1 /** Various extensions to std.traits.
3     Copyright: Per Nordlöw 2018-.
4     License: $(WEB boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
5     Authors: $(WEB Per Nordlöw)
7     See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/jbyixfbuefvdlttnyclu@forum.dlang.org#post-mailman.2199.1353742037.5162.digitalmars-d-learn:40puremagic.com
8     See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/post/rjrdgmijsmvvsbpinidz@forum.dlang.org
9 */
10 module nxt.traits_ex;
12 import std.traits: isArray, ParameterTypeTuple, isStaticArray, isDynamicArray, isSomeChar, isSomeString, isExpressions, isIntegral, isSigned, isUnsigned, isAssignable, isIterable;
13 import std.meta : allSatisfy;
14 import std.range: ElementType, isForwardRange, isRandomAccessRange, isInputRange, isBidirectionalRange, isOutputRange;
16 /** Returns: `true` iff $(D ptr) is handled by D's garbage collector (GC).
17  */
18 bool isGCPointer(T)(const T* ptr)
19     @trusted nothrow @nogc
20 {
21     import core.memory : GC;
22     return cast(bool)GC.addrOf(ptr);
23 }
25 ///
26 @system nothrow unittest
27 {
28     int s;
29     int* sp = &s;
30     assert(!sp.isGCPointer);
31     int* ip = new int;
32     assert(ip.isGCPointer);
33 }
35 /** Returns: `true` iff all values `V` are the same.
36  *
37  * See_Also: https://forum.dlang.org/post/lnsreapgttmdeuscsupp@forum.dlang.org
38  */
39 template allSameIterative(V...)
40 {
41     static if (V.length <= 1)
42         enum allSameIterative = true;
43     else
44     {
45         static foreach (Vi; V[1 .. $])
46             static if (is(typeof(allSameIterative) == void) && // not yet defined
47                        !isSame!(V[0], Vi))
48                 enum allSameIterative = false;
49         static if (is(typeof(allSameIterative) == void)) // if not yet defined
50             enum allSameIterative = true;
51     }
52 }
54 ///
55 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
56 {
57     static assert( allSameIterative!());
58     static assert( allSameIterative!(42));
59     static assert( allSameIterative!(42, 42));
60     static assert( allSameIterative!(42, 42, 42));
61     static assert(!allSameIterative!(42, 43, 42));
63     static assert( allSameIterative!(int));
64     static assert( allSameIterative!(int, int));
65     static assert( allSameIterative!(int, int, int));
66     static assert(!allSameIterative!(int, byte, int));
67 }
69 alias allSame = allSameIterative; // default to iterative variant for now
70 alias isHomogeneousType = allSame;
71 enum isHomogeneousTuple(T) = isHomogeneousType!(T.Types);
73 ///
74 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
75 {
76     static assert(isHomogeneousTuple!(Tuple!(int, int, int)));
77     static assert(isHomogeneousTuple!(Tuple!(float, float, float)));
78     static assert(!isHomogeneousTuple!(Tuple!(int, float, double)));
79 }
81 enum isHomogeneousTupleOf(T, E) = (isHomogeneousType!(T) &&
82                                    is(T.Types[0] == E));
84 ///
85 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
86 {
87     static assert(isHomogeneousTupleOf!(Tuple!(int, int, int), int));
88     static assert(isHomogeneousTupleOf!(Tuple!(float, float, float), float));
89     static assert(!isHomogeneousTupleOf!(Tuple!(float, float, float), int));
90 }
92 /**
93    Returns $(D true) if at least one type in the $(D Tuple T)
94    is not the same as the others.
95 */
96 enum isHeterogeneous(T) = !isHomogeneousType!T;
98 template allSameTypeIterative(V...)
99 // TODO: restrict `V` to types only
100 {
101     static if (V.length >= 2)
102         static foreach (Vi; V[1 .. $])
103             static if (is(typeof(allSameTypeIterative) == void) && // not yet defined
104                        !is(V[0] == Vi)) // 10% faster than `!isSame(V[0], Vi)`
105                 enum allSameTypeIterative = false;
106     static if (is(typeof(allSameTypeIterative) == void)) // if not yet defined
107         enum allSameTypeIterative = true;
108 }
109 alias allSameType = allSameTypeIterative;
111 ///
112 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
113 {
114     static assert( allSameTypeIterative!(int));
115     static assert( allSameTypeIterative!(int, int));
117     static assert( allSameTypeIterative!(int, int, int));
118     static assert(!allSameTypeIterative!(int, byte, int));
120     static assert( allSameTypeIterative!(int, int, int, int));
121     static assert(!allSameTypeIterative!(int, byte, int, byte));
123     static assert(!allSameTypeIterative!(int, const(int)));
124     static assert(!allSameTypeIterative!(byte, const(int)));
125 }
127 /** Returns: `true` iff all values `V` are the same.
129     Same as NoDuplicates!V.length == 1
131     See_Also: https://forum.dlang.org/post/ptnzlhnkuetijhgrgumd@forum.dlang.org
132     See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/post/iflpslqgrixdjwrlqqvn@forum.dlang.org
133     See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/post/mheumktihihfsxxxapff@forum.dlang.org
134 */
135 template allSameRecursive(V...)
136 if (isExpressions!V)
137 {
138     static if (V.length <= 1)
139         enum allSameRecursive = true;
140     else static if (V.length & 1) // odd count
141         enum allSameRecursive = (V[0] == V[$ - 1] && // first equals last
142                                  V[0 .. $/2] == V[$/2 .. $-1] && // (first half) equals (second half minus last element)
143                                  allSameRecursive!(V[0 .. $/2]));
144     else                        // event count
145         enum allSameRecursive = (V[0 .. $/2] == V[$/2 .. $] && // (first half) equals (second half)
146                                  allSameRecursive!(V[0 .. $/2]));
147 }
149 ///
150 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
151 {
152     static assert( allSameRecursive!());
153     static assert( allSameRecursive!(42));
154     static assert( allSameRecursive!(42, 42));
155     static assert( allSameRecursive!(42, 42, 42));
156     static assert(!allSameRecursive!(42, 43, 42));
157 }
159 template allSameTypeHybrid(V...)
