);
99         else
100         {
101             assert(!key.isNull);
103             // try inserting into small
104             foreach (immutable index; 0 .. small.maxCapacity) // TODO: benchmark with `static foreach`
105             {
106                 if (small._store[index].isNull) // free slot
107                 {
108                     move(key, small._store[index]);
109                     return InsertionStatus.added;
110                 }
111             }
113             // not hit
114             expandWithExtraCapacity(1);
115             assert(isLarge);
116             return large.insert(key);
117         }
118     }
120     bool remove()(const scope K key) @trusted /* template-lazy */
121     {
122         assert(!key.isNull);
123         if (isLarge)
124         {
125             const hit = large.remove(key);
126             if (large.length <= small.maxCapacity)
127                 shrinkLargeToSmall();
128             return hit;
129         }
130         else
131         {
132             foreach (immutable index; 0 .. small.maxCapacity) // TODO: benchmark with `static foreach`
133             {
134                 if (small._store[index] is key)
135                 {
136                     small._store[index].nullify(); // don't need holes for small array
137                     return true;
138                 }
139             }
140             return false;
141         }
142     }
144     private void shrinkLargeToSmall()() @trusted /* template-lazy */
145     {
146         Large largeCopy = void;
147         moveEmplace(large, largeCopy); // TODO: no need to reset `large`
149         size_t count = 0;
150         foreach (ref e; largeCopy.rawStore)
151         {
152             if (e.isNull) { continue; }
153             static if (Large.hasAddressLikeKey)
154                 if (Large.isHoleKeyConstant(e))
155 					continue;
156             moveEmplace(e, small._store[count]);
157             count += 1;
158         }
160         foreach (immutable index; count .. small.maxCapacity)
161         {
162             static if (hasElaborateDestructor!K)
163                 emplace(&small._store[index]); // reset
164             small._store[index].nullify();
165         }
166     }
168     /** Check if `element` is stored.
169         Returns: `true` if element is present, `false` otherwise.
170     */
171     bool contains(const scope K key) const @trusted /* template-lazy */ // `auto ref` here makes things slow
172     in(!key.isNull)
173     {
174         if (isLarge)
175             return large.contains(key);
176         static if (Large.hasAddressLikeKey)
177 			assert(!Large.isHoleKeyConstant(key));
178         // TODO: is static foreach faster here?
179         import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
180         alias pred = (a, b) => a is b;            // TODO: add to template
181         return small._store[].canFind!(pred)(key);
182     }
184     private void expandWithExtraCapacity(size_t extraCapacity) @trusted
185     {
186         Small.Bins binsCopy = small._store; // TODO: moveEmplace
187         // TODO: merge these lines?
188         emplace!Large(&large);
189         large.reserveExtra(Small.maxCapacity + extraCapacity);
190         large.insertN(binsCopy);
191     }
193     /// Get bin count.
194     @property size_t binCount() const @trusted
195     {
196         pragma(inline, true)
197         if (isLarge)
198             return large.binCount;
199         return small.maxCapacity;
200     }
202     @property private scope inout(K)[] bins() inout @trusted return
203     {
204         version(D_Coverage) {} else pragma(inline, true);
205         if (isLarge)
206             return large.rawStore;
207         return small._store[];
208     }
210 private:
211     bool isLarge() const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc
212     {
213         version(D_Coverage) {} else pragma(inline, true);
214         return small._capacityDummy > Small.maxCapacity;
215     }
217     /// Returns: `true` if `this` currently uses small (packed) array storage.
218     bool isSmall() const pure nothrow @trusted @nogc { return !isLarge; }
220     union
221     {
222         alias Large = HybridHashSet!(K, hasher);
223         Large large;
224         static struct Small
225         {
226             /* discriminator between large and small storage; must be placed at
227              * exactly here (maps to position of `large._store.length`) and
228              * always contain `maxCapacity` when this is small */
229             size_t _capacityDummy;
230             enum maxCapacity = (large.sizeof - _capacityDummy.sizeof)/K.sizeof;
231             static assert(maxCapacity, "Cannot fit a single element in a Small");
232             alias Bins = K[maxCapacity];
233             Bins _store;
234         }
235         Small small;
236     };
237 }
239 /** L-value element reference (and in turn range iterator).