160 // TODO: restrict `V` to types only
161 {
162     static if (V.length >= 8)
163     {
164         static if (V.length <= 1)
165             enum allSameTypeHybrid = true;
166         else static if (V.length == 2)
167             enum allSameTypeHybrid = is(V[0] == V[1]);
168         static if (V.length & 1) // odd count
169             enum allSameTypeHybrid = (is(V[0] == V[$ - 1]) && // first equals last
170                                       is(V[0 .. $/2] == V[$/2 .. $-1]) && // (first half) equals (second half minus last element)
171                                       allSameTypeHybrid!(V[0 .. $/2]));
172         else                        // even count
173             enum allSameTypeHybrid = (is(V[0 .. $/2] == V[$/2 .. $]) && // (first half) equals (second half)
174                                       allSameTypeHybrid!(V[0 .. $/2]));
175     }
176     else
177         enum allSameTypeHybrid = allSameTypeIterative!(V);
178 }
180 ///
181 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
182 {
183     static assert(allSameTypeHybrid!());
184     static assert(allSameTypeHybrid!(int));
185     static assert(allSameTypeHybrid!(int, int));
186     static assert(!allSameTypeHybrid!(int, double));
187     static assert(!allSameTypeHybrid!(int, int, double));
188     static assert(allSameTypeHybrid!(Tuple!(int, int, int).Types, int));
190     static assert(!allSameTypeHybrid!(int, const(int)));
191     static assert(!allSameTypeHybrid!(byte, const(int)));
192 }
194 /** Variant of `allSameTypeRecursive`.
195  */
196 template allSameTypeRecursive2(V...)
197     if (isExpressions!(V))
198 {
199     static if (V.length <= 1)
200         enum allSameTypeRecursive2 = true;
201     else
202         enum allSameTypeRecursive2 = (V[0] == V[1] &&
203                                       allSameTypeRecursive2!(V[1..$]));
204 }
206 ///
207 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
208 {
209     static assert(allSameTypeRecursive2!());
210     static assert(allSameTypeRecursive2!(42));
211     static assert(!allSameTypeRecursive2!(41, 42));
212     static assert(allSameTypeRecursive2!(42, 42, 42));
213 }
215 /** Returns: `true` iff all types `T` are the same.
216  */
217 template allSameTypeRecursive(V...)
218 // TODO: restrict `V` to types only
219 {
220     static if (V.length <= 1)
221         enum allSameTypeRecursive = true;
222     else static if (V.length & 1) // odd count
223         enum allSameTypeRecursive = (is(V[0] == V[$ - 1]) && // first equals last
224                                      is(V[0 .. $/2] == V[$/2 .. $-1]) && // (first half) equals (second half minus last element)
225                                      allSameTypeRecursive!(V[0 .. $/2]));
226     else                        // even count
227         enum allSameTypeRecursive = (is(V[0 .. $/2] == V[$/2 .. $]) && // (first half) equals (second half)
228                                      allSameTypeRecursive!(V[0 .. $/2]));
229 }
231 ///
232 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
233 {
234     static assert(allSameTypeRecursive!());
235     static assert(allSameTypeRecursive!(int));
236     static assert(allSameTypeRecursive!(int, int));
237     static assert(!allSameTypeRecursive!(int, double));
238     static assert(!allSameTypeRecursive!(int, int, double));
239     static assert(allSameTypeRecursive!(Tuple!(int, int, int).Types, int));
241     static assert(!allSameTypeRecursive!(int, const(int)));
242     static assert(!allSameTypeRecursive!(byte, const(int)));
243 }
245 /** Returns: `true` iff all types `T` are the same. */
246 enum allSameType_alternative(T...) = (!T.length ||
247                                       (is(T[0] == T[T.length > 1]) &&
248                                        allSameType1!(T[1 .. $])));
251 import std.typecons : isTuple;
253 /**
254    Returns $(D true) if all types in the $(D Tuple T) are the same.
255    TODO: Remove when this is merged: https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/3395
256    See_Also: https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos/pull/1672/files
257 */
258 template allSameTypesInTuple(T)
259     if (isTuple!T)
260 {
261     alias types = T.Types;
262     static if (types.length > 0)
263     {
264         template isSameTypeAsHead(U)
265         {
266             enum isSameTypeAsHead = is(U == types[0]);
267         }
268         import std.meta : allSatisfy;
269         enum allSameTypesInTuple = allSatisfy!(isSameTypeAsHead, types);
270     }
271     else
272         enum allSameTypesInTuple = true;
273 }
275 ///
276 @safe pure nothrow unittest
277 {
278     alias HOTUP = Tuple!(int, int, int);
279     static assert(allSameTypesInTuple!HOTUP);
281     const HOTUP hotup = HOTUP(1, 2, 3);
282     static assert(allSameTypesInTuple!(typeof(hotup)));
284     alias HETUP = Tuple!(string, bool, float);
285     static assert(!allSameTypesInTuple!(HETUP));
287     const HETUP hetup = HETUP("test", false, 2.345);
288     static assert(!allSameTypesInTuple!(typeof(hetup)));
290     alias ZTUP = Tuple!();
291     static assert(allSameTypesInTuple!ZTUP);
293     const ZTUP ztup = ZTUP();
294     static assert(allSameTypesInTuple!(typeof(ztup)));
295 }
297 /** Returns: tuple `tup` as a dynamic array.
298  */
299 auto asDynamicArray(T)(inout T tup)
300     if (allSameTypeRecursive!(T.Types))
301 {
302     alias E = T.Types[0];
303     E[] a = new E[T.length];
304     a.length = T.length;
305     foreach (const i, e; tup)
306         a[i] = e;
307     return a;
308 }
310 ///
311 pure nothrow unittest
312 {
313     import std.typecons: tuple;
314     auto tup = tuple("a", "b", "c", "d");
315     string[4] arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
316     assert(tup.asDynamicArray() == arr);
317 }
319 /** Is `true` if `R` is iterable over references to its elements.