240  */
241 static private struct LvalueElementRef(Table)
242 {
243     import std.traits : isMutable;
244     debug static assert(isMutable!Table, "Table type should always be mutable");
246     private Table* _table;      // scoped access
247     private size_t _binIndex;   // index to bin inside `table`
248     private size_t _hitCounter; // counter over number of elements popped (needed for length)
250     this(Table* table) @trusted
251     {
252         version(D_Coverage) {} else pragma(inline, true);
253         this._table = table;
254         // static if (Table.isBorrowChecked)
255         // {
256         //     debug
257         //     {
258         //         _table.incBorrowCount();
259         //     }
260         // }
261     }
263     ~this() nothrow @trusted @nogc
264     {
265         version(D_Coverage) {} else pragma(inline, true);
266         // static if (Table.isBorrowChecked)
267         // {
268         //     debug
269         //     {
270         //         _table.decBorrowCount();
271         //     }
272         // }
273     }
275     this(this) @trusted
276     {
277         version(D_Coverage) {} else pragma(inline, true);
278         // static if (Table.isBorrowChecked)
279         // {
280         //     debug
281         //     {
282         //         assert(_table._borrowCount != 0);
283         //         _table.incBorrowCount();
284         //     }
285         // }
286     }
288     /// Check if empty.
289     bool empty() const @property @safe pure nothrow @nogc
290     {
291         version(D_Coverage) {} else pragma(inline, true);
292         return _binIndex == _table.binCount;
293     }
295     /// Get number of element left to pop.
296     @property size_t length() const @safe pure nothrow @nogc
297     {
298         version(D_Coverage) {} else pragma(inline, true);
299         return _table.length - _hitCounter;
300     }
302     @property typeof(this) save() // ForwardRange
303     {
304         version(D_Coverage) {} else pragma(inline, true);
305         return this;
306     }
308     void popFront()
309     {
310         version(LDC) pragma(inline, true);
311         assert(!empty);
312         _binIndex += 1;
313         findNextNonEmptyBin();
314         _hitCounter += 1;
315     }
317     private void findNextNonEmptyBin()
318     {
319         version(D_Coverage) {} else pragma(inline, true);
320         while (_binIndex != (*_table).binCount &&
321                !Table.Large.isOccupiedBin(_table.bins[_binIndex]))
322             _binIndex += 1;
323     }
324 }
326 /// Range over elements of l-value instance of this.
327 static private struct ByLvalueElement(Table)
328 {
329 pragma(inline, true):
330     import std.traits : isMutable;
331     static if (isAddress!(Table.Large.ElementType)) // for reference types
332     {
333         /// Get reference to front element.
334         @property scope Table.Large.ElementType front()() return @trusted
335         {
336             // cast to head-const for class key
337             return (cast(typeof(return))_table.bins[_binIndex]);
338         }
339     }
340     else
341     {
342         /// Get reference to front element.
343         @property scope auto ref front() return @trusted
344         {
345             return *(cast(const(Table.ElementType)*)&_table._store[_binIndex]); // propagate constnes
346         }
347     }
348     import core.internal.traits : Unqual;
349     // unqual to reduce number of instantations of `LvalueElementRef`
350     public LvalueElementRef!(Unqual!Table) _elementRef;
351     alias _elementRef this;
352 }
354 /** Returns: range that iterates through the elements of `c` in undefined order.
355  */
356 auto byElement(Table)(auto ref return Table c) @trusted
357     if (is(Table == SSOHybridHashSet!(_), _...))