320  *
321  * Typically used to iterate over ranges with uncopyable elements.
322  *
323  * TODO: Add to Phobos.
324  */
325 enum bool isRefIterable(T) = is(typeof({ foreach (ref elem; T.init) {} }));
327 /// Useful aliases for combinations of range predicates.
328 enum isIterableOf(R, E) = isIterable!R && is(ElementType!R == E);
329 enum isIterableOfUnqual(R, E) = isIterable!R && is(Unqual!(ElementType!R) == Unqual!E);
330 enum isIterableOfSomeString(R) = (isIterable!R && isSomeString!(ElementType!R));
332 ///
333 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
334 {
335     alias E = string;
336     alias I = int;
337     alias R = typeof(["a", "b"]);
338     static assert(isIterableOf!(R, E));
339     static assert(isIterableOfUnqual!(R, const(E)));
340     static assert(isIterableOfSomeString!(R));
341     static assert(!isIterableOf!(R, I));
342 }
344 // TODO: use this instead?
345 version(none) private template isInputRangeOf(R, E)
346 {
347     import std.range.primitives: isInputRange, ElementType;
348     import std.traits: Unqual;
349     enum isInputRangeOf = isInputRange!R && is(Unqual!(ElementType!R) == E);
350 }
352 /// Useful aliases for combinations of range predicates.
353 enum isRandomAccessRangeOf(R, E) = isRandomAccessRange!R && is(ElementType!R == E);
354 enum isForwardRangeOf(R, E) = isForwardRange!R && is(ElementType!R == E);
355 enum isInputRangeOf(R, E) = isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R == E);
357 enum isInputRangeOfUnqual(R, E) = (isInputRange!R &&
358                                    is(Unqual!(ElementType!R) == E));
360 enum isBidirectionalRangeOf(R, E) = isBidirectionalRange!R && is(ElementType!R == E);
361 enum isOutputRangeOf(R, E) = isOutputRange!R && is(ElementType!R == E);
362 enum isArrayOf(R, E) = isArray!R && is(ElementType!R == E);
363 enum isArrayOfSomeString(R) = isArray!R && isSomeString!(ElementType!R);
365 enum isSourceAssignableTo(R, E) = (isInputRange!R &&
366                                    isAssignable!(E, ElementType!R));
368 ///
369 @safe pure unittest
370 {
371     static assert(isSomeString!(string));
372     static assert(isSomeString!(const string));
374     static assert(isSomeString!(const(char)[]));
375     static assert(isSomeString!(const char[]));
376 }
378 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
379 {
380     alias R = typeof(["a", "b"]);
381     static assert(isArrayOf!(R, string));
382     static assert(isArrayOfSomeString!(R));
383 }
385 enum isSource(R) = isInputRange!(R);
386 enum isRange(R) = isInputRange!(R);
388 enum isSourceOf(R, E) = isInputRangeOf!(R, E);
389 enum isSourceOfUnqual(R, E) = isInputRangeOfUnqual!(R, E);
390 enum isSink(R) = isOutputRange!(R);
391 enum isSinkOf(R, E) = isOutputRangeOf!(R, E);
393 enum isSourceOfSomeChar(R) = (isSource!R &&
394                               isSomeChar!(ElementType!R));
395 alias isSomeLazyString = isSourceOfSomeChar;
397 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
398 {
399     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
400     foreach (Ch; AliasSeq!(char, wchar, dchar))
401     {
402         assert(isSourceOfSomeChar!(Ch[]));
403         assert(isSourceOfSomeChar!(const(Ch)[]));
404         assert(isSourceOfSomeChar!(immutable(Ch)[]));
405     }
406 }
408 enum isSourceOfSomeString(R) = (isSource!R && isSomeString!(ElementType!R));
409 alias isSomeStringSource = isSourceOfSomeString;
411 import std.functional: unaryFun, binaryFun;
413 /* TODO: Do we need use of unaryFun and binaryFun here? */
414 alias isEven = unaryFun!(a => (a & 1) == 0); // Limit to Integers?
415 alias isOdd = unaryFun!(a => (a & 1) == 1); // Limit to Integers?
416 alias lessThan = binaryFun!((a, b) => a < b);
417 alias greaterThan = binaryFun!((a, b) => a > b);
419 /** Check if `T` has an even length. */
420 enum hasEvenLength(T...) = !(T.length & 1);
421 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
422 {
423     static assert(!hasEvenLength!(1));
424     static assert(hasEvenLength!(1, 2));
425     static assert(!hasEvenLength!(1, 2, 3));
426     static assert(hasEvenLength!(1, 2, 3, 4));
427 }
429 enum isSignedIntegral(T) = isIntegral!T && isSigned!T;
430 enum isUnsignedIntegral(T) = isIntegral!T && isUnsigned!T;
432 enum isString (T) = is(T == string);
433 enum isWString(T) = is(T == wstring);
434 enum isDString(T) = is(T == dstring);
436 enum isEnum(T) = is(T == enum);
437 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
438 {
439     interface I {}
440     class A {}
441     class B( T ) {}
442     class C : B!int, I {}
443     struct S {}
444     enum E { X }
445     static assert(!isEnum!A );
446     static assert(!isEnum!( B!int ) );
447     static assert(!isEnum!C );
448     static assert(!isEnum!I );
449     static assert(isEnum!E );
450     static assert(!isEnum!int );
451     static assert(!isEnum!( int* ) );
452 }
454 /* See_Also: http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4427 */
455 enum isStruct(T) = is(T == struct);
456 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
457 {
458     interface I {}
459     class A {}
460     class B( T ) {}
461     class C : B!int, I {}
462     struct S {}
463     static assert(!isStruct!A );
464     static assert(!isStruct!( B!int ) );
465     static assert(!isStruct!C );
466     static assert(!isStruct!I );
467     static assert(isStruct!S );
468     static assert(!isStruct!int );
469     static assert(!isStruct!( int* ) );
470 }
472 enum isClass(T) = is(T == class);
473 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
474 {
475     interface I {}
476     class A {}
477     class B( T ) {}
478     class C : B!int, I {}
479     struct S {}
480     static assert(isClass!A );
481     static assert(isClass!( B!int ) );
482     static assert(isClass!C );
483     static assert(!isClass!I );
484     static assert(!isClass!S );
485     static assert(!isClass!int );
486     static assert(!isClass!( int* ) );
487 }
489 enum isInterface(T) = is(T == interface);
490 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
491 {
492     interface I {}
493     class A {}
494     class B( T ) {}
495     class C : B!int, I {}
496     struct S {}
497     static assert(!isInterface!A );
498     static assert(!isInterface!( B!int ) );
499     static assert(!isInterface!C );
500     static assert(isInterface!I );
501     static assert(!isInterface!S );
502     static assert(!isInterface!int );
503     static assert(!isInterface!( int* ) );
504 }
506 template isType(T)       { enum isType = true; }
507 template isType(alias T) { enum isType = false; }
509 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
510 {
511     struct S { alias int foo; }
512     static assert(isType!int );
513     static assert(isType!float );
514     static assert(isType!string );
515     //static assert(isType!S ); // Bugzilla 4431
516     static assert(isType!( S.foo ) );
517     static assert(!isType!4 );
518     static assert(!isType!"Hello world!" );
519 }
521 enum nameOf(alias a) = a.stringof;
522 ///
523 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
524 {
525     int var;
526     static assert(nameOf!var == var.stringof);
527 }
529 /** Is $(D ElementType) of type of $(D a). */
530 alias ElementTypeOf(alias a) = ElementType!(typeof(a));
531 ///
532 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
533 {
534     int[] var;
535     static assert(is(ElementTypeOf!var == int));
536 }
538 template Chainable()
539 {
540     import std.range: chain;
541     auto ref opCast(Range)(Range r)
542     {
543         return chain(this, r);
544     }
545 }
546 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { mixin Chainable; }
548 /** Returns true if `T` is an instance of the template `S`.
549     See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/mailman.2901.1316118301.14074.digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com#post-zzdpfhsgfdgpszdbgbbt:40forum.dlang.org
550 */
551 template isA(alias S, T)
552 {
553     import std.traits : isInstanceOf;
554     enum isA = isInstanceOf!(S, T);
555 }
557 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
558 {
559     import std.traits : isInstanceOf;
560     import std.range : SortedRange, assumeSorted;
561     const x = [1, 2, 3].s[].assumeSorted;
562     static assert(isInstanceOf!(SortedRange, typeof(x)));
563     static assert(isA!(SortedRange, typeof(x)));
564 }
566 /** See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/bug-6384-3@http.d.puremagic.com/issues/
567     See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/jrqiiicmtpenzokfxvlz@forum.dlang.org */
568 enum isOpBinary(T, string op, U) = is(typeof(mixin("T.init" ~ op ~ "U.init")));
570 enum isComparable(T) = is(typeof({ return T.init <  T.init; })); /// TODO: Move to Phobos' std.traits
571 enum isEquable   (T) = is(typeof({ return T.init == T.init; })); /// TODO: Move to Phobos' std.traits
572 enum isNotEquable(T) = is(typeof({ return T.init != T.init; })); /// TODO: Move to Phobos' std.traits
574 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
575 {
576     static assert(isComparable!int);
577     static assert(isComparable!string);
578     static assert(!isComparable!creal);
579     static struct Foo {}
580     static assert(!isComparable!Foo);
581     static struct Bar { bool opCmp(Bar) { return true; } }
582     static assert(isComparable!Bar);
583 }
585 // TODO:  variadic
586 enum areComparable(T, U) = is(typeof({ return T.init <  U.init; })); /// TODO: Move to Phobos' std.traits
587 enum areEquable   (T, U) = is(typeof({ return T.init == U.init; })); /// TODO: Move to Phobos' std.traits
588 enum areNotEquable(T, U) = is(typeof({ return T.init != U.init; })); /// TODO: Move to Phobos' std.traits
590 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
591 {
592     static assert(areComparable!(int, float));
593     static assert(areEquable!(int, float));
594     static assert(areNotEquable!(int, float));
596     static assert(!areComparable!(int, string));
597     static assert(!areEquable!(int, string));
598     static assert(!areNotEquable!(int, string));
599 }
601 enum isValueType(T) = !hasIndirections!T;
602 // enum isValueType(T) = isScalarType!T || isStaticArray!T || isStruct!T;
603 enum hasValueSemantics(T) = !hasIndirections!T; // TODO: merge with isValueType
605 enum isReferenceType(T) = hasIndirections!T;
607 enum arityMin0(alias fun) = __traits(compiles, fun());
609 /** TODO: Unite into a variadic.
610     See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/bfjwbhkyehcloqcjzxck@forum.dlang.org#post-atjmewbffdzeixrviyoa:40forum.dlang.org
611 */
612 enum isCallableWith(alias fun, T) = (is(typeof(fun(T.init))) ||
613                                      is(typeof(T.init.fun))); // TODO: Are both these needed?
614 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
615 {
616     auto sqr(T)(T x) { return x*x; }
617     assert(isCallableWith!(sqr, int));
618     assert(!isCallableWith!(sqr, string));
619 }
621 /* TODO: Unite into a variadic.
622    See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/bfjwbhkyehcloqcjzxck@forum.dlang.org#post-atjmewbffdzeixrviyoa:40forum.dlang.org
623  */
624 enum isCallableWith(alias fun, T, U) = (is(typeof(fun(T.init,
625                                                       U.init))) ||
626                                         is(typeof(T.init.fun(U)))); // TODO: Are both these needed?
627 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
628 {
629     auto sqr2(T)(T x, T y) { return x*x + y*y; }
630     assert(isCallableWith!(sqr2, int, int));
631     assert(!isCallableWith!(sqr2, int, string));
632 }
634 /** Check if `T` is a Sorted Range.