358 {
359     import core.internal.traits : Unqual;
360     alias M = Unqual!Table;
361     alias C = const(Table);        // be const for now
362     static if (__traits(isRef, c)) // `c` is an l-value and must be borrowed
363         auto result = ByLvalueElement!C((LvalueElementRef!(M)(cast(M*)&c)));
364     else                        // `c` was is an r-value and can be moved
365         static assert(0, "R-value parameter not supported");
366     result.findNextNonEmptyBin();
367     return result;
368 }
369 alias range = byElement;        // EMSI-container naming
371 /// start small and expand to large
372 @safe pure nothrow unittest
373 {
374     import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
375     import nxt.digestx.fnv : FNV;
376     import nxt.array_help : s;
378     // construct small
379     alias X = SSOHybridHashSet!(K, FNV!(64, true));
380     static assert(X.sizeof == 24);
381     auto x = X.withCapacity(X.small.maxCapacity);
382     assert(x.isSmall);
383     assert(x.capacity == X.small.maxCapacity);
384     assert(x.length == 0);
386     auto k42 = new K(42);
387     auto k43 = new K(43);
388     auto k44 = new K(44);
390     // insert first into small
392     assert(!x.contains(k42));
394     assert(x.insert(k42) == x.InsertionStatus.added);
395     assert(x.contains(k42));
397     assert(x.remove(k42));
398     assert(!x.contains(k42));
400     assert(x.insert(k42) == x.InsertionStatus.added);
401     assert(x.contains(k42));
403     assert(x.byElement.equal!((a, b) => a is b)([k42].s[]));
404     assert(x.isSmall);
405     assert(x.length == 1);
407     // insert second into small
409     assert(!x.contains(k43));
411     assert(x.insert(k43) == x.InsertionStatus.added);
412     assert(x.contains(k42));
413     assert(x.contains(k43));
415     assert(x.remove(k43));
416     assert(x.remove(k42));
417     assert(!x.contains(k43));
418     assert(!x.contains(k42));
420     assert(x.insert(k43) == x.InsertionStatus.added);
421     assert(x.insert(k42) == x.InsertionStatus.added);
423     assert(x.byElement.equal!((a, b) => a is b)([k43, k42].s[]));
424     assert(x.isSmall);
425     assert(x.length == 2);
427     // expanding insert third into large
429     assert(!x.contains(k44));
430     assert(x.insert(k44) == x.InsertionStatus.added);
431     // unordered store so equal doesn't work anymore
432     assert(x.contains(k42));
433     assert(x.contains(k43));
434     assert(x.contains(k44));
435     foreach (ref e; x.byElement)
436     {
437         static assert(is(typeof(e) == K));
438         assert(x.contains(e));
439     }
440     assert(x.isLarge);
441     assert(x.length == 3);
443     // shrinking remove third into small
444     assert(x.remove(k44));
445     assert(!x.contains(k44));
446     assert(x.isSmall);
447     assert(x.length == 2);
448     assert(x.byElement.equal!((a, b) => a is b)([k43, k42].s[]));
449     // auto xr = x.byElement;
450     // assert(xr.front.value == 43);
451     // assert(xr.front is k43);
452     // xr.popFront();
453     // assert(xr.front.value == 42);
454     // assert(xr.front is k42);
455     // xr.popFront();
456     // assert(xr.empty);
458     const cx = X.withCapacity(X.small.maxCapacity);
459     foreach (ref e; cx.byElement)
460         static assert(is(typeof(e) == K)); // head-const because of `is`-equality
461 }
463 /// start large
464 @safe pure nothrow unittest
465 {
466     import nxt.digestx.fnv : FNV;
467     alias X = SSOHybridHashSet!(K, FNV!(64, true));
468     import nxt.container.traits : mustAddGCRange;
469     static assert(mustAddGCRange!K);
470     static assert(mustAddGCRange!X);
471     auto x = X.withCapacity(3);
472     assert(x.isLarge);
473     assert(x.capacity == 4);    // nextPow2(3)
474     assert(x.length == 0);
475     assert(x.insert(new K(42)) == x.InsertionStatus.added);
476     assert(x.length == 1);
477     assert(x.insert(new K(43)) == x.InsertionStatus.added);
478     assert(x.length == 2);
479 }
481 version(unittest)
482 {
483     class K
484     {
485         this(uint value) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
486         {
487             this.value = value;
488         }
489         uint value;
490     }
491 }