635     See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/lt1g3q$15fe$1@digitalmars.com
636 */
637 template isSortedRange(T)
638 {
639     import std.traits : isInstanceOf;
640     import std.range: SortedRange;
641     enum isSortedRange = isInstanceOf!(SortedRange, T); // TODO: Or use: __traits(isSame, TemplateOf!R, SortedRange)
642 }
644 /** Check if Function $(D expr) is callable at compile-time.
645     See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/owlwzvidwwpsrelpkbok@forum.dlang.org
646 */
647 template isCTFEable(alias fun)
648 {
649     template isCTFEable_aux(alias T)
650     {
651         enum isCTFEable_aux = T;
652     }
653     enum isCTFEable = __traits(compiles, isCTFEable_aux!(fun()));
654 }
656 template isCTFEable2(fun...)
657 {
658     enum isCTFEable2 = true;
659 }
661 @safe pure nothrow unittest
662 {
663     int fun1() { return 1; }
664     auto fun1_N()
665     {
666         import std.array;
667 //would return Error: gc_malloc cannot be interpreted at compile time,
668         /* because it has no available source code due to a bug */
669             return [1].array;
670     }
671     int fun2(int x)
672     {
673         return 1;
674     }
675     auto fun2_N(int x){
676         import std.array;
677 //same as fun1_N
678         return [1].array;
679     }
681     int a1;
682     enum a2=0;
684     static assert(!isCTFEable!(()=>a1));
685     static assert(isCTFEable!(()=>a2));
687     static assert(isCTFEable!fun1);
688     /* static assert(!isCTFEable!fun1_N); */
690     static assert(isCTFEable!(()=>fun2(0)));
691     /* static assert(!isCTFEable!(()=>fun2_N(0))); */
692 //NOTE:an alternate syntax which could be implemented would be: static
693     /* assert(!isCTFEable!(fun2_N,0)); */
694 }
696 /** Check if the value of $(D expr) is known at compile-time.
697     See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/owlwzvidwwpsrelpkbok@forum.dlang.org
698 */
699 enum isCTEable(alias expr) = __traits(compiles, { enum id = expr; });
701 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
702 {
703     static assert(isCTEable!11);
704     enum x = 11;
705     static assert(isCTEable!x);
706     auto y = 11;
707     static assert(!isCTEable!y);
708 }
710 import std.traits: hasFunctionAttributes, isCallable, ParameterTypeTuple, Unqual;
712 /** Returns $(D true) if `T` is not $(D const) or $(D immutable).
713     Note that isConst is true for string, or immutable(char)[], because the
714     'head' is mutable.
715 */
716 import std.traits : isMutable;
717 enum isConst(T) = !isMutable!T;
719 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
720 {
721     static assert(isConst!(const(int)));
722     static assert(!isConst!int);
723 }
725 import std.traits : CommonType;
727 /// Is `true` iff `Types` all share a common type.
728 enum bool haveCommonType(Types...) = !is(CommonType!Types == void);
730 ///
731 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
732 {
733     static assert(haveCommonType!(bool, int, long));
734     static assert(!haveCommonType!(bool, int, string));
735 }
737 /** Check if $(D fun) is a pure function. */
738 enum bool isPure(alias fun) = hasFunctionAttributes!(fun, `pure`);
740 /** Check if $(D fun) is a function purely callable with arguments T. */
741 enum bool isPurelyCallableWith(alias fun, T...) = (isPure!fun &&
742                                                    is(T == ParameterTypeTuple!fun));
744 ///
745 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
746 {
747     static int foo(int x) @safe pure nothrow { return x; }
748     static assert(isPure!foo);
749     static assert(isPurelyCallableWith!(foo, int));
750 }
752 /** Check if $(D fun) is a @nogc function.
753     See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/dyumjfmxmstpgyxbozry@forum.dlang.org
754 */
755 enum bool isNogc(alias fun) = hasFunctionAttributes!(fun, `@nogc`);
757 ///
758 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
759 {
760     static int foo(int x) @nogc pure nothrow;
761     static int goo(int x) pure nothrow;
762     static assert(isNogc!foo);
763     static assert(!isNogc!goo);
764 }
766 /** Persistently Call Function $(D fun) with arguments $(D args).
768     Hash Id Build-Timestamp (Code-Id because we currently have stable way of hashing-algorithms) is Constructed from Data Structure:
769     - Hierarchically Mangled Unqual!typeof(instance)
770     - Use msgpack in combination with sha1Of or only sha1Of (with extended
771     overloads for sha1Of) if available.
773     Extend std.functional : memoize to accept pure functions that takes an
774     immutable mmap as input. Create wrapper that converts file to immutable mmap
775     and performs memoization on the pure function.
777 */
778 auto persistentlyMemoizedCall(alias fun, T...)(T args)
779     if (isPure!fun &&
780         isCallable!(fun, args))
781 {
782     import std.functional: memoize;
783     return fun(args);
784 }
786 /** Move std.uni.newLine?
787     TODO: What to do with Windows style endings?
788     See_Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline
789 */
790 bool isNewline(C)(C c) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
791     if (isSomeChar!C)
792 {
793     import std.ascii: newline; // TODO: Probably not useful.
794     static if (newline == "\n")
795         return (c == '\n' || c == '\r'); // optimized for systems with \n as default
796     else static if (newline == "\r")
797         return (c == '\r' || c == '\n'); // optimized for systems with \r as default
798     else
799         static assert(0, "Support Windows?");
800 }
802 bool isNewline(S)(S s) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
803     if (isSomeString!S)
804 {
805     import std.ascii: newline; // TODO: Probably not useful.
806     static if (newline == "\n")
807         return (s == '\n' || s == '\r'); // optimized for systems with \n as default
808     else static if (newline == "\r")
809         return (s == '\r' || s == '\n'); // optimized for systems with \r as default
810     else static if (newline == "\r\n")
811         return (s == "\r\n" || s == '\r' || s == '\n'); // optimized for systems with \r\n as default
812     else static if (newline == "\n\r")
813         return (s == "\n\r" || s == '\r' || s == '\n'); // optimized for systems with \n\r as default
814     else
815         static assert(0, "Support windows?");
816 }
818 /** Dynamic variant of $(D EnumMembers) returning enum member constants
819  * (enumerators) of `T`.
820  *
821  * See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/bspwlfypfishykezzocx@forum.dlang.org#post-dguqnroxbfewerepomwq:40forum.dlang.org
822  */
823 T[] enumMembersAsEnumerators(T)()
824 if (is(T == enum))
825 {
826     import std.array : Appender;
827     Appender!(T[]) members; // TODO: use static array instead
828     enum maxLength = T.max - T.min + 1; // possibly overestimate of final length needed
829     members.reserve(maxLength);
830     foreach (const member; __traits(allMembers, T))
831         members.put(__traits(getMember, T, member));
832     return members.data[];
833 }
835 /** Dynamic Variant of $(D EnumMembers) excluding the enumerator aliases.
836  *
837  * See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/post/ziappmtvucmuefphblse@forum.dlang.org
838  * See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/post/awihyvzjswwayeqtklly@forum.dlang.org
839  * See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/bspwlfypfishykezzocx@forum.dlang.org#post-dguqnroxbfewerepomwq:40forum.dlang.org
840  * See_Also: https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10951
841  */
842 auto uniqueEnumMembers(T)() @trusted
843 if (is(T == enum))
844 {
845     import std.array : Appender;
846     Appender!(T[]) uniqueMembers;
847     enum maxLength = T.max - T.min + 1; // possibly overestimate of final length
848     uniqueMembers.reserve(maxLength);
849     enum maxBitCount = ((maxLength / (8*size_t.sizeof)) +
850                         (maxLength % (8*size_t.sizeof) ? 1 : 0));
851     size_t[maxBitCount] uniqueBits; // dense set representation of enumerators
852     foreach (const member; __traits(allMembers, T))
853     {
854         const memberEnumerator = __traits(getMember, T, member);
855         const member_ = cast(size_t)memberEnumerator;
856         import core.bitop : bt, bts;
857         if (!bt(&uniqueBits[0], member_))
858         {
859             uniqueMembers.put(memberEnumerator);
860             bts(&uniqueBits[0], member_);
861         }
862     }
863     return uniqueMembers.data[];
864 }
866 ///
867 @safe pure nothrow /*@nogc*/ unittest
868 {
869     enum E { x, y, z, Z = z, Y = y }
870     import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
871     assert(enumMembersAsEnumerators!E.equal([E.x, E.y, E.z, E.Z, E.Y])); // run-time
872     assert(uniqueEnumMembers!E.equal([E.x, E.y, E.z])); // run-time
873     // static assert(uniqueEnumMembers!E.equal([E.x, E.y, E.z])); // compile-time
874     static assert(E.x == 0);
875     static assert(E.y == 1);
876     static assert(E.z == 2);
877     static assert(E.Z == E.z);
878     static assert(E.Y == E.y);
879 }
881 enum sizeOf(T) = T.sizeof;      // TODO: Add to Phobos
882 template sizesOf(T...)          // TODO: Add to Phobos
883 {
884     import std.meta : staticMap;
885     enum sizesOf = staticMap!(sizeOf, T);
886 }
888 ///
889 @safe pure nothrow unittest
890 {
891     enum sizes = sizesOf!(bool, short, int, long);
893     // static use
894     static assert(sizes[0] == 1);
895     static assert(sizes[1] == 2);
896     static assert(sizes[2] == 4);
897     static assert(sizes[3] == 8);
899     // dynamic use
900     const i = 0;
901     assert([sizes][i] == 1);
902 }
904 enum stringOf(T) = T.stringof;  // TODO: Add to Phobos
905 template stringsOf(T...)        // TODO: Add to Phobos
906 {
907     import std.meta : staticMap;
908     enum stringsOf = staticMap!(stringOf, T);
909 }
911 ///
912 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
913 {
914     enum strings = stringsOf!(bool, short, int, long);
915 }
917 /** Get Dimensionality of Type `T`.
918    See_Also: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/hiuhqdxtpifhzwebewjh@forum.dlang.org?page=2
919 */
921 template dimensionality (T)
922 {
923     import std.range.primitives : isInputRange;
924     template count_dim (uint i = 0)
925     {
926         static if (is(typeof(T.init.opSlice!i(0, 0))))
927             enum count_dim = count_dim!(i+1);
928         else static if (i == 0 &&
929                         (isInputRange!T ||
930                          is(typeof(T.init[0]))))
931             enum count_dim = 1;
932         else
933             enum count_dim = i;
934     }
935     alias dimensionality = count_dim!();
936 }
938 ///
939 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
940 {
941     static assert(dimensionality!(int[]) == 1);
942 }
944 /// Rank of type `T`.
945 template rank(T)
946 {
947     import std.range.primitives : isInputRange;
948     static if (isInputRange!T) // is T a range?
949         enum rank = 1 + rank!(ElementType!T); // if yes, recurse
950     else
951         enum rank = 0; // base case, stop there
952 }
954 ///
955 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
956 {
957     import std.range : cycle;
959     auto c = cycle([[0,1].s[],
960                     [2,3].s[]].s[]); // == [[0,1],[2,3],[0,1],[2,3],[0,1]...
962     assert(rank!(typeof(c)) == 2); // range of ranges
964     static assert(rank!(int[]) == 1);
965     static assert(rank!(int[][]) == 2);
966 }
968 /// Returns: `true` iff `T` is a template instance, `false` otherwise.
969 template isTemplateInstance(T)
970 {
971     import std.traits : TemplateOf;
972     enum isTemplateInstance = is(typeof(TemplateOf!(T)));
973 }
975 ///
976 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
977 {
978     struct S(T) { T x; }
979     static assert(isTemplateInstance!(S!int));
980     static assert(!isTemplateInstance!(int));
981 }
983 /** Get identifier (name) string of template instance `I`, or `null` if `I` is
984     not a template instance. */
985 template templateIdentifierOf(I)
986 {
987     import std.traits : TemplateOf;
988     static if (isTemplateInstance!I)
989         enum templateIdentifierOf = __traits(identifier, TemplateOf!I);
990     else
991         enum templateIdentifierOf = null;
992 }
993 alias templateNameOf = templateIdentifierOf;
995 ///
996 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
997 {
998     struct S(T) { T x; }
999     static assert(templateIdentifierOf!(S!int) == "S");
1000     static assert(templateIdentifierOf!(int) == null);
1001 }
1003 /** Get entropy in number of bits of `T`. */
1004 template EntropyBitsOf(T)
1005 {
1006     import std.traits : isAggregateType, isArray;
1007     static if (isAggregateType!T)
1008     {
1009         // foreach (memberName; __traits(allMembers, T)) // for each member name in `struct TypedKey`
1010         // {
1011         //     const member = __traits(getMember, T.init, memberName); // member
1012         // }
1013         enum EntropyBitsOf = 8*T.sizeof;
1014     }
1015     else
1016         enum EntropyBitsOf = 8*T.sizeof;
1017 }
1019 ///
1020 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
1021 {
1022     static assert(EntropyBitsOf!int == 8*int.sizeof);
1023 }
1025 /** Is `true` if `sym` is an l-value, `false` otherwise.
1026  *
1027  * See_Also: https://forum.dlang.org/post/mailman.4192.1454351296.22025.digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com
1028  *
1029  * TODO: Add to Phobos
1030  */
1031 enum isLvalue(alias sym) = is(typeof((ref _){}(sym)));
1033 ///
1034 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
1035 {
1036     int i;
1037     string s;
1038     static assert(isLvalue!i);
1039     static assert(isLvalue!s);
1040     // static assert(!isLvalue!13);
1041     // static assert(!isLvalue!"a");
1042 }
1044 template ownsItsElements(C)
1045 {
1046     import std.traits : hasIndirections;
1047     import std.range.primitives : ElementType;
1048     enum ownsItsElements = !__traits(isCopyable, C) && !hasIndirections!(ElementType!C);
1049 }
1051 /** Copied from private definition in Phobos' std.meta.
1052  */
1053 private template isSame(ab...)
1054     if (ab.length == 2)
1055 {
1056     static if (__traits(compiles, expectType!(ab[0]),
1057                                   expectType!(ab[1])))
1058         enum isSame = is(ab[0] == ab[1]);
1059     else static if (!__traits(compiles, expectType!(ab[0])) &&
1060                     !__traits(compiles, expectType!(ab[1])) &&
1061                      __traits(compiles, expectBool!(ab[0] == ab[1])))
1062     {
1063         static if (!__traits(compiles, &ab[0]) ||
1064                    !__traits(compiles, &ab[1]))
1065             enum isSame = (ab[0] == ab[1]);
1066         else
1067             enum isSame = __traits(isSame, ab[0], ab[1]);
1068     }
1069     else
1070         enum isSame = __traits(isSame, ab[0], ab[1]);
1071 }
1072 private template expectType(T) {}
1073 private template expectBool(bool b) {}
1075 template allSatisfyIterative(alias F, T...)
1076 {
1077     static foreach (Ti; T)
1078         static if (is(typeof(allSatisfyIterative) == void) && // not yet defined
1079                    !F!(Ti))
1080             enum allSatisfyIterative = false;
1081     static if (is(typeof(allSatisfyIterative) == void)) // if not yet defined
1082         enum allSatisfyIterative = true;
1083 }
1085 ///
1086 @safe unittest
1087 {
1088     import std.traits : isIntegral;
1090     static assert( allSatisfyIterative!(isIntegral));
1091     static assert( allSatisfyIterative!(isIntegral, int));
1092     static assert(!allSatisfyIterative!(isIntegral, int, double));
1093     static assert( allSatisfyIterative!(isIntegral, int, long));
1094     static assert(!allSatisfyIterative!(isIntegral, string));
1095 }
1097 template anySatisfyIterative(alias F, T...)
1098 {
1099     static foreach (Ti; T)
1100     {
1101         static if (is(typeof(anySatisfyIterative) == void) && // not yet defined
1102                    F!(Ti))
1103         {
1104             enum anySatisfyIterative = true;
1105         }
1106     }
1107     static if (is(typeof(anySatisfyIterative) == void)) // if not yet defined
1108     {
1109         enum anySatisfyIterative = false;
1110     }
1111 }
1113 ///
1114 @safe unittest
1115 {
1116     import std.traits : isIntegral;
1118     static assert(!anySatisfyIterative!(isIntegral));
1119     static assert( anySatisfyIterative!(isIntegral, int));
1120     static assert(!anySatisfyIterative!(isIntegral, string, double));
1121     static assert( anySatisfyIterative!(isIntegral, int, double));
1122     static assert( anySatisfyIterative!(isIntegral, int, string));
1123 }
1125 version(unittest)
1126 {
1127     import std.typecons : Tuple;
1128     import nxt.array_help : s;
1129 }
1131 /** Is `true` iff `T` has a property member non-function named `name`. */
1132 template hasPropertyFunction(T, string name)
1133 {
1134     static if (__traits(hasMember, T, name))
1135         enum hasPropertyFunction = (!is(typeof(__traits(getMember, T, name)) == function) &&
1136                                     __traits(getOverloads, T, name).length);
1137     else
1138         enum hasPropertyFunction = false;
1139 }
1141 ///
1142 unittest
1143 {
1144     struct S
1145     {
1146         int m;
1147         static int sm;
1149         void f() {}
1150         static void sf() {}
1152         @property int rp() { return m; }
1153         @property void wp(int) {}
1154     }
1156     static assert(hasPropertyFunction!(S, "rp"));
1157     static assert(hasPropertyFunction!(S, "wp"));
1159     static assert(!hasPropertyFunction!(S, "na"));
1160     static assert(!hasPropertyFunction!(S, "m"));
1161     static assert(!hasPropertyFunction!(S, "sm"));
1162     static assert(!hasPropertyFunction!(S, "f"));
1163     static assert(!hasPropertyFunction!(S, "sf"));
1164 }
1166 /** Is `true` if `T.name` is a manifest constant, built-in type field, or
1167  * immutable static.
1168  */
1169 template isManifestAssignable(T, string name)
1170 {
1171     enum isManifestAssignable = is(typeof({ enum x = mixin("T." ~ name); }));
1172 }
1174 ///
1175 unittest
1176 {
1177     struct A
1178     {
1179         int m;
1180         static immutable int sim = 1;
1181         enum e = 1;
1182     }
1183     static assert(!isManifestAssignable!(A*, "na"));
1184     static assert(!isManifestAssignable!(A, "na"));
1185     static assert(!isManifestAssignable!(A, "m"));
1186     static assert(isManifestAssignable!(A, "e"));
1187     static assert(isManifestAssignable!(A, "sim"));
1188 }
1190 /** Tells you if a name is a read and/or write property
1191  *
1192  * Returns: `Tuple!(bool, "isRead", bool, "isWrite")`
1193  */
1194 auto propertySemantics(T, string name)()
1195     if (hasPropertyFunction!(T, name))
1196 {
1197     import std.typecons : tuple;
1199     enum overloads = __traits(getOverloads, T, name).length;
1200     enum canInstantiateAsField = is(typeof(mixin("T.init." ~ name)));
1202     static if (overloads > 1 || canInstantiateAsField)
1203         enum canRead = true;
1204     else
1205         enum canRead = false;
1206     static if (overloads > 1 || !canInstantiateAsField)
1207         enum canWrite = true;
1208     else
1209         enum canWrite = false;
1211     return tuple!("canRead", "canWrite")(canRead, canWrite);
1212 }
1214 ///
1215 unittest
1216 {
1217     import std.typecons;
1219     struct S
1220     {
1221         int m;
1222         @property int rp()
1223         {
1224             return m;
1225         }
1227         @property void wp(int)
1228         {
1229         }
1231         @property int rwp()
1232         {
1233             return m;
1234         }
1236         @property void rwp(int)
1237         {
1238         }
1239     }
1241     static assert(!__traits(compiles, propertySemantics!(S, "na")));
1242     static assert(!__traits(compiles, propertySemantics!(S, "m")));
1244     static assert(propertySemantics!(S, "rp") == tuple!("canRead", "canWrite")(true, false));
1245     static assert(propertySemantics!(S, "wp") == tuple!("canRead", "canWrite")(false, true));
1246     static assert(propertySemantics!(S, "rwp") == tuple!("canRead", "canWrite")(true, true));
1247 }
1249 /** Is `true` iff the postblit of `T` is disabled (`@disable this(this)`).
1250  *
1251  * See_Also: https://forum.dlang.org/post/dkohvpbmakbdbhnmnmbg@forum.dlang.org
1252  */
1253 template hasDisabledPostblit(T)
1254 {
1255     static if (__traits(hasMember, T, "__postblit"))
1256         enum hasDisabledPostblit = __traits(isDisabled, T.__postblit);
1257     else
1258         enum hasDisabledPostblit = false;
1259 }
1261 ///
1262 @safe pure unittest
1263 {
1264     static struct S
1265     {
1266         @disable this(this);
1267     }
1268     static assert(!hasDisabledPostblit!int);
1269     static assert( hasDisabledPostblit!S);
1270 }
1272 template isSubclassOf(Class, BaseClass)
1273 {
1274     import std.traits : BaseClassesTuple;
1275     alias BaseClasses = BaseClassesTuple!Class;
1276     import std.meta : staticIndexOf;
1277     enum isSubclassOf = staticIndexOf!(BaseClass, BaseClasses) != -1;
1278 }
1280 ///
1281 @safe pure unittest
1282 {
1283     class X {}
1284     class Y : X {}
1286     static assert(!isSubclassOf!(X, Y));
1287     static assert( isSubclassOf!(X, Object));
1289     static assert( isSubclassOf!(Y, X));
1290     static assert( isSubclassOf!(Y, Object));
1291 }
1293 /** Is `true` iff F are all
1294  *
1295  * See_Also: https://forum.dlang.org/post/p9orut$2h4$1@digitalmars.com
1296  */
1297 bool isStronglyPure(alias F)()
1298 {
1299     import std.traits : Parameters, ParameterDefaults;
1300 	import std.algorithm : canFind;
1301     static if (!__traits(getFunctionAttributes, F).canFind("pure")) // TODO: use staticIndexOf
1302         return false;
1303     enum length = ParameterDefaults!F.length;
1304     alias P = Parameters!F;
1305     static foreach (i; 0 .. length)
1306     {
1307         immutable c = __traits(getParameterStorageClasses, F, i);
1308         /* Why does this print:
1309            const(int) int true (d-dmd-all)
1310            const(int) int true (d-dmd-all)
1311            const(int) int true (d-dmd-all)
1312            ?
1313          */
1314         // pragma(msg, __FILE__, "(", __LINE__, ",1): Debug: ", const(P[i]).stringof, " ", P[i].stringof, " ", is(P[i] == const(P[i])));
1315         // pragma(msg, __FILE__, "(", __LINE__, ",1): Debug: ", is(int == const(int)));
1316         if (c.canFind("ref", "out") && // TODO: use staticIndexOf
1317             is(const(P[i]) == P[i]))
1318             return false;
1319     }
1320     return true;
1321 }
1323 unittest
1324 {
1325     static int f(int x) pure { return x + 1; }
1326     static int g(ref int x) pure { return x + 1; }
1327     static int gc(const ref int x) pure { return x + 1; }
1328     static int gi(immutable ref int x) pure { return x + 1; }
1329     static void h(out int x) pure { x = 0; }
1330     static assert(isStronglyPure!f);
1331     static assert(!isStronglyPure!g);
1332     static assert(!isStronglyPure!h);
1333     // TODO: static assert(isStronglyPure!gc);
1334     // TODO: static assert(isStronglyPure!gi);
1335 }